Friends 6

Íàäÿ Áèððó
Vasily perked up:

- Yes, I teach at our MIET, and I like it. Curious students, pretty girls. Sometimes they ask such interesting questions! Answering questions is my favorite part of the lecture. Well, also seminars, when they work hard, and I rest. Yes, the girls are pretty, but... everything is too simple with them, for the current ones, and the scale is not the same. And I am carried away by hard-to-reach goals. Well, why would a master of sports go to the top three, tell me?

- And I have given up with mountaineering, there is no time now. Sometimes I travel only as a doctor or an accompanying person. One misses this atmosphere, but there is no time for training.

- And Marina? I heard that she continues with this seriously.

- Well, yes, she cannot live without mountains! They call her with such force that it is unthinkable for a poor soul to resist the power. It’s not the same with me, but I understand her here very well... Why are you grinning?

- The cyclical nature of our conversation. Whatever we talk about, the destination is always here.

- Hmmm yeah... My scientific interests have also undergone changes in view of this phenomenon. I began to study the nature of color and its effect on the psyche. You can not only heal with color, but also do many more interesting things. Marina's latest works have a lot of purple. Purple is the color of mystery as well as cleansing suffering.

- Oh, so is she suffers with you?

- And... can you give an example of non-suffering artists? In our dual world, suffering is the another side of bliss. In fact, at their peak, these extremes converge.

- How difficult it is to communicate with someone like you - you have an answer for everything! Why don't you meditate for a while, at least for decency.

- Is it difficult for you? And she likes it. But you're wrong, I can explain very, very little. But unlike you, I do not set myself unattainable goals... You see, the constant search for a partner is evidence of immaturity. You stopped, and I am very happy about that, which means that you have matured. I was originally looking for other aspect...

- And found it?

- Yes, I did.

- No, I did! It was me who found her!

- You found the opportunity, and I made it a reality. She had to learn a lot from the beginning, as a child, but the main thing - the ability to love and the need for love, and not for something replacing it - was already in her. I just explained to her the meaning of her search...

If you look closely: why the same thing is sometimes called lust, then - love or even conjugal duties? Because in the second case, a man, bringing his chosen one into the world, thereby says: I take this woman for myself for my whole life, I pledge to take care of her and she will take care of me. Of all the women in the world, I choose this one. You all are my witnesses in this. And when they don't marry, but just live, the subtext is completely different: I like being with her here and now, and then I don't know. The difference is in varying degrees of responsibility, depth of feelings, seriousness of intentions. Have you ever thought about what would happen next? I hear in your words: "I wanted her", and then?

- Then? No, I didn’t think... And I couldn’t even think, donkey, understand it, finally!

- I understand, I understand, calm down... and she understood - subconsciously. But she also wanted this "then". And to get it, she had to become inaccessible to you. And she, unconsciously, did everything for this: she attracted me, brought you to Katya.

- Why?!

- To get what she wanted the most - love forever.

“She got it,” Vasily said in a whisper, shocked.

"From Eternal Point of View" novel