Reengineering Organizations

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Obviously, an individual can be genuinely happy only in a genuinely happy environment. Everyone lives in a certain community; consequently, every community (village, city, province, etc.) must be transformed into a genuinely happy one (currently there is no such thing as a genuinely happy community – not even close).

Most individuals work for organizations – businesses, government entities, non-profits, etc. Consequently, every organization must be transformed into a genuinely happy one – the one that makes all of its stakeholders genuinely happy. Its employees, clients, suppliers, partners, etc.

In other words, satisfies their genuine aggregate needs – financial, functional, emotional and spiritual – by creating the necessary amount of aggregate value for them.

Currently there is no such thing as a genuinely happy organization – not even close. Primarily because just about every organization operates at 10% of its maximum productivity (if that).

Therefore, all Western organizations must be radically – and ruthlessly – reengineered and transformed into highly productive and genuinely happy ones.