Chapter eighteen. Meeting with my father

Валерий Вишневский
The next day, when Kolya woke up, he no longer felt the oppressive state of uncertainty that had tormented him the day before. Now the plan of action was clear and understandable, in addition, a huge advantage was that there was no need to hide anything from Ira, and the others did not really ask about his inner feelings.
"We must go to Ignat's in the evening," he said to Irina.
- Good,- she answered, without asking unnecessary questions.
The lessons flew by unnoticed, and after lunch, consisting of borscht with pampushki according to Kuzma's signature recipe, meat and compote, the children went behind the eastern wall of the castle...
Ira and Arina at the meeting stretched out their hands to each other and reconciled,
which Kolya was incredibly happy about.
All three of them apparated to the forester's hut. In the windows of the house, as usual, the light was burning, invitingly radiating warmth and calm.
The children went to the door and knocked.
There was a scuffle in the hall, then the owner of the hut appeared, as usual, happy.
- And this is you! Come in, come in, we've been waiting for a long time!- and he opened the doors to us.
The children went inside, and saw Mitrofan sitting at the table, who was serious and thoughtful.
Kolya was not at all happy to meet him, because it had been almost a month since they had seen each other for the last time,
Arina, in turn, looked at Mitrofan with all her eyes, her face was flooded with blush and it was not surprising -she saw her father for the first time in her life and did not know how to behave.
Mitrofan got up, went to the children, got down and hugged first all three of them, and then each one separately.
He looked at Arina carefully and said:
- I'm glad that we met, it's a pity that under such circumstances, but nevertheless I'm very happy that I see you, daughter!
Kolya saw how tears of happiness rolled into his sister's blue eyes ...
Mitrofan led the children and sat them down at the table,
Ignat immediately placed plates of food for everyone, and the shaman began
the story:
- Those events happened a long time ago, we were young and ambitious, I read in the legends that my children would gain power over amulets, and I transgressed to implement an extremely dangerous plan, however, I thought that you would be able to master the amulets at the end of training, and I would have time to tell you everything, but it so happened that you learned everything at the very beginning of the path, and now you will have to improve a lot...
At the time when we hid the amulets, there were many of us, we called ourselves the Order of Guardians, besides your mother and me, it included several teachers of the school: in particular, the twin sisters, Zinaida Tikhonovna and others, today I will visit old friends, we need to decide what to do next to protect you.

-And how can evil sorcerers find out that we have amulets?
- Most likely, they already know, because they will feel the change in the energy balance, and they will start looking for its cause, sooner or later, but this will lead them to the idea that the talismans have awakened.
- Oh, hey!- Ira grimaced.
- You have no idea how right you are, - said Mitrofan, - but we have no other way... We need to convene the Order. Ignat, can you arrange this?
- Of course, you offend, I'll rush to the castle and back, - at that moment he disappeared.
-Whatever happens, if possible, do not tell anyone about your new opportunities, only you three should keep this secret among the students!
- Let me, there are four of us, - said the Badger from under the table, purring deep and eating the treat.
- There are four of us, - said Kolya, - you forgot about the Badger!
"I'm sorry," my father said with a smile, " I've already heard about his heroic fight with a werewolf bear!
- I'm very flattered!- the leopard purred.
- I meant not to inform the surrounding students, because this will lead to gossip, gossip, and as a result, information may leak ahead of time where it should not.
Vasilisa and Elvira Petrovna appeared in the room with a bang, followed by Zinoida Tikhonovna, the teacher of plants and Lazar Solomonovich.
Ignat appeared behind them:
- It seems that everyone is gathered, except for the healer, but I will not drag him here, then I will get to him myself and tell him everything.
- I assume, Mitrofan, we are gathered here for a reason?!- Lazar Solomonovich began, - I greet you young people!
- Yes, you are absolutely right, - said the shaman, - once twenty years ago I told you about a prophecy, and now it is beginning to come true...
- This can't be!- said Zinaida Tikhonovna and looked with interest at the children...
Vasilisa Petrovna silently pointed to the artifacts:
- I'm afraid, my dear Zinaida, we are all entering the era of military operations, and this should be treated as a historical fact...
- I have gathered you all, because it is time for everyone to fulfill their destiny! The battle with the messengers of darkness is inevitable, it is in our power to prepare children for the fight that they will have!
- Good! We will all speedily engage in their education, "Vasilisa Petrovna said,"
I'm afraid you will have a very busy year of training, but we have no chance of making a mistake. So, already tonight I am waiting for all four of you...
- Four?!- Ira was surprised.
"I'm sure neither you nor Barsik would want to stay away, wouldn't you?"
- You're asking! Of course, I'm in business!!!- said the cat.I'm all for any mess, except for a hunger strike! Ira also nodded.
- So tonight at nine at my place! Mitrofan was glad to see him,- she kissed him on the cheek and disappeared, the others also left the room after saying goodbye.
- It is in your best interests to master everything that they will try to teach you, - said the shaman, - we have very little time, so we will work in a very intensive schedule.
The children nodded.
- And now it's time for you, because at nine in the evening you have your first lesson, and Ignat and I will have a cup of tea and discuss some nuances.
- Well, - said the friends and saying goodbye, they apparated to the castle wall, they could have done it inside, but there was a chance of being noticed, which would have raised too many questions. Having reached the rooms and had dinner, by nine in the evening all four, including the cat, gathered at the door of Vasilisa Petrovna's office.