The Mind Exodus Pyramid

Геннадий Жеребилов
If human at the sunrise of humanity, by the standards of the animal world, looked like a degenerate animal, a flawed creation, doomed to destruction in the interspecies struggle, then now, in order not to launch a self-fulfilling fake forecast about "inevitable sunset of humanity", we should not become hostages of views from the coming Era of Robotics & AI on human as an uncompleted robot, who is doomed to becomes "a looser" if he will be not stuffed with microchips, because natural human is not able to compete as worker with robotics and AI.
 Humans Are Co-Creators!

The Mind Exodus Pyramid is a visualization of the universal principle "Mind Exodus", first formulated by #GennadyZherebilov in the book "Justification of Human", 1995.

Now, in 2020 I would probably add two higher levels:
6. Self-transcedence;
7. Transfiguration...

As you know, a good question eventually becomes a great answer.
I hope this is what happened with my question in this book (p. 86):

"In addition, it is probably possible to raise the question of a certain universal process, which consists in the fact that during the origin and development of a self-organizing cognitive system, a "thinking" core (subsystem) appears in it, which, depending on the level of development of the system, can go through the following stages of relations with the system:

1) a complete dependence on the system, on its lower levels;

2) a certain degree of autonomy;

3) an alienation from the system, from its lower levels;

4) a highest degree of possible independence from the system is a state of non-participating objectivity;

5) an understanding, inclusive, intelligence objectivism - a reasonable base of love the almighty "thinking core" to the system, to internal and external worlds."

This is universal process for macrocosm and microcosm: the evolution of the "thinking core" represents a process like stairs where every next step is a raising to a qualitatively new level of development.

Figuratively speaking, this can be called an "Exodus of the Mind", which "passes over" the barriers between qualitative stages, receiving new degrees of freedom at a new level of development and gaining at the highest stage a quality of "intelligent love", "wise love".

In the light of the biblical Exodus, the action "pass over" gets us the new accent of meaning, namely, "pass over the barrier", i.e. go up to a new stage of quality. Thus The Almighty divided the waters of the sea by stopped the stream of times, the flow of History. The Almighty allowed Moses and chosen people to "pass over" the sea and they came to the other side no longer as slaves…

This universal process in the system of a human being is reflected in its own way in the Maslow Pyramid as a hierarchy of human needs.
