Quotes Of Thoughts April 2021

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 #GennadyZherebilov: as due to the worldview revolution #FratelliTutti #EraEden #4IR there will be need neither mass transportation of goods nor highway & railways. #GreatUpgrade, @inclusivecap need new infrastructure.

The Great Goal of the #20s21 "Pass Over" is an peaceful #pass_over to a way for Humanity rise in Anthropocene: every persons will have a right for the holistic development to live in #AllinclusiveSociety as co-creator, not as working horse & cannon fodder:

#GreatReset of an old economic model without #GreatUpgrade looks like a somersault - spectacular but ineffectively.
#CodeOfExodus from #inequality towards
by #GennadyZherebilov
#NobelPrizeSummit pic.twitter.com/MHdwR3WZCb

"Ra in bow / Rainbow is the autograph of God.
Secrets of the Office of Heaven" - the multidisciplinary approach by practicing philosopher #GennadyZherebilov:
See #Artworks & essay: http://proza.ru/2020/09/04/872
#WorldArtDay pic.twitter.com/faDEWArUcW

Quality growth vs. quantity growth. Innovations vs. "manure manner" of solving global problems. The Horse Manure Crisis of 1894 was solved not by starvation diet for horses but replacing them w/ cars.
See Etude 2

The best balance of supply & demand, solution for false problem of population aging etc. will be provided by the IT-platforms of global/national #Super_Co_Ops in which every citizen of the world/country has a share:
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/YHzjNTtmRb

The practicing philosopher and rethinker #GennadyZherebilov

The notion: "A thinker is a person who thinks deeply and seriously".

The rethinked notion:
"A rethinker is a person who rethinks widely, deeply and seriosly".
#rethinker  #quote

#GennadyZherebilov in 2019:
To achieve #SDGs humanity have to move forward to #ParadiseParadigm & create a New Picture of the World #EraEden via the global project #AllinclusiveSociety

#ParadiseParadigm is The Formula of better Future by #GennadyZherebilov (Paradise in Slavic – RAJ) in #20s21 :
#ERARA = the Era of #Robotics & #AI ;
J = Justice & Joy, JWHW, Jesus, #MoralImperatives

"Is 'The 20s of 21st Century' / #20s21 the Challenge of Great Passover / #Passover
(the great pass over / #pass_over ) to build back better The Era of Eden / #EraEden ?

#CodeOfExodus by
the practicing philosopher
#GennadyZherebilov :

'Any "palliative ruling regime ", by definition, helps to die, not live.'

#Wisdom #quote #QuotesOfThoughts #UBI #GLI #SDGs #Hi_HumanIncome

#GennadyZherebilov :
"pass over" gets us the new accent of meaning: "pass over the barrier & go up to a new stage of quality".
The Almighty allowed Moses & people to "pass over" the sea & they came to the other side as free people:

The practicing philosopher & rethinker
"Only he is worthy of the wisdom crown who is not fear looking like a clown".


#artwork "The End of #bananaCattelan " pic.twitter.com/76LGUQS9xO

Try to rise to the top of
"The Mind Exodus Pyramid". #artwork is a visualization of the universal principle "Mind Exodus", first formulated by #GennadyZherebilov in the book "Justification of Human", 1995.

http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/OjPDp4Huk5

Anyone have to have an equal start position.
In #AllinclusiveSociety any status will be based on just principle of "competition of competencies".
For everyone is opening the highway to "become an equal among the first, and then - the first among equals":

The Worlds of God are endless.
  Private property should be limited.

http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/pzELqZT5Zh

The idea of #UBI in
"The Our Father — The Lord’s Prayer":
 ..."Give us this day our daily bread"...

#JEHOVOX #EraEden #ERARAJ #Vow2World

1st step to implement #HoneycombProperty could be the transformation of Government/Crown corporations into #Super_Co_Ops in which every citizen owns share & receives dividends.

#HeadsEcon vs #HandsEcon
http://proza.ru/2018/01/31/1215  pic.twitter.com/ac7pu2kHkH

"Are you the smartest at school, university, city, country, on Earth or not?  Why do you think that you are the smartest in the Universe?" :))

The more powerful a country is, the wiser and more just the president should be.
@UN must take all measures so that the world powers stop playing poker when players can bluff & start playing chess - a fair game where every move is controlled by all nations http://proza.ru/2019/06/27/1053

#WangYi: Democracy isn't Coca-Cola that promises the same taste everywhere in the world.

Democracy is fresh water.
Democracy as a fresh water hasn't form & taste.
We've a lot water but only fresh water is a life base of Humanity.
Democracy too!

Trickle-down economics is a trick.
A current economics is like a "bidet economics" for the oligarchs.
Be wise to revise aim of human life: not "jobless" but "jobfreed" thanks to nationwide nets of full automated #Super_Co_Ops w/ shares of every US citizens
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/qxFNj0TSBH

We need to answer not only the question of what kind of economic system (without labels "capitalism", "socialism") we want to create, but also the main question - about the role of human beings in the Universe & the Sense of Human life in the Anthropocene:
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/GDZfxp180q

If human at the sunrise of humanity, by the standards of the animal world, looked like a degenerate animal, a flawed creation, doomed to destruction in the interspecies struggle, then now, in order not to launch a self-fulfilling fake forecast about "inevitable sunset of humanity", we should not become hostages of views from the coming Era of Robotics & AI on human as an uncompleted robot, who is doomed to becomes "a looser" if he will be not stuffed with microchips, because natural human is not able to compete as worker with robotics and AI.
Humans Are Co-Creators!

Quotes Of Thoughts March 2021
with a fresh dozen thoughts from #GennadyZherebilov

Follow @jerebelove in @Facebook @instagram
See more:

The economy should exist to serve people; people should not exist to serve the economy" - this principle should become the categorical imperative for business, government and the people.
Humans Are Co-Creators Of #EraEden
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/mt9oE3Nb60

The Practicing Philosopher
#GennadyZherebilov :

"The Rising of the spirit of the Savior in every person will save humanity and the world".

#GennadyZherebilov in 2018: In #EraRA - #Robotics & #AI we need to create not an “android robot” (w/ freedom of choice btw good & evil), but an “angeloid” on the principle of “do no harm” so as not to repeat the biblical script of “fallen angels” who rebelled against the Creator.

"Lord, give them a conscience, let them listen to still small voice, for they know now what they are doing evil deeds, but stick in evil".
#CodeOfExodus by practicing philosopher
#EraEden #ERARAJ #Vow2World pic.twitter.com/RbrSw82re3

Repentance is admitting mistakes & restarting.
#GreatUpgrade should be based on repentance: recognizing & correcting mistakes of civilization throughout the history of Humankind.
Let's be wise to revise sense of human's life
#GreatReset pic.twitter.com/gI35WO8A3n

Pray at home.
Say like the Savior answered on words:
"If you're the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: "...His angels -- will lift you up in their hands..."
Jesus said: “Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test’ Mt.4:6-7

The trickle-down economics is a trick.
Let's stop the "bidet-economics" which is a fountain of incomes collecting drop by drop from the lower strata of society and gushing to the very top.
The best solution #Super_Co_Ops w/ #GLI , #UBI as floor income http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103

"The root cause of most of problems lies in the lies".

#Wisdom #quote #QuotesOfThoughts #EraEden

"A real ruler have to be able to hear the silent majority".

#EraEden #ERARAJ #Vow2World

The State is like an ax: in the hands of people of good will it's an instrument of good deeds, in the hands of villains it is an instrument of atrocities. That's why democratic states are existentially important:
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/CJ0nDgy6ue

 #distancelearning could be based on courses of lectures in the form of educational animation, films, video games, created on the basis of lectures by the most authoritative scientists, teachers.
It'll be more effective than dim lesson lectures via Internet

Trickle down economy is a trick. Let's stop the "bidet economy", which gushes with incomes, collecting them drop by drop at the bottom and pushing them upstairs in a powerful income flow. The best solution is super co-ops w/ #GLI #UBI as floor income
http://proza.ru/2019/07/18/1103  pic.twitter.com/Dbv3SefQK4