Synergistic and stagnant family models

Замир Осоров
A real cult of education has reigned in South Korea. Practically all citizens of this country are engaged in constant self-education, and not only young and ambitious officials, as is observed in our country, while the majority are busy preparing for toys, anniversaries and feasts.
Even spouses who have already lived together for two dozen
years and more, have considered education as  one of the main conditions for further life together.
“If you stop studying and attending lectures on modern management, or if you don’t take up computer literacy, then I will have to divorce you,” husbands often say to their wives and vice versa.

In our country, for a long time, it was believed that after marriage, the wife should finally stop studying and devote herself entirely to home and kitchen. As, however, the husband, having become the master of the family, must throw all this educational nonsense out of his head, settle down at last and take care of the housework, preparing for the next  toy, fest, gathering, as it was customary for us from time immemorial.

This is how South Korea became a world economic giant, and the Korean language and the system of secondary and higher education in this country are among the most advanced and developed in the world, because its citizens pay the most serious attention to continuous education and improving their knowledge.
Husbands sincerely want their wives to become smarter and more educated, just like wives push their spouses to continuous improvement, seeing in such development a  true guarantee of family well-being. Whereas in many other countries, as well as in our region, for a long time it was believed that spouses should settle down and get used to each other as they are, finding in this a worthy and happy ending of family life.