Article 52. Laws of the Universe. The law of signi

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"The law of significant difference expresses the dynamics of comparing some forms with others, some buildings with others, and identifying any difference between them. The law helps to find and develop differences among similar structures, the same levels of development, processes, and so on. Its functions include differentiation , the creation of unique features, qualities, and, consequently, individuality, isolation of all that exists "(L. A. Seklitova. L. L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [1] ... With the help of this law, the opposite dynamics in development (God-Devil) or the differences of the Essences that are at the same Level, within the same world, are revealed, as well as the differences of one Level from another, that is, the law finds a difference in external textures and internal structure, in the total volume of the Absolute and beyond.

The authors of the book we are studying say that such differences can be found everywhere: in the internal state, in any energy volume, in external differences, but for the Higher Personalities on their plane of Being, the concept of "external" is absent, because they cover the entire a picture of existence - of all Essences in the full Volume of the Absolute. All Essences on the Levels of the pyramid of God and the pyramid of the Devil are arranged according to the Levels according to the magnitude of the energy potential, according to the quantitative and qualitative differences in their composition, as well as in the opposite states (positive and negative) and the law of significant difference helps to distinguish the Essences, as individual states, from other clusters and forms with horizontal distribution by Level.

So de we learn from the book we are studying that the law has its own qualitative indicators, by which the forms are compared, and such parameters as type, quality and orderliness are the main distinguishing features. These signs contribute to the progression of the law itself, the improvement of which is also carried out due to the development of the Essences themselves (the accumulation of changes in them in accordance with general laws). The primary task of the law is to reveal opposite states in the Essences in order to distribute them among the oppositional Hierarchies - God and the Devil, also within the competence of the law to give a stimulating setting, a task, a goal for all Essences for development and the environment in which they will develop. The environment must correspond to the goal, the Essence that develops in it.

Further, the Authors say in the book that the law of significant difference operates on the basis of the use of Management Structures, which: regulate any kind of development; stand above everyone and are in control; carry out general management of situations and processes, as well as in their activities are associated with the construction of Essences and worlds. And this is the main goal of the law for progressive forms that have orderliness (certain indicators that distribute according to Levels), and the development of which depends on the general progression, because the goal of any law is to direct the movement of any process to achieve the set goal. The main superiority of the law of essential difference lies in the fact that he assigns the main formation of the differences between the Essences from each other to the Essence itself, that is, thanks to the freedom of choice, the Essence itself determines the means for achieving goals at each stage of development, forming individual qualities in its matrix, which and distinguish it from the rest of the Sutei.

From the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" we also learn that the Essence of the law consists in the isolation of each Single form, which gradually develop within the Level of Hierarchy, if necessary, the law compares the Essences within any habitat or compares qualitative differences indicators of one Essence from another. And the purpose of the law of essential difference is to achieve an ideal qualitative state of a given Volume, at a certain Level, for the superiority of the Essences of this Level over the Essences of the underlying one. After all, the law of significant difference is highlighted, as a leading and governing structure, over the program of any part of the Essence or form (for example, a new cell in the matrix of the Soul, requiring further filling) and bringing these parts to absolute perfection. Through the transformation of the surrounding world (the need for the development of everything), the law also tends to its absolute form. "By controlling the improvement of others and creating countless differences of forms from each other, the law thereby improves itself" [1].
The authors also say that the law sets the individual development goals, and the individual, in turn striving to achieve them, comprehends the truth of this segment of the path, and his Soul, at the same time, gains new qualities and forms that make him different from others. That is, each individual has his own goal and many options for achieving it, which brings variety to the construction volumes of Essence. The Law has constancy in the performance of its work, but at each Level it expresses its own characteristics. As you climb the Levels of the Hierarchy, the Essences become involved in a greater number of various processes, from which the composite of the Soul (a set of qualitative characteristics) of the Essences of the upper Levels is much more complicated than that of the lower ones.

A page from the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy"
Further, we learn from the book we are studying [1] that the law of significant difference sets the numerical values ;;of specific values ;;that the Essence must achieve in its progression, which indicates its leading role in the general processes of development, and also guides the functional activity of the total Volume of the Absolute, distributing , comparing, measuring, calculating fundamental processes. The law is a fundamental factor in the creation of distribution and systematization, identification of differences and classification, therefore the distribution law is a continuation of the law of significant difference. The law of essential difference is an Essence that unites all laws with some substantial matter, while the internal structure of this Essence is made up of all other laws and sub-laws, each working in its own direction and creating certain qualitative characteristics for this Suteva form. "As a result, they develop for it all the necessary elements that make up an integral structure of legislative content" [1]. Like everything in the Universe, the law of essential difference develops systematically and, passing through the stages of development, gains qualitative characteristics into its matrix, striving for the ideal form of its law-making. Since the law of significant difference unites all other laws, it extends its influence to functional legislative processes of lesser importance, and the higher the level of the law is, the more powerful its impact on the underlying worlds. The power function of influence is expressed one to two.

"Such a distribution of the forces of influence from top to bottom according to the corresponding energy values ;;ensures the achievement of the best result in all processes of the various worlds of the Hierarchy, including the achievement of achievements in micro-volumes and micro-processes. Changes in small and large contribute to the creation of a common base of all kinds of energy accumulations for a unified Volume of Nature " [one].

Today we got acquainted with a very important law of the Universe. The progress in the development of any system depends on a variety of high-quality energy accumulations. The hierarchy is arranged in such a way that there is not a single repeating form or Essence in it, because each has freedom of choice, which leads to the accumulation of various energies in the Essence matrix, which contributes to the presence of individual qualities and properties in each of them. The law of essential difference, just, and follows this process, uniting the rest of the laws, because the rest of the laws fulfill the separate tasks of this law. All this variety of forms is possible due to the presence of creativity in the pyramid of God, and as we studied earlier, the creative process consists of half of the spiritualizing energy, and half of the calculation. It turns out that the law of significant differences is a mathematical component of the creative process, setting parameters and values ;;for the goals that the Essence must achieve, changing and transforming in the process of progression.
As it was said at the beginning of this law, the Highest Essences see not the individual components of the Hierarchy, but the entire volume of the Absolute, setting the Essence of the law of essential differences of purpose for functioning. Next, we will study bylaws that fulfill the specific goals and objectives of the law of significant difference. To be honest, this law is difficult for us to understand with our limited possibilities of perception. It's like telling a person about the structure of a car without showing the object of study. But why is it important to know such, at first glance, laws that are not applicable in practice? Because now we will put knowledge about it on some shelf in our memory. We will get to know the complex structure of the Universe further (and not only from this book), but also when we encounter certain phenomena and processes in ordinary life. And when the sum of accumulated knowledge reaches a certain critical point, the essence of the law of essential difference will be revealed to the soul seeking knowledge in full. This is how high energies accumulate in the matrix of your Soul.

Imagine that you are not studying the laws of the Universe, but wasting your precious time and energy resources allocated for embodiment, purchasing and arranging a house, for example. If you directed your attention to this subject, then you will certainly achieve the goal and even develop some energies and qualities into the matrix of your Soul, but they will not raise your Soul to a higher Level of the Hierarch. I in no way urge you not to build a house. For future generations of your Family, this is a very important process and they say that if you leave an inheritance and the children dispose of it correctly (in goodness), then in the next incarnation you will definitely have your own home. Simply, you do not need to completely immerse yourself in any process. It is important to develop all aspects of life, paying attention and high knowledge. Sometimes, studying high knowledge, suddenly some kind of life situation develops integrally and it is possible to pass the test with a high success rate. Let's not miss the opportunities that will benefit the development of our Soul!