Why we must end covid-insanity right now

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Contrary to blatant lies spread by your government, mass-media, so-called “experts”, Big Pharma and the like, COVID-19 is NOT an existential threat. It is NOT an existential threat to you, your family, your village/city, your state/province, your country or the European Union. Let alone to the human civilization.

But the global COVID-panic is. Hence, you MUST stop this panic, this pandemic of CORONA-insanity, all these genuinely murderous “protective measures”. And stop them RIGHT NOW – otherwise the world as we know it, the human civilization will simply cease to exist.

Just about everything you are told about COVID-19 by “all of the above” is a lie. A blatant lie. A murderous lie. And the critical mass of these lies – and the “protective measures” that these lies forced upon the global human population – are a very real, clear and present existential threat to you and everyone else.

By far the biggest lie is that we can protect ourselves (i.e. the human population)     from this virus. We CAN NOT. Masks do not (and will not) protect us – and neither do (nor will) lockdowns, social distancing and other genuinely insane (because they do not work) “protective measures”. Vaccines will not work either – the virus will simply mutate sufficiently to make every vaccine completely impotent.

Why? Because we are not fighting COVID-19. We are fighting Mother Nature. In this case, the Almighty Mother Nature because the virus is nothing but a tool that She uses to control and regulate the human population.

Consequently, trying to protect our civilization from this virus makes as much sense as trying to get protection from a hurricane. A tsunami. An earthquake. A volcanic eruption. And thus an exercise in futility. And, of course, the sin of Pride – the deadliest of the seven deadly sins.

It does not matter how COVID-19 pandemic started. The only important question is why it started. And the answer is simple – Mother Nature decided that (thanks to the excesses of liberal ideology), there are now way too many old and weak individuals in a human population. And created this virus to “fix the problem”.

Consequently, it really does not matter what we do – the result will still be the same. Even if we vaccinate everyone and wear masks 24/7 inside and outside, the number of deaths will still be the same (the same as if we do nothing and live normal lives). The virus will go away only after it takes all its toll – and does the job it was tasked with by the Almighty Mother Nature.

Fortunately, this death toll is perfectly acceptable because – contrary to the lies propagated by “all of the above”, COVID-19 is far LESS deadly than a common flu. The “official” death toll is grossly inflated (sometimes by an order of magnitude) due to good old-fashioned greed (reporting death or severe illness as COVID-related is far more profitable than telling the truth).

And, of course, by panic – which makes just about everyone see the virus when it is not there (a proverbial black cat in a proverbial black room). The global panic, the “pandemic of psychosis”, the “insanity avalanche” that hit – and completely covered – the globe.

This panic is artificial, man-made – it was started by the Chinese leaders who wanted to use then still local COVID pandemic to achieve their cherished objective – transform the mainland China into an “electronic concentration camp” that would have made the Third Reich look libertarian.

This panic was amplified and spread all over the world by mass media and was driven by another very much deadly sin. A good old-fashioned greed. Mass media make money on “three S”: Sex, Scandal and Scare – and the latter one is far more profitable than two others combined. Especially the scare of an existential threat of the global pandemic of a murderous virus (thank you, Hollywood).

This panic was further amplified by Big Pharma that suddenly got a chance to make literally trillions of dollars or euros from developing and selling the vaccines. The vaccines that – due to the global panic – did not have to go through the normal testing and approval process thus saving the Big Pharma years and billions.

And, of course, by the “medical community” and other experts who saw the chance to acquire enormous power, prestige, fame and, yes, money by scaring governments and general population literally out of their wits.

Predictably, just about all the governments succumbed to this “pressure from all sides” (including the pressure from the modern liberal ideology) and unleashed on their constituents a whole barrage of “protective measures”. Measures that are not only far more murderous than COVID-19 but are a genuine, clear and present existential threat to the whole human civilization.

Contrary to the blatant lies propagated by “all of the above”, COVID kills at most 0.5% of those who contracted it; in reality, its lethality is many times less (about 0.1%). “Protective measures” damage and ultimately destroy (with masks, “social distancing” and media-generated panic and paranoia) the mental health of ALL population. Of ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

Even if 100% of the population contracts COVID (and it will not happen even if we do nothing), the human civilization will not even notice it. It will not notice the loss of even 5% of the population – let alone 0.5%.

But if all human population contracts PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) and that’s exactly what is happening (due to global COVID panic), the whole human civilization will collapse (just ask any competent psychiatrist). And will be transformed (by “all of the above”) into a very real Hell on Earth.

Oh, and we still do not know the long-term side effects of the vaccines rushed into production without proper testing. This “medicine” can very well be far worse than the disease as people are already dying from these vaccines in horrifying numbers.

This is obviously NOT acceptable. Consequently, we MUST immediately stop this global COVID-panic, put an end to ALL “protective measures” and return life to normal. RIGHT NOW – using all means and measures necessary (no matter how brutal).