How to Make Your Country Genuinely Happy

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To be genuinely happy, you must tightly integrate into (belong to) not only a local community, but to your city, your region, your state/province and your country. As you can be genuinely happy only in a happy environment, you MUST transform “all of the above” into happy entities (yes, all of them are currently deeply unhappy – just watch your TV for a few hours and you will have no doubt left).

Every village, city, region, state and province is at the same time both a community and an organization; so you can (and must) transform them into genuinely happy entities using a combination of methods covered in previous instructions. Your country, however, is a much, much bigger story.

One of the key reasons why just about every country is deeply unhappy is (to put it simply) that there is way too much crime. Of all kinds. Consequently, to transform your country into a genuinely happy one, it is necessary to eradicate organized crime (including street gangs) and radically – by an order of magnitude at least – reduce all other crime.

Sexual child abuse, pornography and prostitution – as well as human slavery and human trafficking – MUST be completely eradicated. Rape and domestic violence (including physical and emotional abuse of children) must be radically reduced.

At least 90% of the crimes committed, must be promptly uncovered, reported, investigated and solve – and perpetrators adequately punished. Because you CAN NOT have a happy country without justice being served.

In a happy nation, every human being must have a home. Consequently, homelessness MUST be completely eradicated. One homeless human being is one too many.

Alcohol and drug abuse (and I mean all drugs – not just the illegal kind) do not belong in a genuinely happy society. Consequently, both must be eradicated – using all means necessary.

Physical and mental health are absolutely vital for genuine happiness. Hence, the government of a happy nation will provide its constituents with sufficient tools, resources, instruction and motivation to achieve and maintain perfect health.

Human life begins at conception – it is an indisputable biological fact, not a religious dogma. Consequently, a country that permits abortion (and thus a mass murder), CAN NOT be genuinely happy. In a happy country, abortion MUST become a thing of the past – never to return.

No tree will survive with its roots cut off – and neither will any country or civilization (let alone get and stay genuinely happy). Consequently, every Western country MUST rediscover, restore and strengthen its Christian roots (yes, the Western civilization IS the Christian civilization).

No human being can survive without his or her soul – and neither can a country (or a civilization for that matter). The soul of the nation, country or civilization is its culture, of course.

Therefore, each nation must rediscover (if necessary), restore (ditto), strengthen, preserve and further enhance its core culture. Which in each Western nation is Christian in nature… however, these cultures are sufficiently different                for Britain to always remain British; for France – French; … and so on.

To (very literally) save the soul of its country, every Western government MUST pass (and ruthlessly enforce) the Cultural Security Act. Which must explicitly state that only a transcultural individual (i.e. who will discard his/her “native culture” and adopt the one of the “adopted Fatherland”) can become a permanent resident (let alone a citizen). All others will be ruthlessly deported – and any asylum will be only very temporary (every country MUST be made responsible for its citizens).

It is also vitally important to remember that whiteness is an integral (and vital) component of a Western country. Just as blackness – of any non-Northern African culture; yellowness – of the Chinese or Japanese; brownness – of Indian, etc.

Consequently, every CSA MUST stipulate measures to secure and safeguard the whiteness of the European civilization. Using all means necessary. It does not mean, of course, that the White Race is in any way superior to any other (it is not – all races are biologically equal). It only means that it is integral to Western culture.

Every human life must be happiness-focused. So must be every community, every village, every city, every region, every state, every province and, of course, every country. Which means that the government of every nation must be (quite officially) called the Government of National Happiness.

Very few individuals can even identify (let alone figure out how to satisfy) their genuine needs (thousands of books, videos and other resources on this issue prove it beyond a reasonable doubt). Worse, they confuse their genuine needs with their wants, whims and desires - with genuinely disastrous consequences.

Therefore, every government must develop a comprehensive “happiness support system”. This system will help the citizens of the country in question identify their genuine aggregate needs – financial, functional, emotional and spiritual and provide them with tools, education and other resources to satisfy these needs.

Happiness is created in projects and processes. Because that’s exactly how aggregate value is created and aggregate needs of human beings are satisfied. Consequently, the Government of National Happiness MUST be structured in radically different way from current governments (composed of ministries, departments and other functional units). Which means that all these governments MUST be radically restructured.

Unfortunately, the current system of “parliamentary democracy” (which in reality is neither) is focused on… well, democracy (which in reality is a highly abstract, fuzzy and nebulous concept).

Worse (much worse, actually), this system was created about 250 years ago for very, very different world from the one we live today. It is so slow, rigid, complex and cumbersome that it simply does not work (let alone well enough) for all practical purposes.

The Western nations need a radically different (actually, a radically superior) system. Fast, agile, a much better fit for our “electronic society” and “knowledge economy”… and. of course, firmly focused on happiness.

Not surprisingly, this system is a form of Direct Electronic Democracy. The idea has been around for decades but the necessary tools and technologies have been developed and deployed only very recently.

By definition, direct democracy does away with the “representative” component of the existing “democratic system”. Instead, it directly connects the executive branch of the government to its constituents via the Direct Democracy Portal.

As happiness is created in projects and processes, not by functional units, the Government of National Happiness MUST be built around… projects and processes, of course. With ALL its activities being completely transparent to the general public via DDP.

The latter allows all constituents to directly participate in governance at all levels – from a tiny village to the European Union. By posting their ideas, suggestions and comments to the “discussion boards” of the corresponding projects and processes (and even initiating new ones).

Government officials (members of the executive branch) are not elected per se (they are appointed top-down and have full executive powers in their responsibility areas). But they will be monitored by their constituents at all times – and can be removed at any time via an e-referendum.