How to Create a Genuinely Happy Environment

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The first step to creating your ideal (i.e. happy) environment, is, obviously, to analyze the current (not-so-happy) one. No less obviously, the best way to analyze your environment is to ask three key questions:

1.        Do I have everything and everyone I truly need in my environment?

2.      Is my environment arranged in a right way?

3.      Do I have a happy relationship with my environment?

Your answers to each of these three key questions will be (no doubt) a resounding “No!”. Consequently, you will have to:

1.        Optimize the content of your environment (the number things and relationships that you have)

2.      Restructure your things in the right way

3.      Make your relationships radically happier

The first step is (obviously) to compile a comprehensive list of all your belongings (all the things/stuff that you own). For each item, you MUST ask yourself three fundamental questions:

Do I really need this thing? Does it make me happier? Does it possess/creates sufficient financial, functional, emotional and/or spiritual value for me to justify my ownership of this thing – or will I be better off without it?

Then you will have to ruthlessly get rid of the stuff that you really do not need (giving it away for free is usually better than selling it) and acquire the items that you DO need – if, in fact, you really need something in addition to (or instead of) what you own.

When you are sure that you own everything that you genuinely need, you must arrange you stuff – both at home and at work – in exactly the right way. Right for you that is. Usually the sixth sense and good old common sense are sufficient; however, you might want to consult appropriate books, videos, professionals, Webinars, etc. And no, Feng Shui is not the only right way to do the job.

Than you will have to go through exactly the same process for all your relationships (online and offline). In other words, you MUST compile a comprehensive list of all your relationships. For each one, you MUST ask yourself three fundamental questions:

Do I really need this relationship? Does it make me happier? Does it creates sufficient financial, functional, emotional and/or spiritual value for me to justify its existence – or will I be better off without it?

Then you will have to ruthlessly terminate the relationships that you do not need and create/build the ones that you DO need – if, in fact, you do need any “extra ones”.

Raison d';tre for ANY relationship is simple: generate the maximum possible amount of aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual) for both sides: I give, I receive; I receive, I give – in perfect balance.

Consequently, you MUST analyze every relationship that you DO need by asking two existential questions (for the relationship in question that is):

1.        Do I create the maximum possible amount of aggregate value for the “other side”?

2.      Does the “other side” create the maximum amount of aggregate value for me?

If the answer to these questions is “NO” (it usually is), you will have to:

1.        Find a way to maximize the amount of AV that you create for “the other side”

2.      Find a way to motivate “the other side” to create the maximum amount of AV for you

It is (fortunately) just a human nature that an individual is genuinely happy only when he/she does something valuable for “his/her neighbor” for free on a regular (ideally, daily) basis . Consequently, to become and remain genuinely happy, you MUST do what one of the most popular bumper sticker calls you to do:

Commit a random act of kindness – today!

Ultimately, the only source of the Divine Life Force (which determines whether you are happy or not) is the invisible, intangible, omnipresent Higher Power (yes, He/She/It exists – whether we want it or not, whether we like it or not).

Obviously, to receive the necessary amount of DLF (Holy Spirit, Divine Grace, Vril) from this Source (otherwise we will NEVER become genuinely happy), we MUST establish and maintain a proper relationship with this Higher Power.

Some individuals are sufficiently spiritually gifted and powerful to have a one-on-one relationship with the Higher Power; however, most (actually, the overwhelming majority) have no other choice but to join some kind of organized religion.

The most powerful and pure conduit of Divine Life Force (the “energy channel”) is the Holy Roman Catholic Church. However, you might have solid reasons to join some other Christian denomination – or a non-Christian one altogether.

Magic is a powerful tool for connecting to the Higher Power – and for obtaining enormous amounts of DLF. However, magical practices are spiritually, emotionally and even physically dangerous and thus must be practiced with extreme caution. Runic magic, Sigil magic and Chaos magic are considered sufficiently powerful and relatively safe.