Article 41. Hypostasis in the construction of the

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Good day, Friends! Let us continue to study the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" by L.А. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as Authors). Official site of the Authors The next law in this book is:


"All that is in the universe is in a close concept of interaction" (L. A. Seklitova, L. L. Strelnikova. Laws of the universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [1]. Absolutely everything on Earth and in Space is interconnected, and if one of the civilizations embarked on the path of degradation, then it is rigidly directed to the path of development or destroyed. "Therefore, if you are given the right to live in this or some other world, you are obliged to reckon with the laws of common existence and not break them. Everyone should know that he lives not so much for himself as for others, and a chain of many stretches from him interactions not only in this world, but also in many others. Each is a link in the general chain of evolution "[1].

The authors of the book [1] say that the material world, at this stage of development, is given to humanity in order to understand these subtle mechanisms of interaction of an integral organism. Scientists have shown the relationship of the material world with all its material structure, which stretches from atoms and molecules to the mineral world, liquid and gaseous states and further to the plant, animal world and humanity itself. The molecular theory developed by scientists by 2000 (the year the book "Laws of the Universe was written") does not take into account the "fine" structure of the atom and its constituent particles, as well as the infinity of the development of an elementary particle, therefore this theory is relative and, in a hundred years, it will already be quite another.

As I said in previous articles, due to the absence of many axioms and postulates about the existence of a "thin" world and its laws, modern science, in particular psychology, is marking time in one place, often causing more harm to a person than good, because in work psychologists must take into account the laws of ethics, karma and the universe.

The book also says that by systematizing the energy of various levels, processes, transformation of states, the lower forms in their development grow to the higher forms, and thanks to the productive activity of the lower forms, the power, volumes and potentials of the higher forms increase. The entire Hierarchy was created by God for His evolution and is His property, as well as every Essence created by Him. "And since the Hierarchy is the property of God, then in the system of its construction the" Dominating Principle ", which God himself embodies, occupies the Highest Hypostasis" [1]. God is the creator of all Essences, Souls and man himself. It existed before their emergence, therefore it is the Leading Beginning for them, embodying the Highest Hypostasis (essence, beingness, inner nature). "At the same time, all personalities, having reached the top of the pyramid in their development, and themselves, personifying the Hypostases, pass into the Dominant Principle, which contains them in its volume and interacts with them" [1].

In the book, the Authors also say that at this stage humanity will not be able to understand all the Truth that God through contactants gives about the construction of the structure of the Hierarchy and filling it with worlds in the form of Levels, therefore this knowledge is relative to the level of maturity of human consciousness. One can only approach the comprehension of concepts, while not realizing the entire complexity of the structure. The higher the Essence is at the Level of Hierarchy, the more its awareness approaches the actual configuration of the structure of the Hierarchy, because the higher the informational readiness of the Essences, the higher their concepts and awareness factor. The higher the Level of Hierarchy, the greater the potential of the layer and, the more information will flow to the Essences at this Level and, accordingly, the higher the Level, the higher the consciousness of the Essences and their ability to perceive the Truth. Information is an important indicator of the degree of development of the world and its systematization allows each Level to possess a strictly specific amount of knowledge, and also each world receives knowledge corresponding to its energy potential.

We also learn from the law that information builds the potential of each Level as a basis, consisting of modules that interact with each other and fit together according to certain patterns, representing parts of a huge spatial multidimensional structure of the Hierarchy. "The Earth and humanity are below its first Level and do not enter it until it reaches the proper development. But each person is intended for the pyramid of the Hierarchy, and therefore, we can say that in the future, humanity will also become its integral part, and people will pass into the form of Sutes "[one]. The Highest Hypostases, after being perfected in the pyramid, pass into the general volume of God and become the Highest forms of existence, where there is no longer any division of information by Levels, and knowledge belongs to everyone at once. Belonging of the Essence to the Level gives rise to dependence, both on superior entities, and from inferior ones, and the lower the personality is located on the Level of Hierarchy, the more it depends on the superior ones. The Unifying Essence, which contains the progressing Essences, also depends on the rate of development of each individual - the more the Divine Essence is developed, the faster each particular Unit is improved in the total Volume. Each Level of the Hierarchy has its own rate of development, but there is also a single rate of flow of common processes in an integral organism, which unites all processes into one common function, unites all of Nature and sets the basis for private development. The contradiction between positive and negative is inherent in any single Volume, both large and small, and contributes to the development of consciousness of both the Essence of God and the Essence of any Level of Hierarchy, including man.

This law contains a part of the information about the structure of the Hierarchy of God, who created our Souls and worlds so that they could improve. Pay special attention to the phrase: "The higher the informational readiness of the Sutes, the higher their concepts and awareness factor". First, the seeking mind accumulates new information, and then translates this quantity into quality. This can be done through meditation or deep reflection, which should begin with thoughts that are especially relevant to the person at the time of practice. These thoughts in the form of words should pass into images and, in the process, a question should arise. Of course, one must first comprehend household clamps and misunderstandings, and then ask questions of a higher order. Although, it also happens that you think about something sublime and, already from this level, everyday problems look much simpler. It is in the process of thinking that a higher awareness factor is formed.

Then the images dissolve, and the meditator can see the vast space of his inner world. If, at this stage of reflection, one recalls one's desire to expand the understanding of the structure of the Universe and recall some concepts from any law, then a deeper understanding of the structure of the Hierarchy can come. The information in the book is given as starting points for a deeper study of such an important issue as the Main Hypostasis of the Hierarchy, that is, the Ruling Beginning, which is God. For example, I have been establishing a connection with the Mentor of my Soul (Operator) for a long time. You can see it in the form of an image, but this image will be formed only for our perception and you should not dwell on it. Indeed, in the higher worlds everything consists of energy of different quality. Why, when passing into the subtle world, people see the images of the deities whom they worshiped - this is done by the Supreme Beings for a more calm transition of their wards.

When I started to study numerology and pondered a lot about the structure of matrices, while thinking, I saw what the structure of the Soul matrix looks like in volume in 4-dimensional space. Many questions arose, but thinking about this, after a while, and also thanks to the information from the book "The Laws of the Universe", the understanding of this issue has increased. Now you can continue to reflect on the new volume of knowledge to deepen your understanding of the essence of the Soul matrix. These are all endless topics to explore. Indeed, based on the information that we have studied today, it is clear that at each Level the Truth is revealed more and more. To understand the Essence of God, you need to go through each of its Levels, be filled with different qualities of energy and, depending on your inclinations and preferences, revealing your Essence, comprehend the infinity of the Creator. Therefore, it is worth taking any information from this or other, no less important laws and comprehending their Essence. When the understanding of one link of this endless chain comes, then other links will become more understandable. The state of meditation is not necessarily torment in the lotus position and sitting in one place - in the process of any activity you can concentrate your thoughts on the laws of the Universe, for example, and the field of consciousness will expand.
Ведь, что такое счастье, радость, восторг - это всего лишь индикаторы, что в данный момент мы смогли расширить поле своего восприятия реальности и возвысили мышление. В религиозных организация много раз повторяют для этого молитвы и проводят одни и те же ритуалы, чтобы получить эти замечательные состояния. На мой взгляд, проще размышлять над каким-либо аспектом Бога (например о законах Мироздания, законах кармы, красоте природы, красоте человеческой формы, как творения Бога, заниматься творчеством и воссоздавать через свою индивидуальность красоту и величие Бога) и приближаться по своим качествам к более высокому Уровню Иерархии и пониманию её структуры и, хоть на шаг, к качествам Создателя. Что бы мы не делали: пели, танцевали, готовили еду, работали, если думать о Боге и его качествах, то матрица Души будет наполняться качественной энергией и увеличивать наш потенциал и мощь. Мира и Любви всем нам!