Article 40. Laws of the Universe. Psychological at

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Good day, Friends! Let us continue to study the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" by L.А. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as Authors). Official site of the Authors The next law in this book is:


In this law, a psychological attitude is a record in a person's program of specific events, which motivates him to action and causes the manifestation of a set of spiritual processes, that is, here we mean not a psychological attitude from other people from outside, but events as a motivating principle. Indeed, when an event occurs, the person first perceives it psychologically: emotional and mental experiences, the work of consciousness and thinking is activated, which leads to action, according to the decision. Under the influence of a psychological attitude, the proposed situations are resolved according to the person's inner convictions, but in accordance with the program of life.

Further, we learn from the book that this is an important element in human development, because the number of events in the program determines the duration of a person's life, the formation of his physical and subtle bodies, educates the Soul and motivates it to action. Before the action, the individual works out the situation psychologically and the program of events in his life is planned so as to obtain the result necessary for development at this stage. "The chain of events is a chain of consistent psychological work of human consciousness" (L. A. Seklitova, L. L. Strelnikova. The laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [1]. All events are precisely linked in time, because it is necessary to combine the events of both individuals and social groups, society, and so on in one program.

Here it is important to understand your responsibility in the implementation of any of your programs, therefore there is a rule: changing the link in the chain, you are responsible for the entire chain of events. This means that it is necessary to carefully give advice and change the direction of movement of other people, and also, if a person starts to go not according to his program, deviating greatly, then the programs of other people may get confused. Landmarks are, first of all, reflections on the correctness of their actions with varying degrees of depth. Sometimes you can just ask yourself a question and the answer comes in the form of an understanding of the situation and the direction of movement, but sometimes you need to take time to reflect and delve into the essence of what is happening, maybe even go to a psychologist-regressologist or other specialists. If an individual asks himself questions, then he can meet a person who has lived the same experience and can share information - the main thing here is the desire to hear. Not a single question in the Universe will remain unanswered. Therefore, it is very useful to ask questions and, above all, to yourself.

As it turns out from the law, a program containing psychological attitudes (a sequence of events) is aimed at the development of the Soul, and there are other programs for the development of the physical and subtle bodies. Psychological attitudes, one way or another, affect all shells, because events in a person's life involve the entire structure of a person in the work. The entry in the program (planned event) of a person consists of energy codes that link various situations into a single energy chain, moving the Essence towards a specific goal and forming the necessary qualities in the matrix of the Soul. These qualities are accumulated due to the presence in the program of decision options that create the direction of movement of thoughts, feelings, emotions of the individual in one direction or another, which pushes him to conduct a psychological assessment of the events in which he takes part or makes a choice. "The choice is made depending on the inner content of the individual, on the experience of his past incarnations and the characteristics of the existing developments" [1].

Energy codes in a primitive sense are combinations of numbers in the numerological and astrological charts of a person, but with a more subtle examination in the process of meditation, the person himself can see them in the form of a picture, sensation, understanding, insight, depending on the leading sensory system of a person (a channel for receiving information) ... After all, numbers and letters are just transformed light impulses from the Highest Monitors and the programs of people are also written at a much higher level than ours, because our primitive development programs are connected with the programs of the Essences of the higher Levels of Hierarchy. We can also live our program in ignorance, passion or goodness, so the energy codes will only indicate the direction of development, and the extent to which we will strain depends on us.

Further, we learn from the book [1], gaining experience from the passage of different events, the personality fills the cells of the matrix of his Soul with various qualities, thereby forming his own unique individuality, which in the distance will influence the experience of the following planned events What frequency and vibrational characteristics is filled with the matrix of the Soul , with the same energies, to a greater extent, the personality will enter into resonance, although the right to choose allows a person with an EFFORT OF THE WILL "to join the cycle of generating new high-quality energies of a higher order" [1]. Where to get this willpower? The first is to make your life more righteous and not waste on low things. Raise your Ethics Level and set bold spiritual goals.

Also, the Authors in their book say that all psychological attitudes in the program are selected according to the types of energy already present in the personality matrix and they are built so that each situation, due to the right to choose, would give an individual the opportunity to accumulate energies of a certain quality, which, summing up , form its potential and raise it up the Levels of Hierarchy. Each Level layer contains a certain range of homogeneous energies and the personality in its accumulations, potential and shells, must be qualitatively homogeneous with it. So that there is no breakdown of the program or its misunderstanding, each task in the program is commensurate with the capabilities of the individual, with the forces, with the potential. "The function that sets the sequence of the movement of the personality directs it to a certain goal. When it is achieved, psychological changes occur in the consciousness of the individual and in his" thin "structures, since the achievement of the goal means the development of the required amount and qualitative composition of new energies of a higher order than worked out in the past "[1].

Further, we learn from the law that psychological states: emotional, stressful, sensory influences change a person's consciousness, enriching him with new life experience, and also improve his physical structure of personality. "New constructions within the" thin "structure occur on the basis of the law of the configurative construction of the Unit and on the basis of the dependence of the configurability of the physical body on those constructions that the Unit had in its matrix and shells at the moment" [1]. The psychological attitude builds the spirit-enhancing parts of the individual and contributes to the development of his own energy base, while the low Essence is filled with coarse energy components, and the high Essence fills its base with high energies, and the composite of the Soul of two different high personalities will be different, because different psychological attitudes have been passed and different experiences have been accumulated. Each personality has its own "transforming conscious-psychological factor", which shows the direction of development and the prevailing characteristics of the personality at this stage. The accumulated different energies can form, for example, business, creative or thinking inclinations. Such a preponderance of energies towards one or another quality occurs when the quantitative side of some energies "begins to prevail over other volumes and these accumulations acquire a certain potential orientation, and the personality acquires new configurative constructions that advance it in perfection forward and serve to expand subsequent activities" [ one].

Summing up, we can say that the psychological attitude and the order of the movement of events in a person's program activates in time a certain chain of events that produce in a person the formation of structures and the accumulation of energies in subtle bodies and the matrix (the potential beginning of Essence). In this case, there is a mutual influence of the spiritual and material basis on each other, the primary cause of which is the psychological awareness of what is happening by the individual.

From my own experience I noticed for a long time that there are no insignificant events, there are simply events that cause a greater or lesser storm of emotions and leave traces of different depths in the memory and, as it turned out, give the quality of accumulations in the matrix. Psychologists, for the most part, just work with this material. There are many technologies in modern psychological science, but it all boils down to working out a person's impressions of experienced events. Sometimes, seemingly insignificant events cause a huge resonance and a storm of emotions in the human psyche, but new technologies of regressive hypnosis send the Soul to experience some fragment from past incarnations, so that the new experience gained is realized and gets into the cells of the Soul matrix as a qualitative accumulation.

The more consciously we experience each event and situation of our life program, the more high-quality energy we take into our experience. If we turn to the methods of various spiritual movements and religions, then it all comes down to stopping the internal dialogue, (for more details you can read in my book, the perception of reality here and now, and, for more advanced users of my biocomputer, awareness of the event in Divine time, which I mentioned in my 13th article on Yandex Zen.

"But! There is also Divine time! No, Friends, this is not a religious concept, but more a philosophical one. In its definition, the present is an extract of the past and a condition for the future, that is, the past and the future are possible under the condition of real BEING. For example, a young and beautiful woman is both the embodiment of the cosmic feminine principle, and a little charming baby, as well as a wrinkled old woman, which she will turn into. Tantra sees her in ecstasy, fused with a man and seizing him with sperm, perpetuating the great secret of Being. Her great destiny cannot be changed even by infertility because her life is an integral part of history. " "Her past lives in a weak old woman: her former beauty, youth, children's laughter and cry, which gave birth to her mother fertilized egg. Her life, therefore, does not begin with initial perception, but should be considered as a process in the memory of which she experiences herself" ( Lisbeth Andre Van. Tantra. Rostov-on-Don. 1998) ".

High spiritual personalities perceive the events of this and other worlds precisely in such a breadth, bringing their truth closer to the Divine Truth. Sometimes people with such a height and breadth of thinking come to our low world to show the standard to which one should strive. These spiritual teachers created and are creating new religions and movements in order to find the key to the individuality of each person, but the meaning of everything remains the same - to teach people to think in Divine time in order to gain quality energies into the matrix of their Soul and move to higher Levels of Hierarchy God. Dark teachers come to their adepts in order to teach them the opposite and transfer them to a higher Level in the Hierarchy of the Devil. And all this is one Divine game ... or a comedy ... if you like !!! New realizations to all of us, Friends !!!