You Are NOT Happy But You CAN Be

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Let’s face a cold hard fact – you are NOT happy. Not happy at all. And deep in your heart, mind and soul you know it. In other words, you know for sure that the state of your mind, heart and soul is anything but a genuine happiness.

This is not-so-good-news, of course – if it is news (in most cases, it isn’t). The good news is that you CAN get (and remain at all times) genuinely happy. And a very, very good news is that you CAN become genuinely happy in a matter of a few days (and possibly in a matter of a few hours).

My book will show you how. More specifically, my book will serve as a blueprint (a roadmap) for your brand new life – and a genuinely happy life at that. It will help you build (not “find” but build) your very own, unique road to genuine happiness.

Why you CAN become genuinely happy in a matter of a few days (and possibly in a matter of a few hours? Because happiness is a journey – not a destination. Which means that as soon as you make a firm commitment to genuine happiness (yes, you MUST do that) and embark on your “happiness journey”, you will immediately get radically happier.

In other words, this all-important step will radically change the state of your mind, heart and soul and make them radically happier. However, you must stay on your road to happiness (i.e. follow the blueprint for life presented in this book) at all times – only in this case you will remain genuinely happy.

Before I proceed to unveiling this blueprint for life to you, I must unveil two cold hard facts. The first fact is that to become and remain genuinely happy (i.e. to never fall back into unhappiness), you MUST radically change yourself.

The second cold hard (and obvious) fact is that you can be genuinely happy only in a happy environment. Consequently, you have no other choice but to radically change the latter – the organization you work for; your community (online and “offline”); you city; your region; your state (or province); your country, your nation, etc.

Fortunately, you CAN do both – and my book will show you how.