Article 36. Laws of the Universe. The Law of the E

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Good day, Friends! Today we are studying the following, very important law, guided by the book of L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors) "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy". Official site of the Authors


"The essence is the soul, this is that" subtle and invisible for a person structure, which has a spiritualized principle, self-consciousness, the functioning of which does not include program control. The essence is that particular independence that comes from the individual and is a separate platform of independence, the choice of which is made only of the inclinations of the development of the personality, its character and aspirations "(LA Seklitova, L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of existence Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [1].

The authors of the book [1] say that the Essences differ in different degrees of development, the first Level of which begins above the earthly Level, and people and other living beings are the initial stage of development. At the high Levels of the Hierarchy, there are Determinants (Mentors), Founders (Essences that are an order of magnitude higher than the Determinant). God is also an Essence, but very large in relation to any living being who is in His Hierarchy. According to the degree of development, the Essences are distributed on the Levels of the Hierarchy of God. The essence can be as a separate Soul, which is endowed with independence of action, thinking, building a subtle plan, the ability to progress thanks to transformations in its foundation. The soul has a matrix structure and filling its cells with various qualities of energy change and isolate the Essence itself, while the more it gains energy, the more it transforms externally and internally. The Hierarchy is a structure designed for a given place and time, containing many worlds, in order to provide each Essence with its own Plan of Existence for gradual development and existence.

Further, we learn from the book [1] that the Hierarchy is the general plan, and the Levels are the private planes. The Essence is the plan of Being for the particular forms that are included in it, and God is the Essence containing smaller personalities, while their number is calculated with an accuracy of one Essence. "And this is the unity of all that exists, since the Lesser is the Greater, and at the same time itself is the Greater in which the even smaller is located" [1]. An Essence is an Essence that has one or more shells. People of the 5th race (you and I) have 7 shells, and the representatives of the 6th race will have 9. The law of the Essence is also the law of the Essence. The Law of Essence provides a mechanism of action based on individual development, the basis of which is behavior that depends on the thinking, character and inner spiritual qualities of Essence. The Law of Essence focuses primarily on evolutionary development - the ability, through acquired stable skills (past experience, for example), to consolidate the progressive energies of development, while the more experience the Essence has, the better new skills are acquired. The Law of Essence contributes to the striving of each individual towards his many goals on the path of evolution.

From the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" we also learn that the purpose of the law of Essence is to create out of it that huge initial Essence, of which it is a part, that is, the Essence must go through all the stages of development of the God who created it, to become in size and power like Him and take the place of God. But any Essence that has reached this Level will differ in the qualities of energies, because the law presupposes an individual and unique development for each Soul. The law also forms a structural part - by attaching new energy to itself in the process of development, the Essence each time completes a new volume of energies that will be an order of magnitude higher than the previous one - as many new energies, the same amount of new volumes will be added to the old form. The presence of many goals in development allows you to significantly change the general form of Essence.
Further, we learn from the Authors that the potential of Essence never allows filling two cells of the matrix with the same energies, because this is not economical and impractical, and also entails the repetition of some events and actions, which is unnecessary for improvement. This is one of the reasons why in each incarnation at the lower Level of development, the memory of past lives is taken away and a person starts his path from the beginning every time. If memory remained, then the individual would not strive to develop new qualities, because it is always difficult, but would use old skills and the energy given for embodiment would be wasted. And so, in each incarnation, the Soul finds itself in planned situations, where a kind of corridor for movement is defined, which involves only a certain choice of situations and, thereby, new qualities and skills are developed.When a person strains and masters something new, then the Universe receives from him a high-quality energy. This is how everything is wisely arranged by the Creator of our world. For this reason, each Essence also develops separately and repeating formations are not included in its structure. Planning the program of each Essence and its recruitment in the course of evolution of non-repeating energetics, fill the cells of the matrix and create personality qualities, character, external forms. The program assumes the accumulation of the necessary qualities of energies up to certain values, after which they will represent the required quality of the Essence character. The cells in the matrix are arranged so as not to allow the overflow or transformation of accumulated energies from one volume to another to preserve the planned energies, and interactions are allowed only between equal qualities of one formation within the cell.

Also in the book we are studying [1] it is written that the Essence is a living particle of the Universe - growing and transforming, while improving itself, contributes to the development of that great Essence, of which it is a particle. Any individual goes through his incarnations in one form several times in order to move to a higher level of development. Each incarnation is also divided into several stages, each of which is allocated a certain time and a program, expressed in certain quantitative ratios. The development of Essence consists in a set of certain internal qualities by it, which we call spiritual qualities, which fill the cells of the Soul matrix with energy, which, for example, manifests itself in sensual expression: love, anger, joy, rudeness, tenderness, greed, and so on. The accumulation of these energies forms stable qualities in the character. The lover will accumulate qualities corresponding to the feeling of love, and the hater will have the qualities of hatred, and so on.

On this occasion, I would like to cite a favorite quote from the book "Kalagia" by A.P. Naumkina: "Everything is interconnected and a person gains what he radiates. The retaliatory blow of Space on a person is carried out by the forces of Nature by human radiation. This primarily determines the state of a person's physical health, affects his nervous, mental and spiritual spheres, from here stems social relations between people and the cosmic position of each individual individual.

Thus, a person who in his heart desires prosperity and wealth for the whole world will himself have them; whoever desires evil will find it himself; illnesses of the mind, soul and senses, illnesses of the body and illnesses of the spirit fall on the one who hates, as well as on the angry one; Nature is merciful to the respectable, to the all-loving - courteous, to the rejoicing and pleasing - good, to the exalted thirst - generous, to the solemnly striving - all-present, to the old-suffering - healing; to the one who is improving, it is like a storehouse of knowledge, opening into the infinity of possibilities, reveals the path to Evolution, to cosmic Being. Only for the careless nature is like a cradle for a baby, for the irresponsible - a judge, and for the dead in spirit - the grave; she closes her eyes to the true state of affairs to the one who condemns, and endows the forgiving one with an insightful mind; the attentive makes the most remarkable to the higher spirits - does not hide him from the Teacher and opens the gates to the Teacher. "

This excerpt illustrates well how filling the cells of the Soul matrix with different qualities of energies affects the relationship with the outside world, the formation of the character of the individual and the construction of subsequent development programs for further improvement.

"... the entire development of Essence is reduced to work on one's own qualities, to the accumulation of those of them that are more pleasant to the individual, based on his life concepts and general outlook" [1]. The Soul, with certain qualitative and quantitative accumulations, passes into the higher spheres and already develops as an Essence at the Levels of Hierarchy.

The authors also say that the construction of the Essence is an ideal volume for the accumulation of the best combined different types of energy, and for each stage of development there is its own construction of the Essence form in order to generate only that range of energies into the matrix that would correspond to a given stage of development.

When moving to the next higher level of development, accordingly, the entire internal structure changes in order to generate a frequency range of a higher level. Essence will have new life situations on the next Level, which will fill it with the following types of energies, preserving the potential of individuality. The essence is filled with different types of energies, each of which has its own mini-potential that brings it more or less power. If the Essence gains energies with great potential, then its overall potential increases, and the power of the Essence will become its indicator of development. The Law of Essence is aimed at preserving individual qualities - no matter how its constructions change at every stage, it should always remain by itself. "The essence, depending on the Level of stay, may have more or less shells. It is the shells that help it adapt to the environment and enter into normal interaction with it. The outer shell, among other functions, also performs a protective function" [1].

Many years ago my son and I attended Bronnikov's school. Before working with the biocomputer, all members of the group worked in pairs to clean and compact (pump) the outer energy layer around the person. This increased the general potential of the individual and greatly improved health, and the biocomputer worked much better. People opened up radar vision (with their eyes closed, they saw everything around, the blind Vanga also saw the environment), channels of clairvoyance and clairvoyance were opened.

Further, we learn from the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" that there are worlds at all Levels of the Hierarchy, the function of which is to be a developing environment for the Essence that dwells on this Level - only it is the basis for the formation of a certain Level. “Therefore, all elements of the environment must work for the Essence, for its improvement, increasing in it the equivalent of the“ developing construction of the Essence itself. ”[1] , especially on the lofty natures (artists, poets, people of art), influencing the formation of their personality.Any environment corresponds to the level of human development.

I would like to touch upon the issue of people moving. Partly the reason lies in the above described situation - the search for peace, comfort, inspiration, that is, a person changes the qualitative set of energies in the matrix of the Soul at some stage of his life, and the search for an appropriate environment begins - someone moves to the village in order to merge more with nature, but someone needs to develop new business qualities into the matrix and his internal impulses (or impulses from the Mentor) pull him into the city to make a career.

"... in other worlds, everything should correspond to the development of Essence, everything should be understood and perceived by it and cause some kind of internal shifts towards further development" [1]. At the same time, the personality itself creates around itself the world that is most favorable for it, from the surrounding Level material.

Over the past 20 years, I have moved from place to place several times and transformed my home in accordance with my feelings (made repairs), and since 2011 I have been living in the suburbs. Working as a realtor, I gained some experience and found a plot of land suitable for building a house and corresponding to my current energy situation. She herself drew a plan of the house, based on internal and external needs, and built the same dream house. It was very difficult and had to endure a lot, but it was a very interesting experience. 90% of my acquaintances are at a loss how I can live so far from civilization, in such a house where I have to heat the stove and work in the garden, but each blossoming rose or iris evokes great delight and inspiration in my Soul, and remoteness from friends and relatives removes me from their intrigue and excessive attention, which frees up time for creativity. But, I think, this is not my last place of residence (not counting the transition home to the subtle world). The soul asks for more. Now I understand what exactly. Reflections to help us.

Further, the Authors in their book [1] say that each Level of Being of God carries its own information load and the more experience the Essence has, the more new information it can assimilate. "... a poet or artist will see the superficial beauty of the environment, and the scientist will be able to look deep into matter and comprehend the secrets of the atom. This is a difference approach to the world and differential reading of its information" [1].

Even in my younger years, I did not often read novels or fiction, but more books on psychology, esotericism, scientific literature, because I am not interested in a superficial description of events. My favorite question is always: "Why is this happening?" There was always an interest in internal processes, motives of people's behavior, laws of current events, as well as in their forecasting. I have been working as a manicurist for 10 years. Can you imagine how many revelations you heard during this period and how many human destinies flashed before your eyes?
Even in my younger years, I did not often read novels or fiction, but more books on psychology, esotericism, scientific literature, because I am not interested in a superficial description of events. My favorite question is always: "Why is this happening?" There was always an interest in internal processes, motives of people's behavior, laws of current events, as well as in their forecasting. I have been working as a manicurist for 10 years. Can you imagine how many revelations you heard during this period and how many human destinies flashed before your eyes? I can write and write novels, but I consider playing on the feelings and emotions of people a low level in creativity. If I started writing a novel now, then, in addition to describing events, all the characters would be decomposed into numerical matrices, the current situation would be analyzed, assumptions about the past incarnations of the heroes and a short forecast for the future would be made, based on the current behavior and the choice made the heroes of the novel. This work would rather look like a scientific work on psychology, but with the only amendment that modern psychology looks rather narrowly at the problem, although there is already a lot of empirical experience in the field of regressive hypnosis, for example. And the study of the laws of the Universe confirms the presence of a program, expressed in certain digital values ;;for each person, for each form, as the path of development of the Universe itself is calculated.

In the book we are studying [1] it is written that the lower in its level of development the Essence, the more clamps, vices, minimal consciousness in it, which is a brake on development. Such Essences are given normative indicators that it must achieve when perceiving images of the environment, as well as situations that push an underdeveloped Essence to achieve these normative indicators.

Here I want to note that in my development program I often raise the bar of difficulties for myself, because staying at what has been achieved is, at least, boring and not promising. It always irritated my surroundings. I try to bring my undertakings to their logical conclusion. Why does my vigorous activity annoy others? Because any innovation and initiative is like a new stormy spring that has appeared in an old stagnant swamp. The environment, willingly or unwillingly, will also have to change, because we are dependent on changing external circumstances.

Further, we read that in the process of progression, the personality creates its own base of energies in its matrix, which changes its composite - the old properties change to new, wider range. The Essence accumulates energy both into the matrix of its Soul, and “into the general potential synthesis of the Single component,” that is, for the General organism. And this general Volume will not remain the same, but will already have additional properties. Each individual incarnation begins with one set of qualities expressed in a numerical code, and ends with a different numerical set.

The Soul Code for a given world, no matter how many incarnations, remains the same. There is a certain dispute in arcanonumerology whether to add all the numbers together to obtain the final value or, at the last stage, subtract a multiple of 22 (the number of arcana currently used by numerologists). I usually build two matrices according to Natalia Ladini's method. In the first, as the author himself points out, I summarize all the values. We get the base from which the Soul came to this incarnation. In the second matrix, I subtract 22 from the final value and see what the Soul needs to work out and through what aspects it can be done. I always compare all these indicators with the Jyotish natal chart and see a striking similarity of goals, objectives and personality potential identified through different calculation methods. To be honest, I have mastered numerology and astrology at a very basic level and do not go further, because this is enough to understand the primitive problems of the client. Julie Poe, through the clairvoyance of her mother and the regressive hypnosis of the talented sleepers of her group, discovered many amazing techniques. I am not going to study with her because there are no requests for such in-depth analysis from clients. These are the primitive creatures we are today. A lot of opportunities have opened up, a lot of information, and we have not a single question! Most often, two questions are asked - when will I get married (girls) and when money will fall on me (guys).

Today we have studied one of the main laws of the Universe, which explained in great detail the path of perfection of our Soul, and later on the Essence along the Levels of Hierarchy. The most important thing to learn is the correctness of the formation of the intention for future development. I don’t want to be like my fellow psychologists, urging us to make a wish board and so on, we just need to deeply reflect once again on our Creator and the Hierarchy in which we are progressing. A feeling of their importance and uniqueness in this huge organism and grandiose project of God will surely come, even if someone goes their way in a negative system.
We all perform our functions and all conditions have been created for our performance of life. Sometimes I also have a feeling that I have fallen into a world alien to me, but after all, we learned earlier that this is impossible - as soon as the level of potential development reaches a certain value, then immediately the environment will push us to the next Level of Hierarchy, into a world with less dense matter and higher by the Energy level. So, everything is logical, consistent, fair, mathematically calculated and beautiful in this world, you just need to find the appropriate place and build your beautiful world out of the available elements. Peace and Goodness to all Seekers!