Quotes Of Thoughts December 2020

Геннадий Жеребилов
It is necessary to use the Inclusive Development Index (IDI) as a criterion more widely and more actively, crowding out outdated and tricky criteria such as GDP per capita.

"Hi-tech without hi-morality will inevitably turns into guillotine for Humanity".

Don't wait - It Could Be Too Late #ActNow
See more

The #Christmas holidays with Christmas Tree as a Tree of Abundance symbolize the coming of the Era of Eden, i.e.
The Time of Well-being for Human beings.
#FratelliTutti #Inclusivism

'Trust in the Era of Eden'
by #GennadyZherebilov :
A battle of rappers is better
than battle of gangsters;
a battle of 'think tanks' is better
than battle of tanks:
the driving power of the PoWeR
will be Divine Wisdom,
but not any man w/ a gun

The Manifesto of #Inclusivism by
We, Inclusivists, declare our views & goals: we #Vow2World love the World as ourself. We've a dream that our goals'll be achieved by the Peace World Revolution /PoWeR via cretion #Allinclusivesociety

"Ra in bow is the autograph of God.
Secrets of the Office of Heaven" by #GennadyZherebilov with #artworks

According to the rules of office work, covenants are valid if they are signed by the plenipotentiary persons:
http://proza.ru/2020/09/04/872  pic.twitter.com/KW8H7sZvw2

#GennadyZherebilov: #20s21 is #Pass_Over to #EraEden
"from men of sorrow to humans of joy": it's darkest before the aurora/sunrise.
Be wise to revise aims of human's life:
#GreatUpgrade (notion by #GennadyZherebilov) is better than
#GreatReset :

'Bidet-economics' (the notion by #GennadyZherebilov) is the principle and mechanism for the redistribution of wealth from basis of society up to oligarchs.'
#TricleDownEconomics is Trick:

#Attenborough: 'The Garden of Eden is no more'. #GennadyZherebilov:
But #20s21 is Pass Over to #EraEden
"from men of sorrow to humans of joy".
Be wise to revise aims of humans life in #AllinclusiveSociety
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/9uabFpkOyA

#Attenborough: 'The Garden of Eden is no more'. #GennadyZherebilov: 'That's right in oligarchic "bidet economics'.
But #20s21 is Pass Over to #EraEden
"from men of sorrow to humans of joy".
Be wise to revise aims of human's life thanks to #Super_Co_Ops

"Love the World as yourself",
"Make the World Green Again", - #GennadyZherebilov:
We should replicate this process (using desalination  plants on green energy)
 in worldwide size.

 #EraEden #Vow2World

 #Advent #FratelliTutti
In #EraEden, #WellBeing4HumanBeings will be created on a basis of #HoneycombProperty w/ shares of every human of the world & realized via nets of IT-platforms through #Super_Co_Ops automatized by #Robotics & #AI

"Competitions of Competencies" is the main criterion of moral & wise meritocracy", - #GennadyZherebilov
#EraEden  #ERARAJ #Vow2World #inclusivism #inclusionism

Great problems of the World call to an urgent need to create a new meaning of life to reveal all talents of each person & create new Titans who hold the World - a real global elite based on "competitions of competencies", regardless of other statuses:

#EraRA = #Rabotics & #AI is here. It's time to create "moral algorithms" 4 #MachineLearning - #GennadyZherebilov:
The way to a great #future is creation of global nets of IT-platforms of full automated #Super_Co_Ops w/ shares of every citizen of the World:

Happy birthday, dear Pope Francis!
"Freedom gives the right for choice. But only the true Faith teaches us to make the right choice"! -
#GennadyZherebilov #ERARAJ #EraEden

"The Pyramid of the Core's Exodus in the System as the Code of the universal principle coded in the Bible.
 Probably, the stages of ascent correspond to:
 Dependency - the Egyptian bondage;
 Autonomy - consolidation of the community thanks to the call: "Let my people go"; 

Alienation via The Plagues of Egypt;
 Independence - "Pass Over" the Red Sea.
 The true way is to reach the stage of Wise Love to the System and go up due Codes given to Moses by God at Mount Sinai.
If something went wrong the Exodus would be stopped at any stage or go down.
2/ pic.twitter.com/DWeJ9wMmF1

 "Trickle-down economics
is Trick",
- #GennadyZherebilov:
One of the ways to up to a better Future & to prevent future pandemics is a creation of nationwide / worldwide nets of full automated #Super_Co_Ops with shares of every citizen of states / the World:

The Great goal of #20s21 is #Pass_Over to a new course of Humanity in Anthropocene, in which every person'll have a right for the holistic development to live in harmony w/ the world as a co-creator, not a working  horse & cannon fodder

#GennadyZherebilov: one of the ways to up to a better Future & to prevent future pandemics is a creation of nationwide / worldwide nets of full automated #Super_Co_Ops with shares of every citizen of states / the World:

A global net of IT-platforms of #Super_Co_Ops based on #HoneycombProperty
in which all humans own personal shares will be neither capitalism nor socialism but it will be #INCLUSIVISM i.e. #AllinclusiveSociety

Super #coops for a decent life:

2019 #GennadyZherebilov: “Don't bring it to a boil,” this simple cookbook tip, known to every cook when you think about it, is a wise testament for rulers and a universal recipe for building good human & international relations.'

The Great goal of #20s21 is #Pass_Over to a new course of Humanity in Anthropocene, in which every person'll have a right for the holistic development to live in harmony w/ the world as a co-creator, not a working  horse & cannon fodder:

#GennadyZherebilov :
Peace of mind is not an  indifference, moreover, it is not a sleeping conscience".
#EraEden #ERARAJ #Vow2World #JeReBeLove
#quote #QuotesOfThoughts
See #CodeOfExodus to
#WellBeing4HumanBeings via #inclusivism

"Humans are not row material for humus".
"Humans are co-holders of the World".
#GennadyZherebilov #EraEden #ERARAJ #Vow2World
See #CodeOfExodus

"Transfiguration from Man of Sorrow into Human of Joy".
Let's unite the tables of the Feast of the Universe ( #artwork the Toast-Essay in Russian by #GennadyZherebilov).