Job Interview Tips

Александр Крицкий
How to Prepare for a Job Interview

*  Develop your ‘job-searching’ strategy and plan. People usually apply for a job at 2-3 companies at a time.
*  Get as much information as you can on the organizations you apply to. Write the key ideas down, so you won’t confuse the facts about different organizations you applied to when they call you.
*  Write down and memorize a brief list of your strengths and accomplishments.
*  Prepare a short list of questions you will ask the interviewer about the job.
*  Practice answering typical job interview questions. Record your answers using a voice recorder, so you can understand what your voice sound like to others.

In the morning the day of the job interview
*  Dress in a professional manner. Choose professional clothing that you will be comfortable wearing. Manage the impression you make. It will emphasize your professionalism.
*  Take a couple of copies of your resume in case the interviewer needs it to clarify some points. Make sure you can find it quickly in your file when it is needed.
*  Have some paper and a pen ready for taking notes.
*  Most people play a certain role during a job interview. Warm up your voice as a professional actor and practice smiling. People will recognize the positive tone of your voice, even by Skype or over the phone.

During the Job Interview
*  Establish rapport and pace the interview. For example, people who use similar language patterns develop deeper rapport more quickly than those who use dissimilar ones.
*  Emphasize in a subtle way your strengths answering every question. Give specific examples. Avoid ‘yes’, ‘no’ and one-word answers.
*  Respect the time limits set by the interviewer. Have a watch on you and monitor the time you have remaining in the interview.
*  Have your schedule for the next week with you in case you are asked to schedule a further interview at a higher level.
*  Try to finish some of your answers with a relevant question to the interviewer. Usually the more the interviewer speaks, the better for you. Ask a couple of relevant questions at the end of your interview.

Follow Up Quickly
*  Write a brief e-mail to thank the interviewer for his of her time. Be upbeat in your follow up note and assure the interviewer one more time that you will contribute your knowledge and experience to success of the company. This usually positively influences the outcome.

Rehearse your answers to the following typical job interview questions:

 1. How long have you been working in this industry?
 2. Why do you want to change your job?
 3. What are you doing to improve your qualifications?
 4. What are your priorities for the next week?
 5. How do you handle constructive suggestions or criticism?
 6. How do you usually plan your working day and week?
 7. What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
 8. Could you describe some of the projects you have worked on recently?
    What did you personally contribute to these projects?
 9. How do you deal with the mistakes that you have made?
    Give a specific example of a situation when you made a mistake.
    What was the situation and how did you resolve it?
10. Could you give an example of a situation when you were not able to get along with a colleague or your boss? How did you manage that situation?
11. Could you give a specific situation when you got irritated at work?
12. How do you maintain your health and productivity?
13. How often do you use English?
14. How stressful is your job on a scale from 1 to 10?
    How do you manage your stress?
15. What kinds of people do you enjoy working with?
16. Could you please describe the sequence of steps you usually take when you face an obstacle or problem


to research  -  исследовать
to ally for a job  -  посылать резюме в фирму
key  -  ключевой
to confuse  -  перепутывать
to memorize  -  запоминать
strength  -  сильные стороны
accomplishment  -  достижения
to practice  -  практиковаться
to wear  -  одевать
to emphasize  -  обращать особое внимание
in case  -  на случай
to clarify  -  прояснять
to make sure  -  убеждаться
to take notes  -  делать заметки
certain  -   некоторый
to warm up  -  делать разминку
to practice  -  практиковаться
to recognize  -  узнавать
to establish  -  устанавливать
rapport  -  mutual understanding
to pace  -  управлять темпом
pattern  -  закономерность
dissimilar  -  отличный
subtle  -  не нахальным образом
specific  -  конкретный
to set a limit  -  установленное ограничение
to monitor  -  отслеживать
relevant  -  по делу
schedule  -  расписание
in case  -  на случай, если
to schedule  -  запланировать
to remain  -  оставаться
brief  -  краткий
upbeat  -  confident
note  -  письмецо
to assure  -  заверить
to contribute  -  вносить вклад
to influence  -  влиять
outcome  -  исход
priority  –  приоритет
to handle  –  реагировать (на)
constructive  –  конструктивный
suggestion  –  предложение
to consider  –  рассматривать
accomplishment  –  достижение
specific  -  конкретный
to resolve  –  разрешать
to get along with  –  ладить (с)
to get irritated  –  раздражаться
sequence  –  последовательность
to face  –  сталкиваться
obstacle  -  препятствие

Alex Kritskiy, a private English teacher, Ph.D., 38-067-391-76-62