Elon Musk and Kyrgyzstan

Замир Осоров
Elon Musk and Kyrgyzstan suited deeply and coherently to each other for save our planet

Paying all your attention to earthly problems and affairs, immersing yourself in them entirely, without raising your head to the stars in the sky, is dangerous for each of us and for humanity as a whole.
Man is a cosmic being and he should never forget about it. Earlier than all, this truth was understood by Elon Musk, who became the richest man on the planet, who can be called the real savior of our civilization.
The fact that a man set foot on the moon more than half a century ago and since then froze all attempts to master our satellite, plunging entirely into earthly problems - the cold war, the nuclear arms race, production ramp-up, and so on - has put our planet on the brink of complete destruction.
Therefore, Elon Musk began the implementation of the program for the development of the Moon, Mars and the colonization of the "red planet," putting all other earthly affairs aside, because there is no more important task today to save humanity.
If we do not turn our attention to space, do not redirect most of our forces and energy at this stage to the exploration of the Moon and Mars, then we will destroy ourselves, fell down internally and externally in whole collapse.   
This is clear and obvious to all now  - life on Earth, with existing trends, becoming more or more unbearable and we are getting closer and closer to the edge of the abyss - and if nothing is changed, then after 20-30 years it will be too late.
Humanity must come to an agreement and understanding, stop dividing into East and West, South and North (the Kyrgyz understand this very well), into the poor and oligarchs, Muslims and Christians,all peoples on the planet must stop burning coal,oil,ride only on electric cars,limit  birth rate, restore forests, pastures, ecology and fauna,drastically reduce meat consumption or even completely switch to vegetarianism, ban the production of weapons and the arms race, and do a thousand other things to stop the movement of our planet into the abyss.

Elon Musk, who invests all his money in the Mars exploration project, preparing to send about 5 thousand space rockets to this planet in the next 20-30 years, not only develops a spare planet for mankind, but also saves life on the Earth itself, inviting every earthling to change so that humanity as a whole could finally overcome the Great Filter and the deadly trap and reach a fundamentally new stage of development and long-term progress.
And Kyrgyzstan, our people and our newly elected President Sadyr Japarov should get involved in the most active way in the project of Elon Musk. The Kyrgyz have always been a cosmic people, just like their mountainous country has always been called the roof of the world. And the living conditions at an altitude of over 3 kilometres above sea level resemble those of Mars.
Kyrgyzstan can be turned into a solid platform for preparation for deep space exploration by creating many space cities and towns high in the mountains, around cosmodromes, long-distance communication stations, observatories, institutes and universities for space exploration.
It would be correct to start developing 100 billion  from the iron deposits of Zhetim-Too for these purposes, using the latest technologies, as well as entrusting Elon Mask with the construction of hydroelectric power plants on the Naryn River and the production of electric vehicles.
I'm not even talking about the fact that Elon Musk created the technology of fast automated building tunnels, without human intervention - this kind of work is also extremely important for our mountainous country, as well as the creation of a world transport and information hub in the very center of Eurasia.
In general, Kyrgyzstan and Elon Max are ideal for each other and if they work together, soul to soul, then the chances of our planet for salvation will dramatically increase. And the Kyrgyz have always dreamed of conquering the world - who now will refuse
the task of conquering or, more precisely, mastering the solar system and saving our Earth?