It s All About Energy 9

Íàäÿ Áèððó
Friends 9.

- What did it see? Some light? Today, unfortunately, there are no devices that can capture such subtle forms of energy... It's all about energy. By working with my patients and studying the behavior of creative people, I clearly realized that the whole thing depends on energy. How a creative person subjectively feels a rush of inspiration? It is the energy in full swing, and it seems so easy to get off the ground. Marina doesn’t go, she just flies in such periods. When painting, she just can’t stop. Most importantly - the idea, plot, composition, color scheme as a whole - is rapidly being laid at such moments. And what is my typical patient? “Doctor, I have no strength, no desire to go on, I cannot even speak, I always want to lie down.”

- And where does it come from, the energy?

- Good question. Thank you for the question how I use to say to students... The ability to accumulate energy is one of the most important properties of a gifted person. Freud's discovery of the sublimation of sexual energy is only one way, and not the most important. Just sex was the main problem of Freud himself.

- What is the most important then?

- I would say that the main thing is this very ability to accumulate energy from everything, from literally everything that comes in his way, that surrounds...

- "I wish you knew the kind of garbage heap
  Wild verses grow on, playing shame no heed"...
- Do you love Akhmatova?

- Partly. I am fond of women and poetry, and she is interesting to me as a female poet, but by the fact that she is a female.

- Excellent! You're making progress. Previously, you were interested in other things.

- Well, just another things I figured out already.

- Let's return to our topic. The free exchange of energy between man and the environment goes constantly: life’s events, nature and communication with people of your kind, works of art, someone's admiration... even a glance, too, has a reserve of energy. Yes, you probably experienced it at times: you can feel the glance as a touch even when you are back to its owner. It is in some ways a return to our old conversation. Gifted people do many things "rightly", without knowing it. You, for example. Now I understand that the role of joker and Mockingbird was chosen by you as a way to get your share of energy from other people through their laughter and you constantly exerted attention. And then you write your songs and returns them the same energy you borrow of them before.

Suddenly Basil loudly sneezed twice.

- It seems to be true, - he muttered. - Interesting, of course, but still your manner to lay everything on the shelves and append tags irritates me. No, I don’t want you to understand me so well!

- To understand you so well as I wish, I don't do anyways. Once I wanted to be a surgeon, but...

- First, you even wanted to become a monk! - Basil recalled.

- Yes. Correctly. And so it happened: the interest to the soul prevailed. I realized: it is necessary to restore order here, and the surgeon may not be needed. Imagine a hose, which supplies water: if it is in the correct position and is not damaged... Even more accurate comparison: the umbilical cord. It should not be twisted... All my patients have the problem in their "machine." Research and tests confirm the truth long known of the spiritual practice: pride is the main problem of the "weakened" people. "I can do everything myself" - and the channel blocked. Suicide is the final design of the self... Often the perpetrators are the closest people - parents. Failure to understand the goals of education! Parents want the child reached the material success, being developed and successful in all aspects. It is expressed in the fact that the child is praised for success and blamed for failures. Whereas the true purpose of education is to cultivate enduring, patient, wise fighter, because life is a test. We must overcome everything. When a human being is born, it just means the opportunity to become a HUMAN. Life is the exam for humanity. That is the main thing. No matter: good luck, failure, if only channel working properly. For teaching us endurance failures even better.

from my novel "From Eternal Point of View"