Hello Raska!

Александр Штрайхер
  Republican "talking heads" were right: "Let this fool talk and he is himself will bury it. "And indeed, talking, Biden blurted out: “Every American has the right to medical service!"
  I wonder where he got this idea?
  As far as I remember, the Declaration of Independence recognized as a "self-evident truth" that all people are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights, which include life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Then, however,
with the help of various Amendments, the rights of arms, freedom of speech, etc. were added - but nowhere is it said about the right to medical care, to a roof over your head, to work...
  Moreover, no one has and cannot have the right to happiness!
  At the beginning of the Soviet state, laws were passed requiring women (Komsomol members) not to refuse intimacy to any Komsomol member, who wants this closeness. How could it be otherwise, because he has the right to happiness!
  Biden tried to dissociate himself from socialism all the way, but this time he had a problem.
  And further. He says all the time that "we will create a lot of jobs," but he never says who "we" are and no one, for some reason, does not urge him to decipher this "we". And “we” is the state, officials.
  New masters of life.
  Sound familiar?
  We've already gone through all this ...