There are no professional wives in Russia

Андрей Ладо
The 21st century is the century of professionals in all spheres, including family life.

What is a professional? - a person who has studied the experience of the best predecessors and strives to surpass it.

Everything is like in chess, in order to become a world champion you need to master the experience of all world champions before you, this requires tremendous effort and time, therefore, the one who plows 6 hours a day from the age of 6 wins.

What is a professional wife? - This is a coach who molds a husband to be a super professional in a particular field.

And what does a modern wife do?

She gets her husband drunk, shakes his nerves, weakens him and demands money for clothes.

Instead of strengthening, strengthening the husband, the woman creates weaknesses for him.

This is pure dementia.

It's about the same as when a chess coach pours a drink for a grandmaster before a match if he is worried.

What does it mean to transfer power in the family to a woman?

It's about the same as catching a person on the street, asking him, “Do you know how pieces move in chess? - Yes, well then, go play in a tournament.

And what will be the result?

Today there are no professional wives in Russia.

Nobody prepares them, the family as an institution has been destroyed by the West.

80% of divorced women teach their daughters the right way to become a new divorcee.

Therefore, the country is in complete poverty.

Remember, you cannot give family power or budget management to a woman if she:

1. My wife did not complete 2 categories in chess.

2. The wife is not a mathematician, physicist, chemist, engineer, or programmer.

3. Considers that on holidays it is necessary to pour in alcoholic poisons or smokes