The Inevitable. Part 1

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These days, everyone is scared – whether one admits it or not. Scared of the present – and of the future. This fear is highly unhealthy (to put it mildly); hence, it must be radically reduced (otherwise the consequences would be catastrophic). And the only way to radically reduce it is to know for sure what our future will look like (any certainty is much, much better than a complete uncertainty).

At this moment, it is already crystal clear that (1) our world will change; (2) it will radically change; (3) this radical change is inevitable; and, therefore, (4) the only sensible thing to do is to accept and assist this radical change to the best of our abilities.

To accurately forecast these radical changes, we first must understand what we are dealing with – in other words, what exactly all this COVID thing is. 

COVID-19 pandemic is a natural disaster. Of the same category as a volcano. Earthquake. Tornado. Hurricane. Tsunami. Well… almost of the same category. “Almost” because it is a tool of Mother Nature that the latter uses to control the size and (which is far more important) composition of a “human herd” (yes, Mother Nature views us as just another animal species).

Mother Nature believes that there are too many old and weak individuals in a “human herd”; consequently, COVID-19 will go away only after it takes its toll – i.e. kills a certain predefined number of human beings (different for each nation, country, etc.).

And there is nothing, absolutely nothing humans and their governments can do about that – in other words, while we can (and should) care for those who got sick with COVID, we CAN NOT protect anyone from it – no matter what we do.

No “countermeasure” is 100% efficient (actually, there is solid evidence that all these lockdowns, social distancing, masks, etc. are completely useless) and the lethality of COVID (deaths as a % of infected) is well below 1%; consequently, even the vaccine that boasts 95% efficiency (which is highly doubtful in a real world – outside the lab) can not and will not lower the death toll.

Consequently, it is only fair to repeat what Dr. Ian Malcolm said in a global bestseller “Jurassic Park” (the first one): “Life will find the way”. In this case, COVID-19 will find a way around all government countermeasures to kill exactly the same number of humans that it would have killed had they not been implemented. Making these “countermeasures” totally and completely useless.

Abraham Lincoln – one of the greatest presidents of the USA – once said: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you CAN NOT fool all the people all the time”.

In this case, it means that rather sooner than later (in fact, in a very near future) a “critical mass” of the Western population will inevitably learn and accept the painful truth about the whole COVID disaster. And – what is far more important – will act on this truth. And act decisively – and highly destructively (at least initially).

First of all, the “critical mass” of the Western population will discover, acknowledge and accept that Mother Nature has the power over humankind – not the other way around (as most human, alas, believe).

And it really does not matter whether Mother Nature is an enormously powerful tool of the Almighty God or it has this power over human beings by itself – it only matters that it has this power – and recently began to exercise it via Weckruf (“wake-up calls”) to human civilization.

The first Weckruf was the proverbial “climate change”. Human civilization pretty much ignored it – and in a decade or so got the “second Weckruf”. The COVID-19 disaster.

And again, it (so far) continues to ignore it, desperately trying to “cancel the laws of Mother Nature” by attempting to prevent the virus from taking its toll – and doing its job for Mother Nature.

It is an exercise in futility, of course – but even if by some (highly unlikely) miracle, human civilization succeeds, it will be hit by a “Weckruf III”. Which would be far, far worse than the second one.

Possibly even by another virus – which would kill not at most 0.5% of infected as COVID does (its actual lethality is most likely far lower), but, let’s say, 5% or so. Which would lead to genuinely unimaginable catastrophe for the whole humanity.

However, I find this apocalyptic scenario not just highly unlikely, but practically impossible. Because (1) there would be no miracle – i.e. miraculous vaccine – that would “defeat the coronavirus”; and (2) a critical mass of the Western (and subsequently the whole human) population will “get the message from Mother Nature”. Which would make “Weckruf III” unnecessary.

In a few weeks at most, this critical mass will discover, acknowledge and accept that (1) it is simply impossible to protect the population from COVID-19 – no matter that we do; (2) the virus will disappear only when it does its job for Mother Nature - i.e. takes its predefined/pre-calculated toll; (3) the number of its victim will be the same – no matter what we do or do not do; and (4) the sooner it happens – and the sooner the virus goes away – the better it would be for every individual and for the whole humanity.

It is already undeniable (albeit not always explicitly acknowledged) that the “protective measures” – social distancing, lockdowns, masks, etc. – have devastating side effects (psychological, social, economic, etc. – even on public health).

And that the “COVID hysteria” propagated by governments and mass media produces a no less devastating impact on mental health of every human being on Earth. Of everyone – 100% of the population (COVID makes life inconvenient for at most 10% and is deadly to less than 1%).

However, pretty soon the critical mass of the Western population will suddenly (avalanche-style) become aware of an undeniable fact: these “protective measures” are much worse than “net negative” (i.e. the “medicine” is much worse than the disease).

In reality, these measures are 100% negative (“pure evil”, if you will) because they do not and will not prevent the virus from taking its deadly toll – the number of victims with and without these measures will be exactly the same (proven, by the way, by the comparison of the corresponding “death curves”).

Only with these measure it will take longer for the virus to complete the mission assigned to it by Mother Nature – which will make the side effects of “protective measures” genuinely devastating, catastrophic and possibly even suicidal.

Consequently, the sudden awakening of the critical mass of the Western population to the painful truth about the COVID disaster is but a manifestation of an immensely powerful survival instinct.

Survival instinct of individuals (COVID is not a threat to over 95% of the population while “protective measures” harm everyone) and of nations, countries, societies and of the whole Western and human civilization.

The truth is that with its far less than 1% lethality, COVID-19 is NOT an existential threat to “all of the above” while the “protective measures” are. And this fact will much sooner than later trigger the abovementioned survival instincts. With predictable consequences of those who designed, advocated and implemented these ultimately suicidal measures.

Very soon the critical mass of the Western population will realize that they have been duped by their governments, media and so-called “public health experts” about the danger posed by COVID-19. In other words, that both projected and (in many nations) actual death toll from COVID have been grossly exaggerated.

Examples are plenty – and Sweden is not the most striking one. The most revealing ones are Russia and (especially) Belarus. The government of the latter decided to… pretty much do nothing. No lockdowns, no social distancing, no “mask mandates” – no nothing.

According to models developed by so-called “public health experts”, by the end of May there should have been over 250,000 deaths in Belarus – in a nation of just 9 million such numbers would have been impossible to conceal.

In reality, it was less than 500 – and as of today (11/18/2020) the total number of confirmed COVID deaths (Belarus has one of the most stringent confirmation requirements worldwide) is just 1060. So much for trust in “public health experts”.

Please note that these numbers (which, by the way, are completely open to review by WHO experts) are for a nation which for over three months experiences political protests that draws tens of thousands of participants on at least a weekly basis.

Who stand right next to each other – no social distancing at all – and for the most part do not wear the proverbial masks. And still there is no “second wave” of coronavirus in Belarus (actually, there was no “first wave” to speak of). And the whole “COVID situation” there is far better than in European nations that implemented the disastrous “protective measures”.

In March of this year, a horrendous blunder committed by Moscow mayor, exposed over TWO MILLION Muscovites in the city subway to coronavirus in a matter of hours (so much for the official statistics of about 500,000 infected).

Even if we accept the moderate estimate of COVID lethality of 1% of the infected (some “public health experts” insist on 5% and even higher), this calamity alone should have resulted in 20,000 corona-deaths within a month or so.

In reality, there was barely a spike at all – and even now the official (highly inflated as I will prove shortly) death toll is around 8,000. Eight months after the incident. Oh, and Russian lockdowns were far less strict than in Europe – and barely enforced at all and the overwhelming majority of Muscovites only pretends to follow the “mask orders”.

And still the COVID situation there is far, far better than in nations with far more restrictive “protective measures”. Even without taking into consideration the irrefutable fact that the number of infected is grossly underestimated – and the number of deaths is no less grossly inflated.

Which brings us to another awakening – the awakening of the critical mass of the Western population to an irrefutable fact of a widespread “COVID-fraud”.

In a matter of a few weeks (if that) the critical mass of the Western population will inevitably wake up to a harsh reality: you CAN NOT trust the media. Neither “traditional” nor “social” one. It was true… well, always – but became painfully evident this year, after the outbreak of a pandemic of COVID-psychosis.

The reason why you absolutely CAN NOT trust media (of any kind) is that because every media enterprise is a commercial entity. A business, in other words. And, consequently, lives and dies not by the Truth – as all media claims, but by the numbers. Financial numbers.

Consequently, all media are interested not in mining and spreading knowledge (as they claim) – but in making money. Preferably, a lot of money. A whole lot of money, whenever, wherever and however possible.

And the truth is that in our highly imperfect and very much sinful world, media makes money mostly with “3S”: Sex, Scandal and Scare. And another truth is that the latter one sells far better than the other two combined.

Hence, from the very beginning of the COVID-crisis, mass media were interested not in discovering and disseminating the truth about coronavirus, but in creating the most powerful panic possible – as the more powerful is the panic, the higher are their sales (of subscriptions, access and advertising space), profits, cash flow… and salaries and bonuses of journalists, editors and other employees if media enterprises.

Media (especially in the “information society” that we currently live in) is, indeed, the “fourth power”. Consequently, the COVID-crisis (COVID-disaster even) is in reality a global pandemic of fear, COVID-psychosis (in a very literal medical, clinical sense) manufactured by mass media (both “traditional” and “social”).

Manufactured with but one objective in mind (and no, it is not the “common good”, regardless of what the media claims): making money off an artificial global scare. A lot of money. A whole lot of money.

Another reality that the critical mass of the Western population will very soon wake up to is that there were two other powerful contributors to the global pandemic of COVID-psychosis.

Two powerful lobbies – the pharmaceuticals industry and the “health care” industry (the latter one includes so-called “mainstream public health experts”). And thus two entities that no sane individual should ever trust – especially with one’s health (let alone life).

No, the proverbial “big pharma” did not create COVID-19 in some secret lab (in fact, no one did – it was the product of Mother Nature, not of some “mad scientist”). However, the pharmaceuticals industry - more precisely, its’ immensely powerful PR/propaganda machine (which would make Dr. Goebbels a minor public speaker by comparison) did contribute significantly to criminal (let’s call a spade a spade) activities of mass media aimed at creating an insane global COVID panic.

With exactly the same objective – making money. A lot of money. A whole lot of money. Hundreds of billions of dollars (or euros), in fact. Such amount of money can easily corrupt a saint – and “Big Pharma” executives are no saints (more like fallen angels, actually).

The math is simple, straightforward and fundamentally criminal - the more widespread the “COVID-panic” is and the more powerful it is, the easier it would be to get the regulatory approval, the higher would be the demand for the vaccine and the higher is the price that the vaccine manufacturer could charge.

Hence, the higher would be their sales, profits, cash flows, shareholder value… and salaries and bonuses of “Big Pharma” executives. And – of course – the net worth of shareholders in pharmaceutical companies. Not to mention the proud feeling of being the “saviors of the humanity” from “COVID menace”.

Ditto for health care industry. The more widespread the “COVID-panic” is and the more powerful it is, the more money the industry gets from the government (and from the patients). Oh, and the doctors and medical workers have long been known to have a “God complex” – in this case, the feeling of being the “saviors of a human race”.

Hence it is no surprise that the number of individuals who died from coronavirus is heavily inflated – in some cases by an order of magnitude. And so is the lethality of the virus – while it is claimed to be at least 1% and often estimated as high as 5%, in reality it is at most at par with common flue (0.3-0.4%), and most likely much lower (the number of infected far exceeds the official count and the number of COVID deaths is much lower).

The best proof is statistics compiled in Belarus – a perfect “control case” as its government does next to nothing to protect its population from coronavirus and employs the most stringent investigation procedures for possible COVID deaths.

Neither it is a surprise that health care industry (both government and private) utilizes its enormously powerful PR/propaganda machine to reinforce and spread COVID-panic, making the latter as powerful and widespread as possible. With genuinely disastrous consequences.

Still another harsh reality that the critical mass of Westerners will very soon wake up to, is the truth about the devastating contribution the “democratic” governments made to the whole COVID disaster. And that the government – like media, “Big Pharma” and the health care industry – CAN NOT and should not be trusted. At all.

In the global blockbuster “Hunt for Red October”, the National Security Advisor Jeffrey Pelt (played by late American actor Richard Jordan) coined a perfect definition of any politician in a “democratic” country:

“I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops”.

And that’s exactly what all politician are – all of them. Liberals and conservatives; Democrats and Republicans; Social Democrats and Christian Democrats; “progressive” and “reactionary”; Trump and Biden; Harris and Pence; Pelosi and McConnell; Merkel and Macron; Johnson and Trudeau; etc., etc.

In a “parliamentary democracy” (which in reality is hardly a democracy at all), politicians care only about two things – coming to power and staying in power by winning the corresponding elections (at local, state/provincial, national/federal or international level). Contrary to what they claim, they do not care a damn thing about anything else – common good, public health, human lives, etc., etc.

In a modern “democratic” society, media is “the most powerful power” as no politician can stay in power (coming to power is sometimes possible) without explicit support or at least a neutrality of the media.

Consequently, when the media unleashes the “global pandemic of psychosis”, the politicians and government officials have no other choice but to “get on board” – otherwise they will be annihilated by the media (and thus by the voters) in the next elections.

Two other lobbies – “Big Pharma” and especially the health care industry (whether government or private – it does not matter) are also extremely powerful (after all, they deal with matters of life and death, not to mention health). Consequently, when these powers unleash Hell (i.e. corona-psychosis), it would be very dangerous (if not suicidal) for any politician or government official not to go along.

In addition, very soon the “critical mass” of Western population will discover realize and acknowledge the existence of another extremely powerful lobby – the liberals. And that this lobby – and the liberal ideology – represent a genuinely existential threat to not only Western, but the whole human civilization.

By their very nature, politicians and government officials must care first and foremost about the common good and not individual good – it is in their job description. In other words, they have been entrusted with care for the whole society, the whole nation, the whole country – not the individual human beings.

Unfortunately, the Western Civilization is currently dominated by liberals and liberal ideology – and the foundation of this (ultimately suicidal) ideology is the primacy of individual good over the common good.

Which is genuinely insane because when the society, the country and the nation fall apart (the inevitable consequence of putting the interests of an individual above the interests of society), “all of the above” will in no time be transformed in a very real Hell on Earth. Millions would die – and those who will not will envy those who did.

In a matter of a few weeks (at most), the critical mass of Westerners will suddenly (avalanche-style) discover that their politicians did not do their job (instead, they committed disastrous and ultimately suicidal blunders).

Caring only about staying in power by winning the next elections, they betrayed their “democratic oath” and instead of doing what was in the best interests of the society, the nation, the country and ultimately all their constituents did what mass media, “Big Pharma”, health care industry and, yes, liberal lobby wanted them to do.

Mandated and enforced (to the best of their capabilities) totally useless and ultimately disastrous, catastrophic and even suicidal “protective measures”.

Western media, “Big Pharma” and health care industry got so powerful that even non-Western (and even not exactly democratic) regimes succumbed to the global “COVID-psychosis” (yes, it IS a psychosis in a medical and clinical sense). And resorted to practically the same useless and ultimately catastrophic measures.

With one notable exception: Belarus. I am no fan of Lukashenko (I am not even a citizen or resident of Belarus), but he was the only world leader who did not succumb to the global COVID panic and did basically the right thing: practically nothing, allowing the virus (the tool of Mother Nature) to do its job.

As the result, the overall quality of life (and the “COVID situation”, of course) in Belarus is currently much better than in every Western nation. And one of the best in the world.

For now, his achievements are all but ignored in the West. But not for long – very soon the “critical mass” of the Western population will wake up to the reality that the  right way was “the Belarus way” and that their liberal governments, liberal elites, mass media, “Big Pharma” and health care industry lead them straight into a very real Hell.