A trap. A dialog

Âëàäèìèð Çàëåññêèé Ïåðåâîäû
A trap. A dialog.

- “I wish you a good health!”

- “Hi! Do report!”

- “We acted in accordance with your political guidelines about humanitarian actions. There is an effect!”

- “Explain in more detail.”

- “The one who washed in the bath, he searched well on the Internet and he came out with an interesting proposal.”

- “What does he offer?”

- “He read about how the neighbors in Yekaterinburg solved a deafening crime. There, two girls were found killed in the area of the ski resort. Almost no trace. So what method did the neighbors use? They made a psychological portrait. When he heard the verdict in court, he fainted for forty minutes.”

- “What really, for forty minutes?”

- “So it is written. I read this text personally later.”

- “This is what we need. I already understood everything, but still you may finish your report.”

- “So, our new supporter suggests making a psychological portrait. But this requires a fresh information. And to obtain such information, it is necessary to conduct a humanitarian action. With a good emotional load. After almost complete silence and the prospect of a meeting in a year or two - a sudden gift. A telephone conversation.”

- “I thought so myself. Even I prepared the name. "Trap". At first I wanted to suggest “The Baltic Waltz”, but “Trap” is a shorter name.”

- “May I know what this name means?”

- “After humanitarian actions, you have an additional think tank. There are connoisseurs of literature. Let them think and write. We need a literary, cultural, positive reputation. See, I give you a hint ...”

- “Of course, they will think and write. Where will they go?  What will they do? Allow me to execute your instruction?”

- “Do it! We need to be flexible, to act intellectually.”

- “Yes, sir!”

October 14, 2020 15:50

Translation from Russian into English: October 14, 2020 16:23.
Âëàäèìèð Âëàäèìèðîâè÷ Çàëåññêèé “Çàïàäíÿ. Äèàëîã”.