Eating habits, multiculturalism and diversity

Михаил Салита
Very often  we sound persuasive  in our preferences concerning choice of ingredients or the food which we usually consume. I think that our eating habits and likings come from our childhood, the families we grew up and as the consequences to what race or ethnicity our families belonged to.

There times in life when we have to be flexible in everything concerning our eating habits because sometimes we don’t have everything we want in either kitchen cabinets or our fridges. It is not the point to be upset. I usually eat everything what is “eatable,” but, I have another difficulty; everything should be preferably kosher. I am absolutely  indifferent about condiments and all kinds of dressings, but I try to follow cultural traditions which have been followed by my family for years.

On the other hand, we have to respect other people’s preferences no matter whether it is eating, dressing, or behavioral habits. The world population is so different in all its manifestations, and the habits of eating is one of them, that we don’t have to make other people who don’t like, for example, sandwiches as I do,  eat them because we live in America.  As for me, I think I would hardly make myself avoiding making any notice concerning this fact. I understand importance of cultural preferences, and therefore, I will try to behave more politely and with more respect to the people with other eating habits.