The New Civilization

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1.       COVID-19 will “disappear from the radar” – one way or the other

2.      The “World After” (after COVID pandemic that is) will be radically different from the “World BCE” (Before Coronavirus Epidemic that is)

3.     The “World After” will be either a genuine Hell on Earth (if we do nothing) – or a radically better and happier New Civilization – if we conscientiously and diligently build it

4.      This New Civilization will be limited to – and will replace – the current Western Civilization

5.      The New Civilization will (obviously) be based on e-technologies (Internet, social networks, AI, Big Data, etc.), will be shaped by them and will use them to generate the maximum amount of aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual) for the citizens (constituents/inhabitants) of this New Civilization – far more than the existing civilization does

6.      The New Civilization will utilize its aggregate human capital to the maximum possible extent – creating far, far more aggregate value than the existing one

7.      Organized crime will be eradicated – and so will be the street gangs

8.      All other crime – murders; robberies; drug abuse, manufacturing and distribution; domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking, etc. – will be drastically reduced (by an order of magnitude)

9.      Close to 100% of crimes committed will be solved – including even the most difficult “cold cases”

10.  Homelessness will be eradicated – there will be no homeless people on the streets

11.   Poverty will be eliminated as well

12.  Environment will be radically cleaned up – everywhere

13.  The infrastructure of the society – roads, transportation, telecoms, housing, etc. – will be radically improved

14.  Consumption of fossil fuels will radically decrease – and so will all sorts of man-made emissions into the environment

15.  Happiness requires that the genuine needs (not perceived wants and desires!) must be satisfied (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual); consequently, the New Civilization will help its citizens/constituents identify and satisfy their genuine needs (according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs)

16.  Consequently, in the New Civilization ALL individuals will be focused on identifying and satisfying their genuine aggregate needs – financial, functional, emotional and spiritual

17.   More specifically, every individual will focus on generating (for his/her stakeholders) and receiving (from his/her stakeholders) the maximum possible amount of aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual): I give, I receive; I receive, I give – in perfect harmony

18.  Likewise, the economy (local, national and global) will be focused squarely on identifying and satisfying the genuine aggregate needs of consumers – individuals  and institutions (organizations); in other words, on generating and receiving the maximum possible amount of aggregate value

19.  Organizations (businesses, government entities, non-profits, etc.) will become radically more productive and efficient in generating aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual)

20. EVERY organization will be transformed into a happiness-focused organization (in other words, focused on making ALL of its stakeholders genuinely happy)

21.  Every organization (business, government entity, non-profit, etc.) will be managed via a comprehensive system of Corporate Cockpits

22. Corporate Cockpits will make every organization completely transparent (on a “need-to-know” principle, of course) providing every manager and specialist with ALL knowledge (valuable information) that he/she needs to maximize his/her performance in corresponding responsibility areas

23. Every Corporate Cockpit will constitute a Graphical User Interface (GUI) into a Comprehensive Corporate Knowledge Base (CCKB) managed by a next-generation ERP-system Comprehensive Objects Management System (COMS)

24. COMS is based on an universal object-oriented Organization Description Language (ODL)

25. All COMS in government entities will be tightly vertically (from the tiniest village to the EU) and horizontally integrated into a Comprehensive Electronic Government System (CEGS)

26. COMS of all organizations will be tightly horizontally integrated into a Global Electronic Marketplace (GEM)

27.  The New Civilization will be essentially an E-Civilization built upon Direct Democracy Portal (DDP) and a comprehensive system of Corporate Objects Management Systems (COMS)

28. Consequently, it makes complete sense that the developers of COMS & DDP assemble The Elite that will run ALL Western governments top to bottom (from the village the EU) - according to the all-important and omnipresent meritocracy principle, of course

29. This process will (of course) be completely transparent (via DDP) to the general population (constituents/citizens) and will make it possible for the latter to decisively influence the selection process – including the de-facto veto power

30.In the new government system, every CEO (and every manager) will have complete authority in his/her responsibility areas – and complete responsibility before his/her superior and his/her constituents (the latter via DDP)

31.  Every individual will become the best he/she can possibly be – in terms of achievement (generating aggregate value); which means that he system of education and upbringing will be radically improved

32. Physical and mental health of every individual (as well as his/her relationships) will be drastically improved

33.Every nation will restore and strengthen its historical roots

34. Every nation will restore, protect, enhance and enrich its unique culture

35. Every nation, state, country, etc. will be much better protected against all sorts of threats (internal and external)

36. The New Civilization will utilize all its resources (human, natural, financial, etc.) in a much more efficient way

37. The current (and no longer acceptable) system of parliamentary democracy will be replaced by Direct Electronic Democracy (DEP) based on the Direct Democracy Portal (DDP) – the direct link between population (citizens, constituents) and the executive power (based on the social networks, Big Data, AI and other state-of-the-art e-technologies)

38. DDP will make activities of all governments – from the village to the EU – completely transparent to all their constituents and will make it possible for every citizen to directly and actively participate in government decisions and actions at all levels (and thus to utilize the “collective brain” and human capital of every nation to the fullest extent possible)

39. This new system will make political and government systems – as well as the economy and the society – far more flexible, fast, agile and efficient (and a proper match to an already existing “electronic community”)

40. Political parties will cease to exist – and so will the parliaments – because they are way too inefficient (the obstacles actually) for the modern fast-paced world

41.  The judicial power (the “power of the courts”) will be drastically curtailed – to make the government systems sufficiently flexible, fast, agile and efficient for the modern fast–paced electronic world

42. Management systems of all organizations (businesses, government entities, non-profits, etc.) will be based upon the omnipresent meritocracy principle

43. Governments at all levels – from the tiniest village to the EU – will focus squarely on making their constituents genuinely happy; in other words, on helping their constituents identify and satisfy their genuine aggregate needs – financial, functional, emotional and spiritual (according to Maslow’s hierarchy)

44. All government activities will be structured around projects and processes focused on identifying and satisfying the aggregate needs of their constituents (citizens); in other words, on creating the maximum amount of aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual) for the latter

45. If the political, social and economic system (the proverbial “fabric of the society”) falls apart, our world will be transformed into a very real Hell where the human rights will simply not exist at all; consequently, in the New Civilization the common good (i.e. preservation of the “fabric of the society”) will ALWAYS be more important than the individual good

46. Genuine happiness requires a keen sense of belonging (see Maslow’s Hierarchy) which for a human being requires a strong and intense emotional and spiritual connection to “collective souls” (“egregores”) of nation, state and race

47.  Consequently, in the very near future we will see a return to the world as a system of nation-states which will put their interests above the interests of “everyone else” – and thus (among other things) fiercely and efficiently protect their borders as well as restore, protect, enhance and enrich their unique cultures – and, of course, fundamentally reverse the “globalization trend”

48. More specifically, the new nation-states will make sure that the flow of capital, goods and (especially) people across their borders benefits first and foremost the nation and state in question (i.e. their constituents), not someone else

49. Therefore, the Western nations will inevitably close their borders to so-called “refugees” (mostly economic migrants) letting in only those willing to get completely assimilated and Westernized (i.e. only the transcultural); obviously, only the transcultural migrants that are “already inside” will be allowed to stay

50. In the New Civilization, Christianity will (again) become the official state religion (as it was for almost two millennia); ultimately, the overwhelming majority of its citizens will convert to Catholicism

51.  Western Civilization will (again) become an undisputed leader (ideological, political, economic, cultural, military, etc.) and a dominant power in the whole human world