On Racial Equality

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Another “sacred cow” of liberal ideology – racial equality – is somewhat tricky. On the one hand, there are no fundamentally “superior” or “inferior” races – biologically and genetically humans of different races are equal.

In other words, they are as different as cats of a different color but of the same breed. Hence, racial discrimination in the workplace, in education… anywhere actually, makes no sense whatsoever. It is just plain scientifically wrong.

On the other hand, liberals use the initially noble idea of racial equality and (in many cases totally unfounded) accusations of racism as weapons in all-out attacks on the White Race. Which, by the way, is also racism – cut and dry, plain and simple, loud and clear.

In reality, racism is not limited to the white race: there are “black racists”, “yellow racists”… in fact, racists of all colors. Actually, the worst racists by far were the Chinese and (especially) the Japanese. Some still are.

Individuals, nations, armed forces and governments of all races committed horrible crimes against humanity (possibly the worst were the “yellow” Japanese during the World War II, the Blacks in Rwanda in 1994 and the “red” Indians in Mesoamerica). Hence, in this department, no race is better than any other.

However, it is a well-established historical fact that the greatest contribution (by far) to human civilization and progress – to science, technology, economics, law, literature, arts, music, etc. – was made by individuals and institutions of the White Race. Consequently, the latter deserves respect, admiration and even adoration not only of the "whites", but of the members of other races.

It is also a fact that being white is one of the key components of the Western identity. True, there are “trans-racial” individuals (as there are transcultural); however, the overwhelming majority of individuals of “other races” explicitly or implicitly, consciously or subconsciously associate themselves with other civilizations. Other than the Western one that is.

Consequently, every attack on the White Race is an attack on the Western Civilization and any and all attempts to “dethrone” the White Race will inevitably result in the collapse of a Western Civilization (and, therefore, of the whole human civilization).

Therefore, the whole idea of “racial equality” in this context is a clear and present existential threat to Western and to the whole human civilization. Consequently, the national salvation governments in Western Nations MUST support, defend and preserve the White Race – and make sure it ALWAYS occupies the dominant position in the Western Civilization.