Vaccine. - Russial science. Achievements. Leaders

Владимир Залесский Переводы
Vaccine. - Russial science. Achievements. Leaders. Essay on the philosophy of modern Russial science.

The head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev announced the development of a vaccine against coronavirus and a huge increase in the rating of Russial science in the world. ““ We believe that the regulatory approval of the Russian vaccine will be in August-September, we will again be leaders here in international markets, ”said Kirill Dmitriev.
According to him, the vaccine will allow "not to become infected and not to get sick."
The role of Mr. Dmitriev is certainly important. But we remember that he is not only an independent figure. He - received the High Instruction. So behind Mr. Dmitriev, even an Higher Figure is visible. All the more significant is the global achievement of Russial science (a vaccine against coronavirus).

Under such circumstances, there is every reason to direct a generalized look at Russial science, its leaders and its achievements.

A few hours ago, the media reported an increase in mortgage debt (of the Russial  population). This is in line with our forecast: movement according to the Venezuelan version with Russial  specifics. The population is entangled in debt, there is no real economic growth. Siberia and the Far East - floods and fires. Constant news about the destruction of technical and technological facilities of various levels (bridges, roads, dams ...).

So, what is the state of Russial science in this state of affairs?

The question is natural. But who will answer?

Academy of Sciences? Firstly, she is in a constant solution to financial issues. Secondly, it seems that its reorganization processes have become permanent.

Ministry of science? It seems that recently one of the Deputy Ministers has had major problems. So, seems, the Ministry is deeply involved in problems, too.

Scientific feudal lords? Their main focus is on their own estates.

Scientific serfs? They are not independent people.

Scientific prankers, who are crowding out scientific feudal lords and scientific serfs? They need the general view of Russial science the least.

Well, well ...

We continue our presentation.

There is not so much generalized information about the state of Russial science at the disposal of the public. If there are materials on this subject, then they are generalized subjective assessments.


1) we can confidently assume a decrease in the cost [expenses] to (for) science (in relative? in absolute terms?) compared with the times of the USSR.

2) we have excellent generalizing materials prepared by Dissernet.

Dissernet’s studies are useful in that they, having fulfilled a separation and having lighted a separate sector in Russial science, firstly, show the catastrophic state of affairs in Russial science, and, secondly, allow extrapolating the corresponding assessments to the state of affairs in the scientific field (in whole).

At this moment, we can move on to the leaders of Russial science.

Is the chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission (awarding scientific degrees and titles) not a scientific leader?

Seems, after Dissernet's disclosures, the Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) was removed from office. But he was removed in the Byzantine style. There was no a particular criticism of him as the Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission (why? was there no reason?). There was no general review of his activities as Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission, no conclusions, no report. But there was a criminal case for some economic crimes, whicht did not have direct relation to the Higher Attestation Commission (the case was dismissed due to the absence of a crime event; after that he was acquitted by the court due to the lack of corpus delicti - Wikipedia).

Meanwhile, we observed fireworks of events. The chairman of the Moscow City Duma resigned. A character was found who received a diploma of Doctor of Science with all the necessary requisites, but he did not write even a line - even in style of plagiarism ...

We saw one leader of Russial science (chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission).

We pass to another.

This is a high, very high, official with several dissertations. According to Wikipedia, part of one of his dissertations was simply rewritten. There were noisy stories with the scientific value of another dissertation, with two versions of an abstract [special pre-dissertation work].

The more doubtful the scientific reputation of this leader became, the more his dependence became, and, therefore, as can be assumed, his value.

His closest (and not closest) employees (subordinates) were exposed as participants in corruption crimes. He himself only moved from one chair to another and was portrayed as a large figure of Russial science and culture.

Another portion of information about the leaders. The most famous Russial historian is the author of many scientific works, the creator of some beginnings [elements] of an independent scientific school, a person who knows a foreign language, a teacher of a foreign university (on a periodic basis), a person of a clearly unusual energy and a broad competence, - he all his life (up to 60 years)  was demonstrating his success as Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences. Paradoxically, he could not reach, achieve the (titles of) doctor of sciences and professor. His head, rector, doctor of sciences and professor (author of an approximately equal number of monographs with the historian), immediately after the world-class scandal in the university subordinate to the rector, became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences ...

Conventionally, Russial science can be divided into two parts - secret and non-secret (opened for public).

If we are told about achievements in the secret sphere and shown videos, then we can only believe and agree that the names of scientific leaders are unknown to us.

It seems that there have been two major scientific achievements in the coming years - according to the official version. One is in the secret sphere. On these issues, we are forced to exercise caution. (Still, the story of the so-called adviser to the head of Roscosmos forces us to be especially careful ... A street – a lantern – a pharmacy ... A pharmacy – a street – a lantern ...).

The second is the largest achievement of  world level — the development of a coronavirus vaccine. Public meetings were held on the vaccine, with the inviting many scientific figures. And we can talk on this subject without fear.

First, we will express our personal opinion. Then, we will return back to the official position.

As far as one could understand from the speeches of a number of experts, it takes several years to develop a vaccine. In the history of pharmacology, a significant number of cases are known when products were sent to the market, but were later declared harmful to health.

In general, we personally look at the vaccine, so quickly developed, with some caution.

We return to the official point of view and then build our plot based on it.

Russial science has achieved outstanding world-class results. We learned this from the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Mr. Dmitriev. The Fund contributed to this result (in fulfillment of the High Instruction?).

A solemn march is playing ... Or a beautiful waltz ... Everyone is marching or whirling in ecstasy ...

If we watch such a joyful event, then we wish to see the heroes of the event!

Mr. Dmitriev personally did not develop a vaccine ...

Where are the Russian geniuses - our Lomonosovs, Mendeleevs, Butlerovs? ...

Where are their Stars of Heros? Their State Prizes? Their mansions? Their Bombardiers? Their yachts (this is the name of ocean liners for individual relaxation)? Where are their vacations - vacations at the most prestigious resorts in the company of outstanding stars of our time?

As a rule, in research teams there are both young geniuses and mature ones. Therefore, we can see the weddings (of the creators of the vaccine themselves or of their children, grandchildren), weddings for thousands of guests, where everyone present drives the most expensive cars, attracting everyone's attention on the central streets of cities (using different methods).

You say - well, Bombardier - this is probably a excessive expectations ...

Why is it a excessive expectations? We are dealing with the benefactors of mankind!

Moreover, the infectious threat does not recede. Russia has no right to lose her talents. She must support them in every way. And use them as an example both for young and not young people. As an example of the fact that it is in the scientific field  the ways of achieving honor, well-being, life success, leadership are located ...

Most likely, we can expect a sharp replenishment of the State Duma and the Federation Council (where specialists in infectious diseases can replace some not very successful athletes), replenishment by prominent virologists of the highest echelons of power. (Today, virologists can be called “senators” ...).

The huge, worldwide success of Russial science - the development of a vaccine against coronavirus - which Mr. Dmitriev informed us about, fills our hearts with pride and directs our interest in such a mysterious phenomenon as the philosophy of Russial science.

July 12, 2020 07:04

Translation from Russian into English: July 12, 2020 20:37.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Вакцина. - Российская наука. Достижения. Лидеры. Очерк философии современной российской науки”.