11. 07. 2020 The word doubt in English

Еленин Владимир
What happened to the word doubt in english?

We can see this through transcription of this word.

Д - Good. Wealth. To give.

The Russian word Добро disappeared from English. English began to use substitutes - good and kind.
The Russian word Достаток has disappeared from English too. English began to use substitutes – prosperity, sufficiency, wealth.
The Russian verb Давать replaced by the English verb  give. And its source was moved from good to movement.

OU – in Russian – Оук - an indication of one's place in the world.

T - Firmly. Hardness. Statement. Indication from above.

Doubt - Well-being points to its place in the world firmly.

And where then is the end of the needle from a Russian fairy tale?
The end of the needle formed the new word Needle, using the verb to need.
No comment. A lot is clear to me. And this is just the beginning.