Time - speed - distance. Caring for the Kara Sea

Владимир Залесский Переводы
Time - speed - distance. Caring for the Kara Sea. The note.

It is difficult to navigate in the situation using radio messages. A lot of incomprehensible. Geography - as an academic subject - remained at a school. And on a large-scale map it is somehow unclear how far the Kara Sea is from the place of the Norilsk environmental disaster of 2020.

"NORILSK, June 4 [2020]. / TASS /. Oil products that spilled at CHPP-3 of the Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company in Norilsk could get into the Kara Sea with water in a week if the consequences were not localized in time. On Thursday, the deputy director for emergency rescue work and oil spill response of the Northern branch of the marine rescue service, Mikhail Sarkov, told reporters.

On May 29, on the territory of the ТЭЦ-3 Norilsk-Taimyr Power Company (NTEK, a member of the Nornikel group), as a result of (...)  the destruction of the tank, more than 21 thousand cubic meters of oil products spread over an area of 180 thousand square meters, which hit the soil and water objects." [unofficial translation] (https://tass.ru/obschestvo/8650937)

The task moves from a geographical plane to a calendar one.

May 29, 2020 plus a week (seven days) ... somewhere around June 5, 2020.

Naturally, the flow rate (speed of watercourse) and distance are not exactly known. Therefore, the exact time is difficult to determine. June 5-6-7, 2020?


Of course, with a large-scale map we cannot know much ...

Such a life. Deputies take care of the population (as soon as they can). And some members of the population care about the Kara Sea ... Such a life is ...

June 8, 2020 22:57

Translation from Russian into English: June 8, 2020 23:20.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Время – скорость – расстояние. Забота о Карском море. Заметка”.