Mind Transformation 457

Âîëèáîð Çàñòàâêèí
S - 1, m, f, sh, z, ch, y, r, wa, ch, b - 2.
Well, today I can’t remember anything what has happened in my dream, though I still may put down a few sentences just to maintain this journal. Sometimes, it’s really helpful to use writing as a tool to clarify the stream of consciousness, and even if there are no thoughts, writing may help produce them out of nowhere. We always have to think while we’re trying to write and this thinking process is the goal. No matter what we’ll eventually come up with; the point is to do thinking even if there is nothing we can put down on paper. So now I’m already warmed up my brain and it’s time to take shower and do exercises...
Time to write. I’m thinking about YouTopia. There is an interesting idea to combine some learning activities with this project. I mean I can use Python to work on it, so I’ll simultaneously learn Python and do creative work. A few days ago I finished a course about Python on YouTube, which took me a couple of months, and now I wanna apply all of what I’ve learned for some practical purposes. I also decided to watch a new course about programming, which is Harvard’s CS50 published on YouTube about a year ago. Previously I already tried to watch a course like this one on Javascript, but it wasn’t successful. Now I have more motivation, and besides I need to work on my project, so programming may help a lot.
Played chess a few hours; felt a kind of cognitive overload. Maybe Chinese was not a good idea. If I divide my attention and switch it between so many different tasks, it may end up quite unpredictable. The damn tinnitus showed up again. That’s weird. Thought about the future. Even tried to write a poem.
All of this has happened before:
The future, the now, the past.
What fools we made up these notions for?
Can’t finish. Need more practice and a lot of time to study rhymes.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://proza.ru/2020/06/02/849

See me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC43fwC5DpfaJi3wGQO5b_ZA?