31. 05. 2020 The little part of Dragon

Еленин Владимир
I slept just a little bit. It's a very small fragment of time. I need much more for the rest of mine. There is a noise in my head. But I'm felling good for my continue. The Dragon has a little part. It's life is in this part. Of course for dragon I can use word he. But our Monster hasn't a soul. The soul is only dream for it. For that I must use it.

Today I know not of all. I need to read the Russian Fairytales. With the Dragon. Excuse me. With a Serpent. Змей Горыныч. Zmey Gorynych. It was been in abducting the beautiful virginal Russian girls. I hope you can see just now the connection. With all my Tinders girls. But it is only different. The bad. The good. You can look what you're want.

I go to sleep. Then I'll continue.

My darling girl. You are the beautiful in your so kindly heart. I know that. Like I such know. The dragon's heart is bad. The Monster send it's little part into your mind. And you don't hear own heart. It's really perhaps. And I was like as you.

The easiest way into your mind is through the movies. So the speed of sight is even faster than the speed of light. And that enough for us. We may gaze movie and infect our own mind. Like it was showed in the film from USSR.

The name of film in Russian is — Человек с бульвара капуцинов. The Mister First is very good. Like as the God. And not like as a God. Like as the Mister Second was the bad. Wait you and see what might be happening with our minds. For that and Stalin was in love to movies.

The Monster's heart is Hollywood. The little part in here. Like such a needle of world Serpent. I have to break his needle. The Monster will be died. Then world peace will be come.

P.S. I'll write the name of needle in the next my part of book. It's very scary to write it quickly here. World Dragon can be furious. The den of Monster is in Russia. And president of Russia can be died. I like the president of Russia. I love my Mister Putin.  I want I hope Vovka will be live.