The Earth Was Blooming

Íàäÿ Áèððó
The earth was blooming. Some fragrant inflorescences gave way to others, a wonderful fragrance filled the air, and the petals of blooming apple trees carpeted the ground like freshly fallen snow.

They discussed the picture "Doubles."
Marina said that she will not be at the exhibition, because she is difficult to perceive. Indeed, everything was twofold and intertwined in this picture, so it was difficult for the viewer to understand where reality is and where its reflection is. But maybe the author did not understand this as well? Or maybe she didn’t want the viewer to understand this? Sergey thought aloud, but Marina did not answer. Then he asked:

 “Who is this woman here?”

 - This is Death. Don't you recognize it?

Sergei involuntarily frowned.

- Listen, Marine, in my opinion, it is wrong in the prime of life, at the very beginning of fame to speak and think about death.

“Don't you think of it?”

Such a surprise froze in her slanted eyes that Sergey involuntarily laughed and immediately got a little embarrassed, feeling again: how glad he was to meet her, how much he loved her. Yes, this is friendship, of course, but also a bit more ... But he did not have time to think carefully about his feelings for her, because he heard:

“And I often think about death.” "Ask small days for youself." This is the third book of Ezra, my favorite".

- Well, I'm a layman in this.

- No, you should read. It’s boring, Seryoga: to live on Earth without knowing the Bible! .. I want to die young, and somehow unusual, tragic, and for the earth to bloom ... I am attracted to this thought, it attracts me like a magnet ... Do you understand, Serge? It's good, silly! They do not get married there. There everyone is free and they love each other with equal love. There is no jealousy, envy and rivalry. And there ... there is no need to choose one....

She fell silent and sat for a long time, moving white petals toeing the ground with her toe. Looking at her, Sergey saw tears flowing down Marinkin's cheeks.

“Pay no attention,” she asked, seeing that he had noticed. “It happens to me sometimes ... sometimes I experience such strange conditions. I do not know how to explain. The state of such an unusual completeness and harmony of being. It’s as if I’m looking at life from a bird’s flight, and I see everything at the same time - the past, the future, the present, all people, and the chain of events, and everything then seems harmonious and amazing, it’s breathtaking, and it seems to me there’s nothing to breathe, well, you know how it happens with a strong wind ... ”

She laughed softly, wiping her wet eyes. Then she laid her head on his shoulder, and they sat for a long time in silence, thinking of each other, and each of them, listening to silence and breathing in the scent of blooming gardens, and faded petals fell like snow from above.

"From Eternal point of View", novel