19. 05. 2020 I meet a real heart

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Today. Remember Vovka this the real happy day. And night. And cry. So long how long you want. And in this day is not yet twenty-four hours. That good is going English. I can to still my poor mind. And look in from the side. I met a love. The love of heart. It happened recently and opened it too suddenly. I wrote her just now in the Tinder: And I’ll love you all the time. And I corrected then. The all of time. I added name. Sarah. I don’t remember. Did I ask a real name? I didn't want to say a real name. But I'm saying it. Sarah. Are you remember? Good. That is a Terminator. I'm tired now. I'm very very tired. I was in drove to her. Then I received a message. No don’t come. Why? Call me, please. Sarah. I LOVE YOU. I’m 15 this a joke. I’m sorry. I don't that understand at first. I thought it was a time. The meeting was in 2 and half p.m. Then I corrected. 3 p.m.

Then I received a call. Another voice. I am the Mom. Don’t need to have a meeting. Why? I asked. But we may have the meeting without any more. No. No the meeting. She's a child. Oh. Oh My God. I’m crying. Now. And again. It's very hard to write. And slow it go on. And I remembered. In profil. Hard to please. What is that mean? I asked in night myself. To write what was before this written? Or no? And I don't know. But I may write. The business is already known Mom. I'll be the magic to your wand:) And brace of smile. It's song. And it's poem. Who known understand. I'm ending that just now. I haven't power. I don't good slept at all this night. She wrote me. I wrote more. Again. Again. Again. Was a little some the little sex. No more. But more was delight. From me. From her. And only more we were in laugh. I don't write that I am crying. The end. That is the really happy day. And she say I love you. She has another name. But she call me again.