Time for the big deal

Замир Осоров
It is very important for the peoples of our region to declare a moratorium on 20 or 30 years for all hardly solving and sensitive issues about the border area ownership and disputes of strip of land between countries, about coastal water, as well as about whose history is more ancient and great  and whose language is more beautiful and so on and so forth.

The solution to all these problems should be left for later, and at present, to deal with the development and modernization of the infrastructure of the Great Silk Road, among them the most important is the construction of a road from China to Europe through Central Asia.
After  finishing this works  and getting out of the geopolitical impasse, when  tens  and hundreds of thousands of our citizens will be involved in this project and  open up great prospects for themselves, when living conditions and welfare become on completely new level,  we might to return to resolving old disputes about which people and nation from us more ancient and whose  traditions better or worse.