Книга отзывов с выставок

Жан Ван Вейк
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1. Donna and I often think of you and look at the Pictures of your work. We have a new office in Brisbane (Australia) and your wonderful works of Art, also your magazines and photos are hanging on our walls for everyone to Admire.
Richard & Donna Welch (USA)

2. Ik wil u gaarne mijn waardering uitspreken voor de fraaie collectie borduurwerken.
Amb. Kon. der Nederl. (Washington, USA)

3. Thanks for review your Artworks.
Smithsonian Institution (Washington, USA)

4. Interested to learn about your work.
Nat. Gallery of Art. (Washington, USA)

5. Dank voor advies en deskundigheid.
Burgemeester Gruyters (Holland)

6. Mijn bewondering voor geduld en vakmanschap.
Dir. of Contr.Bur. v. Genealogy (Holland)

7. Een kunstenaar met Gouden Handen. Verrassend hoe iemand moeilijke voorstellingen zo tot leven brengt met garens.
Flevopost Kluwen Press (Holland)

8. Lelystads Gobelin Meester. Menige tentoonstelling zou jaloers zijn op de imposante Collectie Gobelins.
Lelystads Dagblad Perry Rhodan S.F. Ver. (Holland)

9. Uberrascht, es ist nicht gemalt, aber stickerei.
Pabel Verlag (Germany)

10. Es sind sehr faberprachtige Genialte Gobelines.
Erst D. S.F. Club (Germany)

11. Welche fantastische bilder du stickst.
Horst Hoffmann (Austia)

12. Flink onder de indruk van Uw kunstwerken Zeer indrukwekkend!!
Depuis, uitgevers Expo "nazorg" Telegraaf (Holland)

13. Your artworks, very nice.
Masamichi Osaka (Japan)

14. Thanks for participation at our Art-Show I can imagine to make these Gobelins, I couldn't do it without a Heartattack.
Congress Art Show Walter Ernsting (Ireland)

15. Most wonderfull tapestry
Chelsea G. Yarbo (Canada)

16. A pleasure to see such fine works.
Don Lawrence (Canada)

17. With great admiration for your work.
Robert Siiverberg (MGM Studio's, USA)

18. Great Works.
Isaac Asimov (USA)

19. You are a Artist, your works promotes itself.
Melinda Snowgrass (Paramount Studio's. Storywriter of Star trek films, USA)

20. Best Wishes!
Joe Haldermann (Poet writer, Canada)

21. Mit besten wunchen.
Erick von Daniken (Switzerland, Bern)

22. Just Great!
Bob Shaw (Scotland)

23. Thanks, for brighten our Art-Show.
Harry Harryson (France)

24. Great Art.
John Belamont (France)

25. Auch ich liebe diese Gobelins besonders.
Marianne Sydow (Germany)

26. Van Wijk is de enige Nederlander die de Gobelinkunst in de puntjes beheerst.
Paul Walreath (Embroidery Director, Belgium)

27. Sehr Shone Arbeit.
Ernst Vleck (Germany)

28. Thanks for your wonderfull present; Whe are proud of you and your work!
Kurt Mahr (USA), W.Voltz (Germany)

29. De Gobelins zijn werkelijk prachtig Niet alleen een geweldige hobby maar ook een prima manier om zin en inhoud aan je leven te geven.
Euro Art. Ned. Buurthuis De Drietand (Holland)

30. Alle leden zijn trots op je Jan.
S.F. Ver. Terra (Holland)

31. Ein ganze fantastische arbeit.
Jurgen Marsh (Germany)

32. De verstilde en tegelijk uitdrukkingsvolle wereld van de Gobelin in creaties van M.J. van Wijk.
Stichting Gouden Handen (Holland)

33. One Pretty and Useful Hobby.
11.02.1992 Gabrielle Theunissen (Holland)

34. Meindert, I been very honored with your artwork to be listen. I noticed, your new system is so very stable. I only have to listen your Gobelins.
01.09.1992 Thijs Nijk (Holland)

35. Unic, with deep background and symbolic excellent true perfection.
24.12.1992 Marjan v/d Pijl (Holland)

36. It is fantastic what I have seen. I wish you much inspiration for the future, much luck, success and love.
17.08.1992 Elaine Duchess (Holland)

37. For this are no words. Marvelous.
Eugene Weermeyer (Holland)

38. Jan, please go on. A admirer of your Art.
Gerry van Houten (Holland)

39. This is no Embroidery work but Embroidery Art.
Nico Krap products (Holland)

40. I will Exposed your Artwork with care imaged to may show this true the Netherlands.
Foundation "Arto-Kune". Marion v/d Vegt (Holland)

41. Patience and love, very exceptional, much success.
22.07.1994 Margriet Goodhart (Holland)

42. In those Gobelins is a life of sorrow and pain but also from happiness and love. who that understand, know what these Gobelins are showing, much love.
Irene and Leon van Wijk (Holland)

43. Your real work is more fascinated than the photo's can show.
Bert Albers (Holland)

44. You made again a person very happy and it where cossy in your house.
Karin and Elly van Wijk (Holland)

45. I really like your Artworks, they are SOOOOOO beautiful!
Ubonwan Kaewkao (Thailand)

46. Thanks, it's the first time for me to see such beautiful Gobelins.
Kumi Mizuno (Japan)

47. Your needleworks are amazing, a true gift, worthwhile to see.
Pam Veugelaers (New Zealand)

48. Your Embroidery, Your are amazing.
Irene Loh (Singapore)

49. Your needlework on the wall, beautiful to look at.
Diana J. Antonio (Honolulu)

50. I love your Bengali tiger in bamboo bush, it's beautiful.
Fabiola Oewel (Brasil)

51. Your Art, Thanks, I like'd and very impressed.
Patricia Pereera (Brasil)

52. Your work is a masterpiece, each Gobelin you make.
Ricardo Leyva Islas (Mexico)

53. Enjoyed your Art, it's just amazing me and showed to my friends.
Indian Artist Elaine Mc Intosh (Canada)

54. I hope, You have very much success with your FOUNDATION; Your Artworks are very nice.
Doris Vaillancourt (Canada)

55. I am very impressed with your work, what wonderful things you made.
Janice Bjarnason (Canada)

56. Your talent, how beautiful your works looks, congratulations. Creating such beauty.
Elsie Linholm (Canada)

57. Your Artistic Works, Gobelins are very popular in my country.
Masha Plotkina (Latvia)

58. Your Gobelins are such surprised and new nice style. I am admiring them. To think, every time that such hard work been made with such love.
Luba Bozho (Ukraine)

59. You really must be very proud making those beautiful Gobelins.
Cyndy A. Wanamaker (USA)

60. WOW. Congratulations on the finish of the Bengali Tiger, hard work.
Kathrin Beasley (USA)

61. These your works... I can say nothing more... Fantastic, You are truly a great Artist!
Carol Salas (USA)

62. Congratulation on getting to do an exibition with your Gobelins.
Kimberly A. Parents (USA)

63. I enjoy the view of those STAR TREK Gobelins very much.
Brandi D. Chase (USA)

64. Your Artwork, very fine stitchwork, lots of time and hard work.
Siv Carlsson (Sweden)

65. Incredible. Your collection Art. Marvelous.
Laura Sanchez (Spain)

66. Your beautiful Artworks. I love this Fantastic views.
Michaela Fantino (Italy)

67. I am crazy about your beautiful Gobelins, especially those about the Scandinavian cultural background, called "Griffon".
Anne Marit (Denmark)

68. I have looked at your Gobelins and find them amazing. I wish you and your wife all the best, and I wish you well for your project.
Lois Wells (NZ)

69. I was impressed by the beautiful works! My compliments!
Greetings form Lena Verduin (The Netherlands)