Test me with coronavirus

Марат Авазович Аваз-Нурзеф
Оригинал статьи был создан и опубликован утром 11.04.2020. Материал сразу же через виртуальную приёмную президента был послан в Министерство здравоохранения Узбекистана и Специальную комиссию по коронавирусу.
Несколькими часами позже translate.ru сделал перевод, а я внёс в него кое-какие исправления: робот же, не застрахован от ляпов! Впрочем, как и человек. Когда и эта работа была завершена, статья на обоих языках ушла в "загранкомандировку": по два пункта в США и Британии, по одному в Германии и Израиле. Посмотрим, что из этого получится.
Оригинал – http://proza.ru/2020/04/11/291
Там же, в комментариях к публикации, можно прочитать, почему статья в двух "лицах" отправилась в такое мудрёное путешествие.



 I remind you: by education I am a biophysicist. I am a graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University. But three years after university, in 1974, I retired from science. And became a life walker. However, the foundation of long-standing knowledge has been preserved to some extent.
But first, that I kept my enviable health better and more convincing.
I will give a paragraph from my small novella of April 4 entitled «Won 't they say something like adieu?» (http://www.proza.ru/2020/04/08/1426).

«Can I be considered elderly? Yes, by the passport. But at both international half-marathons last year – Tashkent and Samarkand – I ran 21 km and 95 m in such a way that at the finish after me there were about 150 young runners of 20-30 years. And to such distance there are people only prepared, trained.»

In the same publication, I talk about the abnormalities most people live in. I bring the facts that in Uzbekistan (unlike, say, Italy, to which coronavirus turned out to be extremely violent) in the proportions of infected, the number of young people significantly exceeds that of those of age. Also I emphasize: «… young people who have been abroad are most vulnerable to infection. Isn 't it because she had the opportunity to get involved with profanity? «

And in the small material «Drank, man, drank the bitch on which you sit!..» from March 24 (http://www.proza.ru/2020/03/24/1846) I argue: if the coronavirus SARS COVID-19 formed in Nature, it is the fault of the unreasonable activity of man, which from century to century, from decade to decade, from year to year is spun more and more. More: the virus infects those with a weak immune system. And also: the immune system is undermined by the individual himself, pumping himself for many years – according to doctors! – with medicines.

All of the above I have repeated because I want to express my doubts more than once about the judgment of reputable virologists, immunologists and doctors (American and British) that the human immune system can contribute both to the destructive power of coronavirus and to the counteraction of cure caused by the agent of SARS. Here is Heidi Ledford 's fresh and large article – «Nature (UK): How Does He Kill COVID-19? Doubts prevent doctors from properly selecting treatment» (https:// nuz. uz/ zdorove/ 48493- nature- velikobritaniya- kak- ubivaet- covid- 19- somneniya- meshayut -vracham- pravilno- podbirat-lechenie. html). The original is Heidi Leford, «How does COVID-19 kill? Uncertainty is hampering doctors’ ability to choose treatments» (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01056-7).

I will give here only the very beginning of the article, highlighted in bold, which in the language of journalists is called «tie-in.»

«How kills with COVID-19? Doubts about what affects human organs – the virus itself or the immune system response of an infected person – prevent doctors from finding optimal ways to treat patients suffering from coronavirus in severe form».


There's a way to test that claim. Namely: infect coronavirus of a healthy person with a perfect immune system.

The history of medical and biological science knows examples when the researcher, having identified the agent of the disease, infected them with himself.


This is the only way to resolve the doubts of scientists with a world name.

If I, who is 70 and has retained the full strength of my immune system, do not succumb to coronavirus and get sick within 14 days, I will be right in both my lifestyle and my thoughts.

If I do get sick, they will be treated: also experience, also result. I will recover!

If not... – I have already lived a lot!

April 11, 2020.