Reconnendation to Olga Zbarskaya. English

Григорий Гуревич
I know Olga Zbarskaya since she had her own television station and interviewed many outstanding Russian, Ukrainian and other Russian speaking creative people, giving them chance to speak out and introduce themself to a broad public.
Olga is herself a prolific and talented artist, expressing herself in big variety of mediums, from science, to painting, collage and assemblage writing a poetry, creating science inventions and writing her research in a field of physiology and science and combining it in her visual amazing work.
She is defending creative approach and insist in a necessity of art education for children proofing that today’s society which doesn’t have art in schools will produce slaves, people with no vision, robots, living life of cigs of mechanical robots.
Entering a dip and meaningful world of professor Olga Zbarskaya, one can be completely lost in a cosmic space in her wide s space dream - like and hypnotic poetry, in which all threads of her thought intervene with allegories, threads of artistic characteristics, and hypnotic twists of her  imagination. 
Olga Zbarskaya is a phenomena  of contemporary society, artist of science and scientist in art world, she is a gift of nature, coming from out of space. To present to us beauty of unknown world of science and petty.
Grigory Gurevich, Artist.

Copyright April 9, 2020, Jersey City, NJ, USA