Senya and a bikes simulators. The story

Владимир Залесский Переводы
Senya and a bikes simulators. The story.

Senya and friends settled down on the sports ground.

It was more convenient to sit on a bench ...

One of the friends noticed that the kids had not lowered notes using a thread for a long time.

The kids looked through the window at Senya and at friends with increasingly sad faces.

Senya took the remark about the kids in a businesslike way.

There were several exercise machines for cyclic exercises on the sports ground.

Senya instructed his friends to find and place on the sports ground - in addition - several a bikes simulators.

All the friends were distributed among simulators, they spun pedals, performed cyclic movements.

Senya was walking around the sports ground between working friends  and was patting them on the back.

Good when everyone works! Less comments! And the kids will look at Senya not with sadness, but with admiration.

Senya himself periodically made tilts, a bends in different directions.

A proper maintenance of physical form; the orientation in the situation, too!

A competent plan and an adequate response to the events are important.

Senya benevolently patted on the shoulder of one of the friends who was busy with a rotating of the pedals...

April 2, 2020 08:33

Translation from Russian into English: April 2, 2020 08:55.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сеня и велотренажеры. Рассказ”.