Baal english translation

Äæóëèÿ Ïåòðàñ
In the ancient temple of Baal, twilight always reigned. However, now, just before dawn, he seemed even thicker, practically tangible.

A small procession slowly walked from the gloomy depths of the temple to the altar, a young woman with burning eyes, led them.

Her strange face was dimly snatched from the darkness by the faint light of a candle in her hand. Her face was pale, almost lifeless, it's features were thin and beautiful. Only her huge eyes seemed alive.
Behind her, slowly and silently, the priests in cerimonial robes stepped, same as from year to year before the dawn of the vernal equinox.

They approached the altar and lit candles around it. The vaulted temple lit up with a faint, flickering light.
Three shafts were visible on three sides of the altar, going deep into the walls. Above the altar itself, lost somewhere in the dome of the temple, there was another, wider cavity.

"The eyes of the first stars" called these shafts. Under the one above the altar, unattached by nothing, a huge transparent crystal floated. The priests believed that the gods themselves hung it here.

Soon the first rays of the sun will appear above the horizon, and three stars will rise at once. The rays of the sun and three stars, breaking in the cavities, will be projected onto the crystal.

"The Eye of Baal" will come to life, show them the future, give answers, and direct their path. There was one condition, their companion lady should please God. This was carved in stone, but this has not happened for a long time.
This woman was chosen among many, and she herself wanted to meet God. Many were brought here from year to year, but in vain, Baal did not answer.
All hope was for this strange beauty with burning eyes.
No one uttered a word, everyone was fascinated by the crystal, waiting with hope for its awakening.

Somewhere, very far from here, birds began to sing, glorifying the sunrise. The candles instantly went out, as if someone had extinguished them at once, and from the three shafts, many times strengthened, the rays slipped out, the light of three stars. Soon, the sun reached the shaft at the top of the temple, and its light, connecting with the light from the stars, poured onto the crystal. Merged with the crystal, they began to play, reviving it. Inside the crystal a myriad of galaxies arose, they swirled, connected, disintegrated and died out in a kaleidoscope of creation.

This vision was beautiful and charming, filled with the energy of stars, the energy of creation.

The woman's eyes shone brightly, she began to merge with the music of the stars, with the dance of creation. She stretched out her arms to meet the rays of the sun, felt herself weightless, incorporeal, hovering over the altar. It seemed to her that she understood everything, she recognized everything. She was so good and happy.

A powerful ray of sunshine slipped out of its tunnel and merged into a star crystal.
The crystal seemed to glow, spreading white light. The stars inside it were no longer visible. The powerful energy of this light illuminated every corner of the dark temple, painting mysteriously patterned compositions on its walls.

“Forever,” she suddenly heard through the euphoria of universal fusion.

She seemed to stop soaring, suddenly feeling strangely heavy, and prostrated herself on the altar.
In an unusual drowsiness, she felt someone's presence near her, felt gentle kisses, gentle hugs. She opened her eyes to recognize him. Great tenderness, great joy, endless love overwhelmed her.

“You came, you found me,” she whisper.

Embraces, kisses, happiness.

“Forever,” she screamed in ecstasy.

She opened her eyes, but she saw only a bottomless black sky and three bright stars on it.
Stars get closer to her. Joyful euphoria overwhelmed her whole.

“Forever,” she sang joyfully.
“Forever,” she heard his voice coming from the stars.

A soft and warm veil covered her...

The priests got rid of their stupor.
"It's turned out,"  one of them whispered happily.

The crystal burned with a dull white light, pictures of their future ran through it. Many of them were imprinted on the walls of the temple in the form of bas-reliefs.
The woman disappeared without a trace.