The Crown is result of capitalism!

Володя Морган Золотое Перо Руси
The international life of mankind is broken.
Relations between states are stopped.
Borders closed on the lock.
The reason is pandemic.
And it reminds us of the times of the fall of the Tower of Babel when the peoples jointly erected a structure to the very sky.
To God!
And after all they ran, each to them native-country. And they sat shut. And they trembled before the judgment of heaven. It`s the same as today.
…Coronavirus began with the "sausage for the people" now forgotten by all.
It was diverse in the name. Doctoral, Semipalatinsk, Bologna and etc...
But word of mouth passing unverified information, people spoke in a whisper, fearing persecution that all these sausages are made of paper that is synthesized from cellulose.
These were the first signals of fake food. Then, in elegant glass jars, people began to be fed synthetic red and black caviar, the artificial origin of which betrayed the smell of oil...
Workers at the Kirishy refinery rebelled.
But then the cow pestilence arrived. Livestock, up-and-coming hooves, fell dead from pesticide-contaminated food and content in steel cages.
In short, it turned out that the most socially progressive state in the world, with its vast territory and rich natural resources, was naturally unable to feed its people.
The result is obvious: in response to mutual animosity, the Soviet people did not defend anyone who carried something and where the system and the rotten CPSU (b) in the hot days of the Emergency Committee.
After the failed coup, the people instinctively rushed scattering all over the Planet.
The hypersensitive ladies were so much so that they could end at the handset; they fainted in foreign supermarkets from the mere contemplation of 40 varieties of sausages at once!
The vulgarity called the post-Soviet emigration "sausage".
But the emigrant euphoria ended three months later upon arrival. The infected ones got angry and learned that the whole variety of Euro-Western and overseas sausages has one common source and is called the “garage sausage”.
I happened to scramble in one of these "death factories." Recipes are kept in a terrible secret, as commercial. The declassification threatens the jail, a frantic fine in favor of the manufacturer. It is because of the disclosure of "trade secrets," or hooligan beatings on the street and sudden death in obscure circumstances.
In Israel, I remember, there was an attempt to bring to the public the secrets of the manufacture of Coca-Cola. Russian-Jew immigrants, accustomed to collective ownership, carried out covert filming, exposing the tricks of businessmen. They were soldered not only to the eastern tormenting prison with all kinds of rabble, but also to the crazy payouts of the “injured” company.
In the last century in Canada, only religious Hindu emigrants in turbans demanded that the government ban to use for yoghurt food the chitins cover of insects...
And the Earth itself rebelled, the Earth itself revolted ... The coronavirus, in essence, is a human disaster the same as Hoof-and-mouth which killed a lot of animals.

Previously, only domestic animals died from the irregular consumption of artificial food. But really the mystery of Hoof-and-mouth disease has remained a mystery.
Now people are falling dead.
Academics of the world stereotypically interpret the new disease as a virus, denoting it with the serial number Covid-19. But the true reason is the food of earthlings, the complete destruction of the acid-base balance of our planet.
There are no organic compounds left in the soil - they are destroyed by chemical fertilizers and growth stimulants.
Earth, as a living organism, rebelled against the thoughtless management of man.
As you know, they and other animal organisms master only 30% of synthetics and die. There comes the decomposition of tissues and primarily the cerebellum, the brain. People lose control of their body, falling dead! Horror! That is why in Canada, for example, natural meat on the market is 40 times more expensive than homogenized, modified in supermarkets!
If you want to survive, pay. But ordinary people cannot pay...
And here thorough washing of hands and protective masks for breathing will not help us.
My dying dream is to be in a remote Russian village and maintain health with natural products from myself garden...
In my refrigerator, two whole potatoes lie without wrinkles and without sprouts for a whole year, the apple of system Malus domestica ‘’Aport'’  and they does not worm.
The Chinese threw themselves around in flooded rice fields. From Russian oil, they have fished to produce artificial pictures that are indistinguishable from natural ones. Probably millions and billions of tons!
To prevent a catastrophe, whether I am the Prime Minister of Canada or the President of Russia-USA, it is necessary to introduce strict control, confiscate or buy natural products from manufacturers. And offer them to ordinary consumers at an affordable price.
Predictable quarantine riots doomed to death and against the leaders of Chinese socialism, and against the governments of other large countries of predatory capitalism ... They began. The first to defend humanity were the French.
Les Gilets jaunes protestent contre Macron malgr; le verrouillage du COVID-19 ; Paris.
Only the combined efforts of large countries with a managed, planned economy can solve the problems of the ecology and population of the Earth!
It is high time to also change the UN statistical approaches to measuring living standards. Instead of calculating the poor and the highly paid, it’s necessary to delimit the world's population from
1. Financially willing to pay for natural foods and those who
2. Doomed to die from the use of synthetic shit.
Only the nationalization of natural wealth, fields and meadows, implements of production is the path to the healthy nutrition of mankind!
The end of predatory capitalism!

В мае 2020 г. Медуза вырубила моё читатальское письмо.
"Интересно, кто-нить ещё кроме меня-норатора и модератора смог ознакосмиться с содержанием публикации?
И кто хост Медузы?"
 The Crown, Бунт Земли и новая Эра!
Vladimir Morgan
Vladimir Morgan

May 27, 2020·2 min read

Володя Морган Золотое Перо Руси
Корона гадит. Многократно и — канонически!
Это никак не вирус. Пандемия, бедствие, — зто беда на человека, на гоминида, на Homo sapiens, гуманоида, на манкида. Ого, вы только подумайте!
Сегодня ни кто на планете Земля не знает «как» и отчего лечить человечество. И совсем теперь не важно, что спровоцировало вспышку смертей.
Но по опыту прежних лет известно, что подобным страшным образом действует на человека и животных пища, химический состав которой содержит более 30% модифицированных, синтетических элементов.
Ибо всё живое имеет взвешенный кислотно-щелочной баланс. Нарушение его влечёт многие болезни и бедствия как для человека, так и для окружающей среды.
Однако, общий умопомрачительный прогресс, как движение вперёд, не привёл человечество к успеху.
Ошарашивают масштабы вторжения химии во все сферы человеческой жизнедеятельности — в обработку почвы, в производство синтетических модифицированных продуктов питания, от которых зависит здоровье манкидов — «хомо-саниенс» и существование всей человеческой цивилизации.
В почвенном слое Земли не осталось органики. Исчезли мошки-блошки; мертвецы на кладбищах не разлагаются годами; земля как бы отказывается принимать своих детей.
Короче, воздействие человека на природу и сложение сразу нескольких факторов привело землян к неминуемой техногенной катастрофе.
Мы — живые пока свидетели.
Грозные события разворачиваются на наших глаза.
Но ведь были предупреждения!
Получается: все, ранее невиданные существа в оболочке человека, все эти «монстры»: дебилы-дауны, акселераты, зомби, индиго — оказались знаками свыше, мутантами, продуктом наступающей новой эры в развитии человечества.
Говорят, «Мы в середине первого периода». Ожидается вторая волна. Что это значит?
Зрительно это может выглядеть как некоторые земноводные, например, змеи на наших глазах меняют кожу в ходе ежегодной линьки. Их оскорбительно называют выползками. Это уже не прежние, первозданные люди. Они способны осваивать горазда больше неорганической пищи. В них работает не аппарат защитного иммунитета, перерождается живая ткань. Перед нами появляются организмы с отклонением от чистой биологической нормы, способные усваивать синтетические материалы не в 30%, а в гораздо большей мере.
Те, кто, в кровянке, в борьбе и страданиях выживет в бессчётных бурных волнах Пандемии — тот спасён. Но не будет прежним. Как и весь мир.
Я принимаю вас. Вы — дар божий!
И надеваю защитную маску борьбы и усталого равнодушия.

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...Ну, а после Штатовского Капитолия сразу исправились"...