Atlanits part 3 english translation

Джулия Петрас
At night she again dreamed of Atlantis: ocean waves with frothing edges rolled over the golden sand, bowed to the columns of temples. The sky was clear and blue reflected in the ocean, giving the latter a deep turquoise tint. Outlandish birds swiftly flew in strange zigzags. Beautiful half-flowers - half-fruits exuded a delicate aroma, which, mixing with one of the sea, enthralled all her senses.

The gentle breeze brought a pleasant coolness. Silently started pyramid-shaped and round aircraft. They took off vertically, surrounded by a sheaf of electric sparks. All their action was based on the ability to polarize electromagnetic natural radiation, which allows these plates to attract or repel.
Flying on such a device was fast, convenient and safe. She called to herself such an apparatus with a mental impulse. It hovered over her, it's bottom seemed to melt away, a beam of light extended from it's inside, which sucked her into the apparatus. She put her hand in a special recess in the control panel and imagined the place where she wanted to be.
A moment later, the beam was already transporting her from the apparatus to where she wanted to be delivered. This place in the singing language of the Atlanteans was called the Temple of the Accumulation and Storage of Knowledge. In this Temple there lived an alien intelligent being, seemed however not like something animate.

Legends of the ancients said that mankind and this essence-brain being existed side by side even on the planet from which the first Atlanteans moved, so they simply could not live without each other. At the heart of his thought process were the same principles that governed the human brain; the only difference was that this brain was like a multitude of paired brains living in a single and inseparable colony, perfected, therefore deeply self-sufficient, in a state of relative rest: the only purpose of their existence was to obtain and process any knowledge in any field of science , as well as the transfer of this knowledge to the brain of anyone with an instant transfer of thought energy.

This organism reacted only at the telepathic level, not needing absolutely anything, since it fed on the energy of the earth and the sun, being, in fact, immortal, because it replaced the obsolete cells with new ones, processing everything unfit inside, without changing its main structure. Atlantes knew that this form of life is different from everything existing on Earth, but lives in complete symbiosis with its inhabitants, in particular, with humans.

It was a very useful organism, which was alien to any aggression, and which was ready to instantly share all available knowledge, never, however, without overloading the interlocutor-recipient, understanding the limited capabilities of the brain of one person in comparison with their own. The Atlanteans believed that this brain really likes the impulses of human feelings, which give him new energy and are pleasant.

Near this superbrain Elena found herself now. She felt as if someone gentle and friendly was inside her head and was having a pleasant conversation with her. Inside her, answers flashed to all her questions, which led her to a rapture that was joyfully received by an invisible interlocutor.
Elena could not say how much she was in this euphoria, but when the condition passed, she felt that she knew the answers to many questions that had tormented her earlier. Now she was firmly convinced that she was entrusted with a mission, probably the most important on the planet. It only remained to find out how and when. The last thing she dreamed of was the gentle waves of the ocean, rocking her like a cradle. She woke up with a smile on her lips.