Old 2016 Star Trek inspired draft

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I was transferred to “…” space station. They thought that it will help me somehow, will keep me away from actual action and, probably, minimize contact with the war victims. Or generally anyone who has some beef with me and my involvement in it. Dunno. Well, it does fall in line with my desire of some routine, some calm, so why not try it?
Right now I am dozing off against the wall in a transport ship, heading to the station. I fully wake up when a tremor comes through the ship, during docking. I sit there for a while, with my eyes closed, hearing how other passengers are taking off their sits, getting their bags and heading towards the exit.
I am reluctant to open my eyes. Doing so will mean accepting that a new life for me is about to begin. I am not even sure yet, what exactly I will be doing here… I mean past years in Starfleet showed it perfectly, that I can handle a gun, a wrench and even a ship, but what, but what will be required on a space station? Guards are always needed for security, but I doubt anyone will be giving me even a phasor any time soon. I doubt they need a lot of pilots here, too. Engineer? Hm… Tinkering with stuff in small catwalks may be a problem for me, in case I get a claustrophobia attack, but if it will be work in some more spacious places – why not?
- Sir?
 I finally open my eyes. Steward is looking at me, worried not so much about me, but more about the ship’s schedule.
- Sir, if you are not feeling well, I can contact station’s medical bay.
- No, no. I am fine.
I get up and open the shelf above the seat to get my bag, packed, mainly with some civilian clothes and a smartpad, even though, I would be commissioned with one, no doubt. I go through the connector-tube and through the docking door. A woman is standing outside. Brunette, hair in ponytail. Curvy. In Starfleet uniform with blue shoulders marking her affiliation with science or medical departments.
- Lieutenant “…”, I presume?
Yeah… I am now lieutenant junior grade. Top brass thought, that it will be an appropriate way to commend me after all that happened. More likely they thought I would keep my mouth shut like that a while longer. Either way, new rank and new last name – to attract less attention, when possible, due to all the controversy around “…” incident. As if people won’t recognize my smug…
- Yes, it is me.
- I am Doctor Grace Leuts, - says the woman and gives me her hand. I shake it. – Captain asked me to meet you personally, since we will be seeing a lot of each other.
- What do you mean? I mean, you are cute, but not sure I am looking for a relationship at the moment.
The woman smiles briefly, but then continues with a more business tone:
- Thank you for the compliment, but keep in mind, that I am a full lieutenant next time when you’re speaking with me while on duty. Please, walk with me.
Doctor Leuts shows me to the control point. A clumsy cadet there checks my identity using the tricorder and lets me pass.
- Andrew… Can I call you Andrew?
- Even when on duty?
- I would prefer that. You see, I am one of the ranking officers aboard the station who I privy to your… Condition.
- Oh… Right… My “condition”. How could I forget? And why are they assigning you to be my leash?
- I am not a leash. And this is the last time I will permit your insubordination, unless we are in session.
- Session?
- Yes. If you will stop interrupting me, I will explain further. I am a certified bio-engineer, so we will be continuing studying your physical… Peculiarities. You do want to understand how your body works, right? At least, that what Doctor Osano’s report told us.
- That is true. I’d like to understand how it works, so I could make better use of it.
- I also am studying to get my degree in psychology next year, so it was decided, that I may help you with that, too. Doctor Osano also mentioned your problems with sleep after the incident.
- So you will be picking my brain, too?
- I saw people, who survived military conflicts of different magnitudes. I saw how they change. How they break.
The woman stops and then continues, looking me straight in the eye:
- You will have psychological sessions with me once a week. They are mandatory, so no skipping. But if you will require an extra counsel, I can contact me any time and we will decide on the appropriate time. During such sessions I encourage you to call me Grace and I will call you Andrew. When on duty we can use first names when alone, too, but retain ranks when in public. What else? You will have weekly physicals, too. First one is tomorrow at 11.
She swipes a card near a panel to the right from me and a door behind me opens:
- This is your room. Have some rest and we will meet each other tomorrow. – she starts turning away, but stops: - In fact, tomorrow I am leading a yoga class before at 10. You are welcomed to come. It will be a good opportunity to meet some of the crew here. And, maybe, relax.
- I will be fine. Thank you… Counselor.
- Ok. – she nods. – Just keep it in mind. See you tomorrow.
She leaves and I enter my room.
- Fine? Yeah, right…

… description of the room and Andrew’s bickering about how his life compressed into one bag…

… meeting with Captain…

- Sorry, I am not in my uniform, but I was not provided with one yet…
- No problem. And that was intentional.

- What is my assignment here, then?
- We have several openings right now, which you can check with our chief of staff. But I would prefer you to have some sessions with Doctor Leuts first.
- But, if I can be frank, she is quite young…
- She is 2 years older than you. And yes, she is not a certified psychiatrist, but I know how she helped some members of my crew and some of the civilians, when they needed it most. You are a strong man, and can fight through the stress on your own, I have no doubt in that. But I want you to feel at home here. Loved, if you will. And I want Grace to flourish as a specialist, as well and you may become a challenge for her.
- I do not need a psychiatrist…
- Every man says that. I know I did. And then I married one. Let’s be honest here: you are different. That fact poses a risk for us. Others took it head on and as result ignored it and thus, potential consequences. Top brass still quarrelling about the way to present the facts, to cover their own asses. I… I do not want you to feel heavy under that fact. I want you to feel at ease with it.
- Sir, again, I do not need a psychiatrist…
- Do not make me say, that this is an order. Give Grace a chance. One, maybe two sessions with her. If she will be making you uncomfortable, we will stop. We can find a different physician as well, if you will request that. For now – roll with it.

… yoga class…
- Do my eyes deceive me? Andrew? Is that you, pal?
Young man with short curvy hair and glasses, sitting at a round table with 3 girls. All 4 are dressed in sportswear suitable for yoga.
- Bade? (note: short for Bademius)
We shake hands.
- Long time no see. Where did you go after Academy? You here for some yoga?
- No, just passing by, - I say, trying to avoid the first question. I can’t say I was that fond of the guy back at the Academy.

… leave yoga shortly after conversation with Bade and some words from Grace for new visitors…

I find a small room to relax in. It seems like a staff room, perhaps, just for that same purpose. There is some old-school coffee-maker and shelves filled with different snacks. I sit back for the moment:
- To calm our inner demons? Really? That’s what’s she is going for?
And as if by command the screams of the dead fill my head. I was the only one who survived that blast. All because of my “condition”, as they call it. And the dead… They blame me. It was my fault, after all. I press my hands against the temples trying to shut them out:
- Shut up. Please, make it stop!
They only stop, when I hear some struggling outside the room and 2 men barge in, fighting: one is the security guard, the other is a civilian. Strangely enough, it’s the civilian who seems to be winning: he smashes the guard’s face against upper shelves, breaking one of the doors in there. Guard’s face is now covered in blood and bits of chocolate and nuts candy-bars. He then hits him against the table near the sink:
- I know you hate us, but how my cat is involved in this? Why did you have to do this to her?
I grab him by the neck from behind, choking, until he subsides.

In the hall, I see some kind of disfigured dead crow’s body spread out on the floor and covered with thousands of bugs, that look as if fur on its body. Moving fur. (note: later one this turns out to be the cat torn in halves and spread sideways)

- Guess we will postpone our 1st meeting for some time, - said Grace.