Senya and a healthy lifestyle. The story

Владимир Залесский Переводы
Senya and a healthy lifestyle. The story.

Friends admired Senya: "He is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle!"

But what's the point to admire in the own circle? Before each other?

One friend offered to publish an announcement in the newspaper that Senya and his friends were the winners of the sport competition.

They published an announcement. This is another matter. That is a glory. A fame.

Someone specifically visited the newspaper 's website and and checked to see - was the announcement really posted?

It is posted.

Such a case should be celebrated.

Gathered by all the company and began to drink compote.

One friend sent a boy to buy a newspaper where the announcement was printed.

The boy brought the newspaper.

The announcement was not found in the newspaper. Apparently, it was printed in the another issue.

But there is an article about champions. People with a foreign surnames?

Somebody recalled, "These are a good guys!"

Did not begin to steam brains. If already gathered, then it's possible to drink not for the victory in the sport competition, but in general - for a successes.

"The main thing is not a victory at competitions, but a healthy lifestyle!"

February 15, 2020 14:40

Translation from Russian into English: February 15, 2020 15:08.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Сеня и здоровый образ жизни. Рассказ».