Milan and Milena 14

Надя Бирру
You must know that this place is indeed inspired overwhelming fear evil demons - they are accustomed to the darkness and cold and could only exist in such conditions, and from the cave such heat and bright light came that the servants of Ozimandis didn’t dare even look at the cave.

That is why they, and behind them, and all the inhabitants of the underworld told that death lives there.

- Okay! - Said Milan and went to the cave. Friends watched him from afar. Milan went to the cave and shouted:

- Death, come out! Come, you who sit in this cave! - He loudly shouted these words three times, and then some ugly terribly creation came out of the cave.

From one look at this creature one’s blood froze in veins. Anyone would have rushed away without looking back, but not Milan. To tell you truth, he was not even scared. His eyes have seen terrible, hideous creature, and his heart somehow leaped with joy. He looked straight into the eyes of ghosts and boldly said:

- Death! Come, hug me! Hold me closer!
She came and hugged him tightly and whispered:

- Milan, my love! Is it you?!

And at the same moment he saw that squeezes in his arms his beloved.

- Milena!

All the evil spell dispelled, and the love that was stored in the heart of these two, broke out suddenly the dark castle, mazes and palaces began to crumble, and the gap opened before Milan and Milena and there was a bridge over it - thin, like a ray of the sun.

They held hands and ran across this bridge, supporting each other, and all Ozimandis' servants ran after them, while his dark kingdom started to collapse.

Milan and Milena have already reached the middle of the bridge, when suddenly in front of them unkempt figure of an angry bad old man with long claws grew. He had glowing eyes and was holding a stick in his hand. It was Ozimandis.

- Back off! - He cried a terrible voice.

But Milan and Milena were not scared, but continued to go straight at him. So when they came closer, creepy old man began to moan and melt away...!

Yes, Ozimandis no longer existed, disappeared as the smoke along with his entire kingdom! And all world around turned to be so bright and beautiful!

Then Milan and Milena noticed that they were stepping foot on the surface of the huge moving ocean that sparkles, foams and twists them to his feet like a giant snake, but inside, under the water, they saw all of the lands, all the earthly kingdoms, all people, all that world in which recently they also have lived.

Then from above a brilliant ray appeared before them, and they went on the beam forward and upward. And now they came to a beautiful golden gate, and when they entered into it, then Milan and Milena saw the same secret garden, and the same golden gate, from where this story had begun...

You want, of course, to know what happened then?

Well, I'll tell you about this some other time!

Golden Gate
Milan and Milena are parts of the one story and should be read both.