For a states - a diplomacy, for a historians - a d

Владимир Залесский Переводы
For a states - a diplomacy, for a historians - a discussions. A note.

On various issues, states and statesmen become participants in historical discussions.

What could be the result?

Will historical knowledge become “truths” enshrined by a force of a state power?

Paragraph 11 of the Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights (adopted by the National Constituent Assembly (fr. Assembl;e nationale constituante) on August 26, 1789) states: "The free transfer of thoughts and opinions to others is one of a most precious human rights ..." [unofficial translation].

Perhaps states and statesmen describe historical events in international (diplomatic) documents?

As for historians, they go to the diplomatic (state) archives, get acquainted with the documents and discuss them?

Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote in the fable "PIKE AND CAT":

"Vaska [cat] began to speak to Pike:
"Look, kuma [friend], so as not to disgrace himself…
"What do you say, friend! Never seen? - a mice! We caught, also, even a ruffs."— »…

December 30, 2019 22: 17

Translation from Russian into English: December 30, 2019 22:43.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Государствам – дипломатия, историкам – дискуссии. Заметка».