The thoughts, born in a wall

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The thoughts, born in a wall
Alexey Karlov
I have four girlfriends: Life, Love, Pain and Death.
The first girlfriend — Life — watered me with her milk.
The two other girlfriends — Love and Pain— come always together. Îne of them — beautiful è naive, the other — terrible and wise.
And Death is the last girlfriend. She doesn’t hurry up to anywhere, she will get then everything anyway. And she comes to me similar with my first girlfriend - Life, which I bring to her. If I have lived good life, the death will be good, light, and if it will have been bad, the death will be bad: heavy and painful.

I am rich as far as I have a communication.

Russia is a tree, and we are fruits on this tree: so far unripe, green, bitter, sour. And you are already knocking us down with a  sticks and stones.

I am actor of my Life. I am producer of my Life. I am God of my Life. I am Devil of my Life. The Life loves me and hates me, it beats me with fists and pampers me with pies. And I love and hate it. Thanks it, because it was angry yesterday and kind today.  Because The Life without good and evil, without love and hate cannot be wise. And thank it for its wisdom, and wisdom is the most expensive, what does The Life has. And thanks it for sharing this wisdom with.
And The Life will know then, whom I had been for it. God or Evil? What for actor was I been on the Life scene? And what for a cinema about The Life did I make? And it will make a report to my Death, and the Death will tell it me.
Blessed that, who doesn’t see the light. Blessed that, who doesn’t hear the sound. Blessed that, who cannot stand up. Blessed that, who cannot think. But he is eating his soup, and being called idiot.
There is a rumor, that if a man know everything, he need to be killed. It is joke, off course, but I am pity those, who knows everything. If a human knows everything, it is becoming not interesting to live for him. And if the human knows nothing or knows a few, it is interesting to live for him, if he is striving to knowledge.
When we discuss Judas, we are becoming like him ourselves. That’s why every human can sin before the last breath, and also every human can confess before the last breath.
A human is a greedy flea, for which an elephant is not enough. Even in a flock of wolves wolves don’t eat each other, when do they have a prey or not. But the humans often eat each other, and when there is a prey and when there is not.
War wakes up conscience in a human, and that’s why the human needs the war to wake up his conscience.
Not everybody believe God, there some, who is profiting on word «God». And war helps the human to look at God in another way.
It is better to wait something positive, than to always have this positive.
The human cannot rejuvenate his body, but he can rejuvenate his soul.
If the human is tired on life, it means that he is tired on himself.
Religion can resurrect a human, but it can kill.
To love and hate a human – it is as an impulse, as a skill, as a talent, as an art.
Everybody want to be God, and so that not to give anything to anybody, but to get everything.

About a children:
We are sowing a seedlings on a rocky soil, and then we want a fruits to mature ripe and tasty.

When a human transmits his spirituality to other human, he gives him everything.
A human should start getting rich in his soul, and then in his body. When the body of the human is getting rich, and the soul remains poor, it comes out like rain, falling down to stone and not falling on the ground.

If a human is reach, and his wealth doesn’t come there, where it is needed, so this wealth just would blind his eyes, and it is worse than poorness.
A bind soul covers eyes.

Bitter tears are laundering the soul.

Every human has his own position God, and human must not impose it to other human, who has another position – the both are right. It looks like one leaf from a tree, which cannot tell to other leaf how should it grow up.
It is possible to find an enemy for money, a friend – never.

It is hard to be a good man, but to be a bad man – much more harder.

To change your religion to any other religion means to push yourself away from God.

A human is a strange entity: if he has a little – it is easy to give it away, but if he has more – it is hard for him to give it away.
If a human like doing well to others, this human knows, what is God. God is inside this human and leads him.
Rich man is that, who gives much and takes a few. And a poor man is that, who gives a few and takes much.
For understanding, what  God is,  wealth needn’t have power over us.
The  heaviest weapon is word. Word can kill us. 

We want to build our future, but the future is building us.

Every human wants to live good, but the human doesn’t think on the other, that they also want to live good, that’s why the human cannot live good.

Life should be fine not only for, but it should be good for the others.

If we pray ourselves and abase others, we are falling down in filth before God.

We cure ourselves more and more… And when will we live- aah?

If human strengthens other humans spirituality, he strengthens his own spirituality this way.

Where is fanaticism – God is missing there.
Religion, where is fanaticism, is weak. Religion is strong, where there is no fanaticism.
If there is one poor man among rich people, all of them are poor people.
Kill yourself means to kill God.
Our soul is hungry only when love and spirituality are not given to it.
There are a lot of good people in this world, but we always missing them.
 Thinking of life means thinking on yourself.
To be good, it is needed not to think about it, but to be good.
We all are maniacs of our own life, but life cannot isolate us from itself.
When we start love, it is needed to understand, that hate is not far.
All of us need to hold on our life, like the last leaf for the branch.
Free human is that, who doesn’t worship to money, and not free man is that, who worship money.
To be needful to nobody – then it is better to die.
To love people it means to love yourself.

It is better to learn how to love, then to hate.
Policy is dirty thing, but no one could ever wash this filth.
If life is interesting for human, he is also rich.
Not to respect a human is like to kill the human.
First of all we all want power from God. And then we think: what for need we this power?
It is easier to denounce a human, then to understand him.
If human wants anything, it doesn’t mean, that he needs it.
An executioner chops a body, but a psychologist chops our soul.
Those country is reach, which is reach on spirit, but not on money.
Yes, I believe in God. But no one should teach me, how to believe in God.
If human wants to be good for everybody, it means, that he will be bad for himself.
If person doesn’t have his own opinion, it means, he is not a person.
It is not needed to afraid of poorness, it is needed to afraid of wealth.
Eva has bited the apple, and Adam finished eating it. And it is always like this – a woman would bite, and a man would finish eating after her.
When religions are making war against each other, it means, there is no God between them.
Foolish man would always tell about himself, that he is more clever, and clever man would never tell, that he is more clever.
For beautiful life, it is needed to understand: what is beauty for human, and how he understands it beauty.
To understand yourself – means to understand the others, and to understand the others means to understand yourself.
A flower becoming dry, when being not watered, and this way the human is becoming dry, when nobody pay attention to him.
Love and innocence are the dishes, which are always served hot.
For making your life, firstly it is needed to make yourself.
A good human never pray himself, and a bad man always pray himself.
Loneliness — is hell.
For judgement other people is needed firstly to judge yourself.
If a human has only a body, but there is no spirit there, it is not a human already, it is just a stone. And only the spirit needs a mind, and body doesn’t need the mind. 
Disabled persons doesn’t interfere society, the society needs only an occasion, that somebody could interfer it.
If human loves only himself, he is the most unhappy human in the world.
I afraid only one thing: that tomorrow I will not be interesting to anyone.
It is better to die than to be not interesting.
Where is a pity, there is no comprehension.
If a girl cries, and there is no water nearby, it means, that she is not crying, but just washing up.
Spiritual beauty wins external ugliness, and spiritual ugliness destroys external beauty.
If human means, that it is needed to destroy ill nation, I am completely agree with him: but at first just let him destroy himself.
Only abnormal at this moment human has love. Love is an effect of abnormality.
God doesn’t need that we loved him. It is necessary for us to love God.
Love – this is a power over you.
I think, when God created the world, he was mad that moment.
The human, who believes God, he appreciates himself higher, than the human, who doesn’t. That’s why the human, who believes God, knows, that he would live forever, but the human, who doesn’t believe God, appreciates himself low, because he believes, that after humans death we would not live, he would die forever.
If a rich man cannot manage his wealth in a correct way, and his wealth brings benefit only to him, and to no nobody else, he is not a rich man, he is worse, than poor slave.
Devil is slave, and God is lord. The slave cannot give any wealth to anyone – he doesn’t have anything by himself. But there are people, who are waiting this wealth from this slave.
It is impossible to sink in a sea of good, and in a drop of wrong it is possible.
The good makes us lords, and the wrong makes us slaves.
To forgive everybody – is power, to hate everybody – is weakness.
To be necessary to somebody is also deed.
The Russians won fascism physically, and the Germans – spiritually.
Don’t break life, if it is acceptable for it – it would be broken by itself.
Life is like wine: it is possible to get drunk once, and it is possible to enjoy every time.
Sect is spiritual terrorism.
Don’t be afraid to give, be afraid to take.
We are all the slaves of love, and it doesn’t spare anybody.
Search a woman not for bed, but for your soul.
To love somebody it is necessary to be his lord and slave at the same time.
Sex is not a toy, there you need a head too.
It is not the most important to be loves, it is the most important to love by yourself.
Love hasn’t freaks.
To love somebody for some profit – it is not love, it is just violence.
Love hasn’t fanaticism.
A human has his love, and monster has fanaticism.
A man builds a house one time, and a woman cleans up there all the life.
Liberty is obstinate woman.
The great man is that, who doesn’t consider himself to be the great man.
To understand the meaning of life, it is needed to be too clever man or too foolish, the third variant is impossible.
The atheist and the spiritual – they both must read the Bible, and they both would find their proof: the atheist would prove, that there is no God, and the spiritual would prove, that there is God.
Don’t judge faithless atheist, but judge spiritual fanatic.
Religious fanaticism is the strongest evil religion.
It is good, when a human is needed for everybody, but sometimes it is very hard for him.
Sect — this is when a person is made a god.
Jesus believed in God, but not in some religion.
It might be found something good even in shit.
That the person is good, who never knows anybody.
If you want to create, don’t forget this time, that you are not God.
Hell is a pain, paradise is joy.
Mind – how does it interfer us to live!
God has neither legs, nor hands, he has only Word.
The person is not shit, when somebody talks it to him, but when he consider himself to be the shit. 
Friends are not slaves.
God made so, that we loved each other, and Satan made so, that we hated each other. God and Satan made one thing so that we are not bored.
There is no ideal person in the world. Once upon a time God has created such a person, and we took him and crucified him.
Every woman has something from Eva, and every man – from Adam.
Now every religion teaches us to believe in religion, and then – to God.
There is no person in the world, who could believe in God in a similar way like other person.
My religion liberty is situated in my soul. And I don’t want other liberty to take this my religion liberty from me.
Jealousy is a composition of our love.
Forgiveness is the most powerful power.
How much needs a person to destroy himself.
The family is a world of the person. And temptations is a sweet fruit from the evil.
Before some time we don’t know only about death, how is it – good or bad.
Joy is always young.
To understand, what is paradise, it is needed to understand this earthly beauty at first. And to understand, what is hell, it is needed to understand earthly ugliness.
There is no language, where the word LOVE is missing.
Good owner should firstly show his wife to guests, and then – rest of it.
That woman is beautiful, who doesn’t consider herself to be the most beautiful.
Pain helps us to grow wiser, and joy – to go stupid.
It is painfully to grow wiser, and it is sweetly to go stupid.
Love is a thin crystal: nowhere to hide, not allowed to carry with, it is needed to look for the crystal, that for not to break it.
I think, good and bad people are needed for this world. Imagine to yourself, that there weren’t  bad people, and everybody were good, what would it be in the world. And now imagine yourself, that there were only a bad people in the world and what would it be in the world.
The truth was only on that time, when Adam was alone in the world.
We need a bad for love something very good then.
There is no one clever man in the world and no one stupid man in the world.
Life and Woman – this is only one world.
Woman is a part of our life. Even Adam chose woman for himself, not God.
Everybody has love, but somebody show everybody their love and always win this time, and the others don’t show their love to anybody and lose always, and the thirds have love, but they don’t know, that it is love.
Even any stupid can stay one step higher, than clever man.
Don’t worry, that you are stupid, worry, that you are clever.
To love everybody means – to have everything, to hate everybody, it means to lose everything and even lose yourself.
To be a good man it is needed to be a child inside your soul.
The most difficult task is me myself.
If you are displeased with your children, firstly you are displeased with yourself.
The first illness – this was my love. How good is to ill with it , live with it and die with it.
Envy is a weapon against yourself. Everybody has such a weapon, and everybody has used this weapon against himself for a many times.
It there were only a pluses, so only one minus could kill us.
Resentment, anger, envy, hate, greed – that’s all dig a grave for our soul.
The body can be injured by knife, and soul – by speech.
I say, that everything is fine even when everything is bad, that it couldn’t been worse for me.
How bad is to trust to nobody, and worse – to trust everybody.
If person doesn’t feel his freedom, that he doesn’t feel his soul.
The human is like a dog – always marks his territory. But only the dog marks its territory because it likes this territory,  and the human marks his territory because he doesn’t like his territory.
When we thank a man, this gratitude is needed not for him, but for a God to make us similar with this man.
It is not the most awful, that you were abused, because you can always forgive, scary, if you have abused somebody, and you could have never been forgiven.
Why did God create a human? To understand Himself.
Forgiveness is the most powerful power.
We can build our plans for the future, but we can’t build our plans presently.
Sometime we love so, that needed to be hated, and sometimes we hate so, that needed to be loved.
I spare the people, who love only themselves and spare the people, who hate themselves
Don’t discuss (condemn) those, who goes wrong way, maybe it is you, who goes the wrong way.
I don’t understand, how to be at the same time financially rich and happy? I understand, how to be spiritually rich and happy.
To be the best doesn’t means to be good.
I don’t think, that thinking is a talent, just I have nothing to do but think.
To understand a woman it is needed to ask her, does she understand herself, and then understand her.
If there hadn’t been Hitler, all of our brutality would have been at Stalin.
Russian national football team is being trained by some foreigner, so why wouldn’t we choose some foreigner as a President?
It is impossible to create a good human in a sick environment, only a monster could be created in a sick environment.
There are two patriots, standing before God, Russian and American. The Russian says: «I don’t love America, I love Russia». The American says: «And I don’t love Russia, I love America». God thinks: «And where should I put them?».
We created a vaccinations of illnesses, but there is no vaccinations of historical illnesses.
And maybe being a patriot means to love regime?
In my opinion, the real patriot is not that, who looks, how the bad are another countries, and how good we are. The real patriot will always take the good from other countries and take it to his  country. Bad patriot is that, who will always tell, how bad are other countries and discuss it.
Almost everybody red book of Bulgakov  «Master and Margarita». I remembered one very important thing, in my opinion. Pontiy Pilat asked Jesus Christ: «Who is coming after you and what is he noting there?».  Jesus Christ answers: «I took one look and horrified – there were absolutely not that, I had told». There are two important things following from that – the first, that Jesus didn’t want mention the name of a disciple, who was noting his life and actions not to betray to Pilat; the other – in my opinion, nobody can understand the Bibel so, that God understand it.
Russia is a zoo, everybody has his own cell.
The main medal is a level of life.
I don’t understand words patriotism and religion, I understand words love and faith.
It is not my illness, that kill me, but Russian system, where I live.
I think, Romanoff royal family death means abolition of serfdom.
Liberty is like wine, but it is possible to get drunk with wine, and it is impossible to get drunk with a liderty.
Sometime it seems to me, that we respect foreigners more, than ourselves.
Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities for Russian Federation is the same with Constitution for aborigines.
So is that, our country is big, but we feel ourselves like small.
Foolish people think, how great country do we have and don’t think of people, intelligent people don’t think of size, they think of people.
Adam bited an apple, and I collected the harvest.
We always try to tamp our thought like ton of trash to crystal glass, but none of us mused on effects for the glass.
If you can build a house with no trash and to collect the harvest and not to get dirty, then you can live your life without a sin.
I think, when Jesus Christ was dying on the cross, his last thoughts were on babies, who had been killed by Irod.
You may believe God and be a bad person, and you may not believe God and not to be a bad person.
It is the main point for God, that you weren’t been a bad person.
People are like a drop of water, flowing down the wall. It is difficult for them to join in one stream to hole the wall (to understand and love God).
In a country, which has won fascism, it is not put helpless children an awful diagnosis and don’t isolate them in a madhouses.
Foolish man will always moke at smart man, that the smart man picks up crumbs from a table.
There were two crucifixes! Spiritual and corporal, spiritual – Judas has crucified his soul by himself, corporal crucifix – we have crucified Jesus Christ.
Fear doesn’t allow us to be free at liberty, there is liberty in a cramped without fear.
If a king takes his people in a bay, he is not the king, he is a slave. For the slave God and his weapon are his fear.
Bible is a garden bed with a weeds, we  must decide ourselves, where these weeds are?
The most awful, that war could be justified, but murder couldn’t be justified.
When person is drowning the others, he is drowning also himself, and when the person is lifting up the others, he is lifting up himself.
What are the culture and religion for me? Religion is food, culture are dirty hands, taking this food.
Hell is when mad dog is at your soul.
We feed iniquity with iniquity, and it grows quickly.
I want to live in a country, when nobody knows word «war».
The first man, who abused the feeling of religious, was Jesus Christ.
As about me, this law is returning of atheists.
Mercy is restorer of a human!
Love is a feather, and pain is a stone. It is often easier for us to lift up the stone, rather than the feather.
I don’t understand words patriotism and religion, I understand worlds love and faith.
I think, when Jesus Christ was dying at crucifix, his last thoughts were about babies, which had been killed by Irod.
We came up with vaccine against diseases, there are no vaccination against historical diseases yet.
It is not scary, what body dies, it is scary, when mind dies.
The real gold is a human by himself.
Sometimes it seems to me, that there is more wisdom in children’s books and they are smarter, than in a books for adults.
Why foolish people are smarter than kings in Russian fairy tales? Maybe it is like that in real life?
How to make a slave of a person? It is very easy, at first just teach him to hate.
I want our president to have rather a medicine chest, than a nuclear case.
Santa Klaus is a slave of diabetes!
When person is angry, it is easier to control him.
Every way stops developing of humanity!
It is not a human, who makes a work, it is work makes the human!
Tears of soul are sharp knives!
Fear is a tight dog-collar!
If man trusts in God only because of fear, he believes in Evil!
It a cat caresses its pussy-cats, and people kill each other, that their intellect changes right away.
Everybody have their cockroaches in a heads, but only we are absent in a heads of cockroaches.
Tears are blood of our soul!
God has no religion!
There are few people with a deep mental retardation, generally our Russian systems creates mentally retarded.
Rich man is not that, who has everything, but rich man is that, who doesn’t have anything, but gives.
Coward has no liberty!
Leviathan is a dog, and people are piece of meat in teeth of the dog. This dog drags the piece of meat on the ground, like Moses his people on desert.
If employee feels only pity to the sick, but not understanding, the employee becomes a victim of sick.
If the most expensive, what does baby have, is love to mother, and the most expensive, what do adults have, is love to money, why baby is being educated by adults, but not conversely?
Normal society should not worry most at physical status of disabled children, but at spiritual and mental status of disabled children.
Favorite woman or favorite man – this is our monastery!
Love is a self sacrifice for another.
Boarding school is a long-life army!
Foolish people are need to be taught, but it is not needed to learn, how to live with them.
We are given the fish, but not the fishing rod.
God has us, people as the most important paints.
There is hell, when your soul is locked up, there is paradise, when your soul is free.
It is needed to chop off one head to double-headed eagle, and the one head should leave, let it look into Russia.
It would rather to be killed, than to be brain wounded.
It hurts for me to see, how the concept patriotism appears to mental illness!
We all play chess, the problem is that the color is unknown for us.
Love is a complicated mechanism!
Life is like running, even if nobody is behind you, all the same it is needed to run.
How is it hard to see a person in yourself in a crooked mirror!
We live like a Russian nesting doll, there are too much chiefs.
The clowns are often forget to smear their faces!
There are only two man, who don’t think about money, a baby and a corpse.
It is no matter for  me, what flags to live with, it is the main thing is to live in a good and free way.
A human in space is a disabled person in the Earth!
Constitution is a fairy tale!
Living in boarding school means living with filthy language.
War is also disability!
Love and Hate are the same, just mood is different.
I want to send all of you on three books HNY! (Happy New Year!)
The person can live till old age and not to live wherein, and can live till youth and live wherein. 
Never let rabbits into your heads, even from fairy tales!
Poor is not only bread malnutrition, but it is also bread overeating!
Word is also antibiotic!
Being a good human is also art!
The most expensive present is your help to other!
Hate is the best anti-propaganda.
The corn, which was grown on good soil, mustn’t discuss the corn, which was grown on bad soil.
The most complicated in the world is a human himself.
Life is too short for joy and too long for suffering.
What is the best advice? Not to give it.
I don’t believe people, who tell, that they can’t live without him. If it were truth, they wouldn’t have told it. 
Empty head is worse, than it with rubbish inside.
Inaction is a real slavery.
I haven’t met anything complicated in my life except myself.
It is better not to run away from bullet, than to afraid of it for all life.
I don’t afraid of death, I am afraid of live.
Childhood is a freedom!
I have evangelists like Jesus Christ, but they wear white bathrobes.
Life loves risk, but hates fear.
A ruth is the last, even after death!
Childhood must be dirty.
Faith doesn’t like difficulties in words.
To pour blood for Gods name, it is already diagnosis.
Somewhere Evil has asked God a good quality. God thought and gave Evil good quality. This quality isn’t needed for God even after death, this is ruth.
Zoo is better, than boarding school, animals could look though at the children there.
If your baby likes throwing stones to insects, don’t give him an authority.
There are people, who think, how to live on Mars. And there are people, who think, how quickly would war rocket reach Mars.
When king Irod killed babies, he didn’t do it for a name of God.
People are very often becoming a subjects.
The psychologist must be a real sapper.
Life in Russia is like chess. King is a foolish man, but it is impossible to be without him.
I don’t understand, what is the end of the world, I am not urologist.
The worst is not virus by itself, the worst is thinking of the virus.
The hardest crime in Russia is illness!
The doctor, who doesn’t like his job, he is a terrorist!
Life of disabled person is perpetual war!
The officials are expensive disabled persons!
The most fantastic book is the Constitution of Russian Federation.
Talent is always hungry!
Love and Pain are twins!
Russia is big, but the frameworks are small.
- You need to visit a psychiatrist.

- Is it me, whom he needs or inside of me?
- It is scary, when you tell false, and someone listens to you.
We live in a world, where suffering is also business!
I know only the one place, where is no one crazy man, it is cemetery.
We don’t afraid of telling truth, we afraid, that nobody needs this truth!
I love Palm Sunday, it is like white strip in life at first, and then – black strip.
In Russia love not to solve the problem, but to get f**k for it, and how not to call Russia the last bitch!
Disables children home is school, and neuropsychiatric boarding is a day nursery.
Children are hurry up to be an adults, but they don’t understand, that so far they are children, they are adults.
I think that psychiatrist is also diagnosis.
If Dante was writing The Divine Comedy in modern time, his hell would be sterile.
If wash hell in Dante, it would be a nuthouse.
There is only one beast in boarding school – it is ruth!
There are their hospital clowns in any boarding school, only fantasy is needed.
The psychiatrist is always right in his office.
- I am psycho.
- And I am iatrist.
- Psychiatrist, is there happiness?
- If I have you, it is there.
- Doctor, how do you like me?
- Like a voucher.
- Which chamber shall you choose? Where sun is on the sunset or on sunrise?
- For me is where is a full moon.
- Doctor why do you have everything in white color: chamber and cloth? 
- That you could see my face clearly on a white background.
- Doctor, I like history, and you?
- I like writing it.
- You have depression,  and how does it look like?
Patriotism is a prosthesis of love.
Dante is ingenious artist, but he is not God.
I don’t afraid of the end of the world, I afraid of my not ended decisions.
Fascists had jews and not-jews, the Russians have competents and incapables.
It is possible to get dirty even of gold.
The main thing is to be able to tame yourself.
Religion is expensive, faith is free.
Our country looks like a sandwich with caviar, the sandwich is big itself, but there is a few of caviar.
Now the main is that our life were good on the paper.
War is the most expensive.
Cat-sadist is worse for the mouse, than the usual cat!
Fear is a slave of mistakes!
Life is small for joy and big for suffering!
If you want to be at the kings table, learn how to pick up crumbs after them!
Genius is also a disability!
Golden cell is worse than dirty doorstep!
All animals in the zoo are disabled!
Love and Hate have one face, but the mood is different!
Russia has no money, it looks like no woods in a forest!
The real poverty is when there are much gold in your home, but there is shit near the home!
We live in a neuropsychiatric world!
We have saint Lenis and saint Nicolaus the Second, that is a ballet!
It is funny to live in Russia!
If a doctor tells me, that he would teach me walking, I would laugh at him, if a doctor tells me, that he would teach how to live with it, I would bow down to him!
Cerebral palsy is first of all in a heads of doctors!
Ballet us also revolution!
Do you celebrate Halloween? – No, I live in it.
King has only one throw, even pawn has two throws!
October is a gold, covered with a white rust!
-Do you have mess!
- I don’t have such a familiar!
Russia can’t be without hell!
The real patriot is leaving from Russia to foreign countries and loves Russia there.
Elections 2018 means queen and eleven pawns on a chess board.
Philosophy is a brush for brain.
When a was small, it was seemed to me, that I was better, and now, when I am an adult, I became stupid!
The sharpest weapon is patience.
A tongue has a bone, it is brain.
Religion and patriotism are poison, it is better to drink it with alcohol.
Gospel for me is a Leaders face.
If we had more money, we would live worse. That is fate.
Proving, that you are more clever is a destiny of foolish man.
Even death is business.
Fear is a trip-up in life.
Chess paws is cloth for the King.
Life is like chess, wherever to go, horses interfere.
The great victory is to forgive!
Resentment is pain of a soul!
A greed and envy are hungry soul!
There are no tablets of ruth!
The most difficult sport is life itself!
If talking without doing, the words are addling!
Hell is a ruth!
Sometimes people are so clever, that even don’t understand.
I think, Jesus Christ loved Judas, that’s why he didn’t interfere.
Russia is big Golgotha.
Feel of ruth is feel of souls death.
Don’t search a golden fish in a church.
Ruth and understanding are two enemies.
 Cruelty has though understanding, ruth hasn’t understanding.
Sport it is when you go to bed with feeling, that you are needed.
Sometimes tongue need to be caress.
When we are hurry up to somewhere. A woman, whose name is Death is waiting for us.
When you are scolded or praised, you should take thought about it.
I have two higher educations: disabled children's home and neuropsychiatric boarding.
To win doesn’t mean victory.
I don’t afraid of the end of the world, I afraid, that sometime we turn inside out the Earth.
There are very reach people, the buy very expensive cells for themselves.
It is possibly not to live all the life, but die.
Sometimes treatment is also illness!
All my life is turbulence.
Sometimes words smells many times worse than shit.
What would be, if only politicians left in the world? They all would hang themselves without us like Judas.
There is no time in space!
There some people, who are like spaghetti for God – you hook them on a fork, and they are in no way, and than suddenly cling.
A flowers don’t grow on gold.
Christianity has no mask, atheists have it.
Lions are fighting, and mouses are floundering under their feet.
There are such people, who mustn’t become smarter, because they can’t love.
I understood, what are Christian confession. This are the fingers on feet and hands of Jesus Christ.
For most it is important to be respected, as for me, it is not important.
Events in Syria are the Black square of Malevich.
Maybe, God has hysterics. It means, that I live in correct world.
Our souls have no religions!
Christ in Risen! It is the soul, which has raised again from a sin.
Why medics never take part in a military parades?
God created people and people created professionals.
Aphorisms are harm food!
King without Queen – it is bloody chess!
If you have war in your head, I wish you were corpse.
Hell with demons is better than with morons!
Now television is with diagnosis!
Do I have a problem? I am alive. I don’t have any problems, I am more dead.
Hating God is also faith.
Sometimes it is possible to slaughter with a fether.
Theologians have also a key to hell.
Victory is not a woman for you to show off it!
If I wouldn’t love God, if I wouldn’t be angry at God, so I couldn’t talk with God.
I want it all, but I don’t want to be God.
Life without death is hell!
God created, and people created wars.
Sometimes good brain is also a disadvantage!
Life is like a woman.
The main heaviness is emptiness!
People are like a bacterium, are useful and useless!
And I don’t want a religious paradise!
A fear takes expensive!
Anger is a crown of thorns!
Çëîáà ýòî - òåðíîâûé âåíåö!
Pain is a sticky crown.
War is also an educator!
Old age need a coach!
Old age has no age!
Sometimes I wish that life was like a book – it is impossible to take look at the end.
It would better to be a homeless in a paradise, than a king in a hell.
Every person has such an attitude to God, as he can.
-And does this election give you something? – Yes, they do, a badge!
It is fearfully for me to think, that my life is illness!
At the psychologist!
- My life is good!- This is already not to me!
War loves equality, and peace doesn’t like equality.
There is such a diagnosis, alive human.
Exactly, I’ve got it!
There are rehabilitation centers in Russia, and Europe is all rehabilitation.
At the question, foolish or smart, the foolish man will answer «No» at once. The smart will take thought.
Ax production! Raskolnikovs company.
God doesn’t come to policy, it is we, who shoves him to policy.
Sometimes it seems to me, that all Russia is also neuropsychiatric boarding.
Russia is one historical museum, we all live in a different halls.
Sometimes it is not wanted to be an old man from the fairy tale about golden fish, but it is needed.
Diagnosis are also investments.
Money are slaves and lords.
Life is a dose, sometimes it is breaking.
It is fearful, when war is coming, we are killing each other, it is worse, when there is no war and we are killing each other.
The most expensive thing in the world is war, but it makes its job quickly.
Physics is a physical philosophy!
Knowledge is also medicament.
A person is also book!
Do not give slaves much gold, they will build golden cells for themselves, cells of straw are safe.

I am not killer, I know the price of washing powder.
- Do you believe God? And which denomination?
- Do you like rainbow? And which color?
Darkness is mother of energy, and light is children of energy.
- What is neuropsychiatric boarding?
- It is all illnesses solidarity.
That, who doesn’t fall down, doesn’t know, how the ground smell, that, who doesn’t stand up, doesn’t know, how sky smells.
God is one, and denominations are different parts of our souls.
It is needed to fall down to stand up.
There are no dirty money, there are dirty people.
It is needed to understand, that war is not sport event.
Life doesn’t always become better because of good fairy tales.
It might to be rich in poverty, and it might to be poor in wealth.
Do not afraid, that your children are in hunger, it is needed to afraid, that you would be well fed and you wouldn’t have children
I don’t afraid of the end of the world, I afraid that world, when people will be taken from a shop.
It is needed to make money from a rubbish, don’t make the rubbish from money.
It is needed, that Tomorrow wouldn’t take Today from us.
It is awful, that we are afraid of day of tomorrow!
The society doesn’t take disabled people! The disabled man isn’t vodka, why get him?
Art has no illness!
I wish, that Adam had a lawyer.
I have never met a Russian man, who has like working in a system.
I am alone in the world at the night.
Sometimes it seems to me, that God isn’t needed, the main thing, is his rite is needed.
Ruth is needed, when understanding is present.
A king has not always right, a slave is not always wrong.
Gagarin has discovered space in 60th years, and Pink Floyd have discovered the sounds of space.
I don’t know why, but I feel myself a bastard after elections.
I am afraid to think – everything is being written.
I am sobering a long time in the morning, and in the evening I come to life from the morning.
The products are mold of not using, and in similar way big sums of money make people moldy of not using it.
The second me will have never been, because I know, what is today.
Head must also relax of crown, like a hands - of dirty rag.
There are many people, but there is nobody.
I don’t want to be teacher among idiots, I want to be a student among smart people.
I afraid of virus of foolish man, because it is very difficult to die because of it.
There is much possibilities now, and a few  wish.