Life is like a TV, hold the control in your hands

Раиса Рабинович
                Life is like a TV, hold the control in your hands

My dear readers! Today I want to talk with you about your favorite home children - a phone and a TV. As the saying goes: I'm tired of talking on the phone, take the remote control and rest near the TV. Sometimes you can talk so loud that you forget where you are now, and confuse the other person!
Once I had such a case. I worked as a Russian language teacher at a high school in Columbia, South Carolina. Here I am standing at the blackboard and I see that one student by the name of Elzhin is busy with her phone during the whole lesson, writes something, listens, explains something to someone. I went to the girl and asked her to listen to me and do the exercises, as everyone else does. The student’s eyes opened wide, and the cute girl angrily shouted to me: “You, Miss Raisa, go and teach your students you’re French!” Honestly, I was so confused that, confused by this beauty, I myself did not know how, stopped and thought, how to explain to students the following rule in French! I can’t remember a single suitable word! Oh my God! What should I do? And the kids are sitting and carefully watching my actions! And then I recall that I do not teach French, but Russian, and I know how to explain in Russian! And American laws do not allow you to pick up the phone from the violator and put it on the shelf until the end of the lesson. And in order to drive a student out of class, you need to call the administration and write a complaint. And the lesson will end soon, which means that students will not receive any new knowledge today. And what have I done? I stopped paying attention to Elgin and continued the lesson. And after the call, i told her to leave the phone at home the next time. Do you think this helped? Of course not!
All of you are well aware of the role of the telephone in the life of a modern person. You yourself see what the passengers of any public transport are doing while driving! Read books and browse thick magazines? Communicate with each other; give way to elderly people and pregnant women? No way! Everyone is busy with their phones and do not break away from them! Horror! People do not see anything around them, they forget where they are, having played games or talking with similar friends. And the disabled and women with children are standing at this time, and no one hopes that they will be replaced! Where is the culture of behavior in public places!?

A telephone is a convenience, two telephones are a luxury, and not a single telephone is bliss.
                Doug Larson
Guess the riddle.
Without a tongue, he says, Without ears, but hears.
And what's that?
I have a pocket friend
Both beautiful and desirable. With him, I honestly admit, I never part. With him - trouble - I do not care. He will always help me. And at any time of the year with him - adversity - nonsense. From him I learn everything, I read everything that I need. There are no secrets from him. He will always give me advice. If suddenly trouble comes, whoever needs it will let you know? I suddenly feel lonely, He will talk to me. In life, he is indispensable. Who is this friend beloved?

True, everything is clear!?
And the phone lit up in the dark, like the brightest star in the sky!
• Eugene V. Grishkovets