Big Chinese 1

Íàäÿ Áèððó
The meaning of the name ‘Fatima’ - to wean a child; child weaned.

O Lord! my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself  with great matters, nor with things too profound me. Surely I have  calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forewer.

- Why is this street called Big Chinese?
- I do not know. Probably there once lived a lot of Chinese.

The road from St. Petersburg to Kiev never seemed so difficult!
The train was going unbearably slowly. I laid on the second shelf and pretended to be asleep, thinking of you: how are you? Will you meet me? And what the effect on our relationships will have the month of separation? And the news that I told you on the phone? And do we have any future?

I remember my first impression of this apartment on Big Chinese - a light shock. Yes, you were warned that "it's bad" and that you didn't like it, but still I didn’t expected to see what I’ve seen! Ground floor, broken window, two half-empty rooms with dirty wallpaper.

But now with time-pass, I fondly remember this squalid apartment and have not troubled by the fact that we for some time will have to live here. Truth be told: "With sweet heaven in a tent" Yes, for me paradise is the place where you are.

In winter there was cold on your Big Chinese. The wind blew through the cracks. You were sick. I came to see you after work. The door was opened by someone from your friends. I brought cookies and apples. You laid curled up on the clean sheets, frozen, small, sad. I hugged you, warmed your hands and, clinging to each other, we talked about the fact that we will live together, because we can’t live without each other any longer...

Month ago, while we were waiting for my train, you said with confidence:
- If you're only able to have children, you are already pregnant.

A few days back I confirmed it by phone. I wanted to wait till Kiev, wanted to see your face when you'd hear these words, but I could not resist. So now you know. Will you come to meet me? I don’t have many things, only small backpack and a bag with food, already half empty.
Another long day on the train. In Kiev we arrive only in the evening.

Finally the train stops.
I go out and sheepishly look around. I wait for a minute, trying to overcome the acute disappointment: there is no you! At one moment, I want to repay you: to go to my family and spend the night with them, and call you only late at night or even in the morning. But I deal with my outburst, driving it back. I come through the station, go to the square, my eyes sought the phone, but all cabins are occupied. One more step...

- Nadia!
You are standing next to one of the phones and talking very quickly into the phone.
God, you’re so cute! How could I ever doubt in you?! I come to you and put my head on your shoulder. And then I burst out in tears that have accumulated in me during this painful month. You hold me with one hand, and then hung up the phone, with two, and I cannot calm down.

- I thought I was late. I ran – and you were not there. I ran to the subway. Then back again. I thought I lost you!

Keeping our embrace, we merge in the human stream.

All the way we constantly hugging and groping each other, as if still not believing that we are together again. I’m telling you my news.

It is evening. Slowly dusk and the air becomes cooler. How I love a promising cool summer evening - a moments of calmness before the magnificent show, called Night. Evening Kiev - the city of lights, the city of many people, amazing opportunities, unexpected encounters.

It’s quite dark. Lit street lamps and windows, billboards. Long time I have not been on the Big Chinese. Unusual feelings rolled on me. Everything seems unreal, everything is too good to be true. This easiness is from another world, of my otherworldly dreams. In this case, I do not want to wake up!

And then you ask - quietly, gently:

- Nadia, now you know how much you love me?
- Yes I do.
- Naja, please come in my religion!
- Yes, ok.
- Will you?!!
- Yes, I will, - at these minutes I am ready to promise you everything. How wisely you've chosen the moment!..

Big Chinese (1).
It's a short story but still I'll put it here in small pieces (5-6 may be)