Too much, my pal

Анастасия Седельникова
There are days I miss you most
Sitting on this auburn  hurst
I am writing you a note
One that I will later burn.

You don't know, my dear pal
That a day won't pass when I
Wouldn't think of you and die
Just a little die inside.

You don't know how much it hurts
Reading through your friendly words
Knowing we're no longer friends
Knowing how a friendship ends.

We were close, so close before
There was no one in the world
I would trust and cherish more
Yet you left without a word.

I see clearly your moves
You've been trying for a while
To bring back our former mood
To bring back the you-and-I.

I can't do this, it's too much
Too much pain torments my heart
Which indeed was left to starve
Of your love and smile deprived.