
Мария Рылова

По дисциплине Английский язык
Специальности: 26.02.03. «Судовождение»,
26.02.05. «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок»
Предназначена: для расширения профессиональных знаний по теме «Безопасность мореплавания, противопожарное оборудование и снаряжение» и совершенствования навыков чтения и устной речи на английском языке в профессиональных целях.

Автор: преподаватель английского языка М. Рылова

1. Введение……………………………………………………………… 3 стр.
2. Раздел 1. Topic 1.Safety of life at sea…………………………………4 стр.
3. Task 1. Study the words and expressions………………………………4 стр.
4. Task 2. Read and translate the text “Why Safety at Sea is a Matter of Utmost Importance?”…………………………………………………………………. 5 стр.
5. Task3. Make the sentences in the first conditional mood………………6 стр.
6. Раздел 2. Topic 2.Safety and fire-fighting outfit……………………….7 стр.
7. Task 1. Read and translate the text about Safety and fire-fighting outfit.7 стр.
8. Task 2. Make a report about safety outfit on board a ship ………………7 стр.
9. Topic 3. Fire-fighting……………………………………………………8 стр.
10. Task 1. Study the words…………………………………………………8 стр.
11. Task2 . Read the text “Fire-fighting” and do the exercises below………9 стр.
12. Раздел 3. Topic 3. The fire parties……………………………………...12 стр.
13. Task 1.Study the words and expressions………………………………..12 стр.
14. Task 2.Answer the questions……………………………………………12 стр.
15. Раздел 4. Topic 4. Main cause of fire…………………………………..13 стр.
16. Task 1. Study the words and expressions……………………………….13 стр.
17. Task 2. Make the sentences……………………………………………..13 стр.
18. Раздел 5. Topic 5.Personal safety in the engine room………………….14 стр.
19. Task 1.Read and translate the text………………………………………14 стр.
20. Task 2. Translate the words……………………………………………..14 стр.
21. Task 3. Open the brackets……………………………………………….14 стр.
22. Task 4. Make a report: tell how to feel safe at sea and what to do in case of accident or fire………………………………………………………………….14 стр.
23. Список использованных источников………………………………….15 стр.

Цель методической разработки: расширение профессиональных знаний курсантов по теме: «Безопасность мореплавания, противопожарное оборудование и снаряжение»; совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения на английском языке в профессиональных целях.
Методическая разработка представляет собой сборник текстов и упражнений по английскому языку для курсантов 1 курса судоводительской и судомеханической специальностей. Задания направлены на отработкупроизношения, изучение новой лексики, изучение и отработку нового грамматического материала, совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи. Это – изучение лексики, составление условных предложений, чтение и перевод текстов, ответы на вопросы, составление предложений с использованием нового лексико-грамматического материала, перевод слов, грамматические упражнение на верное употребление глагольных форм (откройте скобки), написание эссе и устный доклад по теме.
Тексты и задания могут быть использованы как для работы на занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы.
Методическая разработка позволяет систематизировать и разнообразить знания курсантов по теме за счет дополнительных текстов, различных лексико-грамматических конструкций, упражнений на понимание смысла прочитанного, проверки умения делать выводы и выделять главное, работать с текстом, вести монологическую и диалогическую речь.
В каждом разделе темы дана лексика для изучения, тексты, сноски малоизвестных терминов, слов и выражений, вопросы. А также даны упражнения «TrueorFalse», тестовые задания, диалоги, пересказ текста или написание эссе с последующим устным докладом.

Task 1. Study words and expressions
A life-boat ring – кольцоспасательнойшлюпки
Abandon – покидать
According – в соответствии
Across – через
Amount of risk – количестворисков
Are carried out in an efficient and smooth manner – производятсяэффективноиравномерно
Boarding – посадка, погрузка
Bothefficientlyandethically – с точки зрения как эффективности, так и этики
Bothphysicalandfinancialaspects – как физические, так и финансовые аспекты
Bounded – связан, ограничен
Capacityofsurvivalcraft – численность спасательных средств
CommercialSuccess – коммерческийуспех
Construction – конструкция, строение
Crew – экипаж
Dangerous – опасный
Embarkationstation – посадочнаястанция
Emergencyescape – аварийныйвыход
Equipment – оборудование
Fire – огонь, пожар
Firealarm – пожарная сигнализация, тревога
Fire-fighting – противопожарный
Forstreamliningprocesses – рационализации процессов
Industry – индустрия, отрасль
Involves – включает, вовлекает
Life-boat – шлюпка
Location – расположение
MarineEnvironmentProtection – защитаморскойсреды
Muster – местосбора
PersonalSafety – личнаябезопасность
Profitline – линии прибыли
Prompts – побуждает
Raisealarm – поднятьтревогу
Rescue – спасание
Resort – обращаются, прибегают
Shipping – мореплавание
Smoke – дым
Stringent regulations – строгиеправила
The emergency party – аварийнаягруппа
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) – МеждународнаяМорскаяОрганизация
The ship’s schedule – судовойграфик
To act – действовать
To be detected – бытьобнаруженным
To be overboard – бытьзабортом
To be sounded – звучать, звенеть
To give assistance – оказатьпомощь
To instruct – обучить, проинструктировать
To throw – бросить
Transporting cargo – грузоперевозка

Task 2.Read and translate the text

According to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), “Shipping is perhaps the most international of all the world’s greatest industries and one of the most dangerous.” This means that in shipping industry even the most basic job of transporting cargo across oceans involves great amount of risk, involving both physical and financial aspects. Every part of the shipping business is bounded by stringent regulations, which prompts companies to act in disciplined and organized manner. To ensure that all operations are carried out in an efficient and smooth manner at the sea, the shipping companies resort to “safety” as their first tool for streamlining processes. Safety in all types of operations is the key factor in ensuring that the company always maintains its position about the profit line, both efficiently and ethically. To understand the role and importance of safety in a shipping organization or process, we will take help of the “Safety Triangle.”
When a shipping company operates under safety norms, three things (mentioned in the safety triangle) rank at the top of their priority lists:

Personal Safety
Personal safety or safety of life at sea comes at the top of priority list as there is no loss which is considered greater than the loss of human life. Shipping companies understand the importance of the safety of human life at the sea and thus rank it at the very top. It’s a known fact that without an efficient crew no shipping company can survive.

Marine Environment Protection
While operating in both domestic and international waters, no shipping company can exclude marine environment protection from its business plan. Safety of marine ecosystem can be ensured by efficient operating conditions on ships to avoid pollution by oil spills, garbage dumping etc.

Commercial Success
Technically, a shipping company can achieve commercial success when the first two aspects of the “safety triangle” are taken care of. An efficient operation of the ship, without any kind of harm to human life or environment saves shipping companies a lot of time, money, and labour, which ensures growth and profitability in return.

Task 3.Make the sentences in the first conditional mood
if your actions
1) man is overboard 1) to throw a life-boat ring
2) fire or smoke is detected 2) to sound fire alarm
3) fire alarm is sounded 3) to act according to emergency plan
4) abandon ship alarm is sounded 4) to give assistance with rescue
5) know muster and embarkation stations and emergency escape 5) boarding the crew to the life-boat
6) raise alarm 6) to instruct the emergency party and to send her to the rescue stations
7) know location and use fire-fighting equipment 7) to prepare and to use fire-fighting equipment
8) know construction, location and capacity of survival craft 8) to act according to the ship’s schedule

Task 1.Read and translate the text about safety and fire-fighting outfit
An Emergency Escape Breathing Device is an important life saving appliance, which is used for escaping an area with hazardous conditions such as fire, smoke, poisonous gases etc. All cargo and passenger vessels must carry EEBD, which should be positioned at different locations and comply with amendments of chapter – 3 of fire safety code (FSSC).
It is extremely important for a seafarer to understand the donning and operating procedure of an EEBD in order to use it properly during emergency situation.
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is a compressed fresh air supplying device which is used for carrying out operations such as enclosed space entry, fire-fighting etc.
This device is mainly used in places where the air does not have enough oxygen to support natural breathing. Every seafarer must know how to operate the SCBA.
An important life saving appliance which is used in almost all kinds of emergencies is the life jacket or the life vest. The details for construction and operating requirements of life jacket are given in SOLAS chapter II under LSA code, which was amended in July 2010.
One of the first things a seafarer should check on joining a ship is the place where his life jacket is kept in the cabin. Whenever there is an emergency alarm take you lifejacket along with you to the muster station.
Life jackets must be worn while working on lifeboats, gangways, over side of ships, pilot stations etc.
Thermal Protective Aid is a type of device used for avoiding excessive loss of body heat which can lead to hypothermia. The thermal protective suit is normally used by those persons who have suffered body heat loss or by those who have been rescued from cold weather conditions.
The suit has a waterproof polymer coated fabric at the inside. The polymer has very low thermal conductivity which helps in reducing heat loss in cold or wet conditions.
An immersion suit is a body covering suit which is worn specifically for the purpose of remaining afloat and dry during emergencies at high seas. The immersion suit is also known as survival suit or rescue suit. In today’s times, an immersion suit is one of the most important necessities on ships and oil rigs, where a person might need something to protect him or her from the hazards of water.
This suit also acts as TPA (but is less effective than TPA) as it avoids the contact of body with the water. In immersion suit, there are sleeves a attached for the arms to carry out actions, whereas there are no arms in TPA.
The fire-fighter’s suit is a personal protective equipment worn by those crew members who lead the fire fighting operation on ships.
The suit is made of high temperature resistant materials to protect the fire fighters from radiant heat and high temperature.

Task 2.Make a report about safety outfit on board a ship


Task 1.Study the words

Task 2.Read the text “Fire-fighting” and do the exercises below
Accidents can be caused by negligence of a crewmember or by external factor. The crewmember can choose wrong personal protective equipment or incorrect usage of life-saving appliances or fire-fighting equipment.
A fire doesn’t break out if you perform all the precautions. When a fire breaks out, you’ll try to restrict to its area. The larger fire is, the more difficult it is extinguished. The cargo holds often contain large amount of combustible substances. It is not always possible to restrict fire there. Special transverse bulkheads of the cargo holds prevent spread of the fire to adjacent compartment.
There is the following fire-fighting equipment on board a ship: ship’s fire alarm system, fire extinguishers, fire hoses with the nozzles, boxes with sand, buckets, fire shovels, axes and crowbars. For accommodation area there is automatic sprinkler system. The CO2 system is used in the engine room.
All the fire-fighting systems and equipment should be in good operating condition ready for immediate use. The deck department is responsible for all portable fire-fighting equipment, while the engine department takes care of all fixed fire-fighting systems.

Answer the questions: 1. What are the reasons of the accidents? 2. What can any crewmember do to prevent the fire breakout? 3. Why is it impossible to restrict the fire in the cargo hold? 4. What fire-fighting equipment do you know? 5. What system is used on galley?

Vocabulary exercises
Exercise I.
a) Find English equivalents in the text:пенныйогнетушитель, потушитьогонь, пожарныйтопор, легковоспламеняющиесявещества, пожарныйрукав, жилыепомещения, пожарнаятревога, порошок, пожарныйшланг, поперечныепереборки, распространениеогня, отсек, лопаты.
b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: fire hoses, to fight against, sand box, cargo hold, breathing apparatus, combustible substances, to neglect, crowbar, broken out fire, fire-extinguishing equipment, spot, precautions, fire bucket.

Exercise II. According to the Unites States classification of Fires there are only three types of Fire.
ClassFire TypeMaterial ExamplesSuitable
A ordinarycombustibles paper, wood, cloth, cardboard, plastic rubber
B flammableliquidsandgases gasoline, grease, kerosene, oil, spirits, solvents, some paints
C electricalequipment appliances, computers, wiring, fuse, boxes, power tools

Exercise III. Translate into Russian.
1. There are three classes of fire. Each class has its own type of the fire extinguishers. 2. We use foam fire extinguisher to extinguish combustible liquids on fire. 3. Which types of fire extinguishing systems is used in machinery space? 4. On board of his last ship there were ship’s fire alarm system, several fire extinguishers and some other fire-fighting equipment. 5. Special teams fight against the fire on board of a ship.

Exercise IV. Translate into English.
1. Я знаю три типа огнетушителей: пенный, порошковый и углекислотный (carbon-dioxide). 2. Пожарные рукава с насадками, ящики с песком, ведра, лопаты и топоры – это противопожарное оборудование. 3. Какого цвета порошковый огнетушитель? 4. На камбузе, в кают-кампании и в каютах при тушении пожара используется сплинкерная система. 5. В трюмах и машинном отделении используется углекислотная система пожаротушения. 6. Огнетушители могут быть автоматическими или ручными, а также углекислотными, пенными, порошковыми и водными. 7. Пожары класса А вызываются горением таких веществ как дерево, бумага, ткани, пластмасса, резина. 8. Пожары класса А наиболее эффективно тушатся водой, но можно применить пенные и порошковые огнетушители. 9. Когда горит электрическое оборудование или бытовые приборы (homeappliances), экипаж должен применить углекислотные огнетушители. 10. На борту этого судна должно было использоваться следующее противопожарное оборудование: судовая пожарная сигнализация, огнетушители, ящик с песком, ведра, пожарные топоры и пожарные шланги (гидранты).

Exercise V. Find right variant for each statement. There is one extra statement.
Fire prevention measures
1. Foam can be used on this type of fire.
2. You can’t use this extinguisher on an electrical fire.
3. This fire extinguisher has a blue flash.
4. These help stop fires from spreading.
5. You must only use this on an electrical fire. a. powder
b. foam
c. fire blanket
d. carbon dioxide
e. fire doors
f. petrol

Exercise VI. Read and translate the dialogue.
Seafarer 1:There’s been an explosion in the engine room! Quick! There’s a fire!
Seafarer 2:Call the Captain!
Seafarer 1:Engine room to bridge! Emergency! Emergency! Explosion in the engine room!
Captain:Captain speaking. What’s the damage?
Seafarer 1:It’s bad, Sir – there’s fire and a lot of smoke!
Captain:Can you contain the fire?
Seafarer 1:I don’t think so, Sir – it’s out of control!
Captain:Get everyone out now! Do not attempt to extinguish the fire! Repeat. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire!!! Sound the alarms immediately!
Seafarer 1:Yes, Sir!
Loudspeaker:Attention! Attention! This is your Captain speaking. Fire in the engine room! This is an emergency! Proceed to your muster stations immediately!
Loudspeaker:Attention! Attention! Fire is spreading! Prepare to abandon ship! Prepare to abandon ship!
Question:What is the emergency?
Answer:There is a fire in the engine room.

Learn the dialogue by heart and act it out

Task 1.Study the words and expressions

1. Fireparty (team) – пожарная команда (группа)
The functions of fire part are to fight fire, to put out fire.
Должностные обязанности – бороться с огнем, потушить огонь.
2. Emergency party – аварийная партия (группа)
The function of this party is to prevent (obviate) the seat of fire and danger of explosion
Обязанности этой группы – предотвратить устранить) очаг возгорания и опасность взрыва
3. Reconnaissance party – развед. группа
The function of this party is to make the first estimation of the extent fire.
Обязанность этой группы – первыми определить причину пожара.
4. Search party – поисковая партия
This party is sent for missing and injured people.
Эту группу отправляют для поиска пропавших и раненных
5. First aid party – партия первой помощи
The function of this party is to help casualties.
Назначение этой группы – помогать пострадавшим
6. Supporting party – партия поддержки
Supporting party must:  – партия поддержки должна:
supply additional equipment, – обеспечивать дополнительным оборудованием,
prevent spread of fire – предотвращать дальнейшее распространение пожара
and evacuate the casualties – иэвакуироватьпострадавших.

Task 2.Answer the questions:
1. Which fire parties (on board) do you know?
2. What are the functions of the fire party?
3. What are the actions of the emergency party?
4. What must the reconnaissance party perform?
5. What is the action of the search party?
6. What is the function of the first aid party?
7. What are the actions of supporting party?
8. Why must members of the crew know location of fire-fighting equipment?
Task 1. Study the words and expressions
• Cargo spontaneous ignition –детонациягруза
• Cigarettes– сигареты
• Electrical accident– замыкание электричества
• Galleyappliances– оборудование на камбузе
• OilleakageinE. R. – протечкамаслав машинном отделении
• Overheating (bearings)– перегрев (подшипников)
• Self-heating– самонагревание
• Static electricity– статическое электричество
• Waste spontaneous ignition – спонтаннаядетонацияотходов

Places of fire
• Accommodation fire – пожар в надстройке
• Galley fire – пожарнакамбузе
• Storeroom fire – пожар в кладовой
• Engineroomfire – пожар в машинном отделении
• Cargospacesfire – пожар в грузовом отделении
• Seat of fire – очагвозгорания
• Danger (risk) of explosion – опасностьвзрыва
• To raise (to sound) fire alarm – поднимать (объявлять) пожарнуютревогу
• To activate smoke detector – включитьпожарнуюсигнализацию
• Muster station (point) – пунктсборапотревоге
• To muster – собиратьсяпотревоге
• Injured people – раненные
• Casualties people – пострадавшие
• Missing people – пропавшие

Task 2.Make the sentences
Task 1. Read and translate the text
Engine room is considered one of the most hazardous areas on the ship. With several machines running amidst a hostile environment, having inflammable oils, extremely hot water, high temperature steam, and elevated parameters such as RPM, temperature, pressure etc., an engine room is a dangerous place to work in.
To survive in the hostile environment of the engine room one needs to strike a proper balance between personal safety and good seamanship, not to forget the skills necessary to handle a machinery. A smooth and efficient engine room process can be achieved when one keeps some important safety points in mind while working.
Following hazards or risks are always present in the engine room and one must be aware of them in order to take necessary precautions to ensure personal safety.

Task 2.Translate the words:
1. Accommodation
2. Casualties
3. Extinguishers
4. Goggles
5. Rescue party
6. Torch
7. За бортом
8. Камбуз
9. Оборудование
10. Распространениеогня
11. Склад
12. Шлюпка

Task 3. Openthebrackets
1. (To be) the pilot on board? No, he (not to be). He (togo) ashore.
2. I (not to drink) coffee in the morning.
3. I (to read) every day.
4. If a man (to be) overboard, I (to throw) him a life-ring.
5. If there (to be) no storm, we (to put) at sea soon.
6. The crew (to wait) for the master’s command.
7. The ship (to approach) the port now.
8. What you (to read) after dinner?

Task 4.Make a report: tell how to feel safe at sea and what to do in case of accident or fire.
Список  использованных источников
1. Гогина Н. А. «Практическая грамматика английского языка для моряков. Рабочая тетрадь», «Транслит», М., 2016
2. Голицынский Ю. Б. «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений», изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп., «Каро», СПб, 1998
3. Kantharia R. “A Pocket guide: Major accidents on ships. Preventions and Safety measures”, “Marine Insight”, 2014,
4. Wankhede A., Kantharia R. “The ultimate guide to Personal Safety on board ships”, 1st edition, “Marine Insight”, 2012,
5. Морской разговорный курс «SeaWay», «Пан Капитан», Одесса, 2012
6. Электронный словарь «Мультитран»