Mind Transformation 425

Волибор Заставкин
Hardy “Far from the Madding Crowd.” Games – 5 hours.
Have I already forgotten the thing which I discovered at the last slump? I mean giving up video games and only then writing about it. Although, I guess, it’s not an excuse for today’s lapse and five wasted hours.
I commenced my day perfectly amazing by doing all sorts of exercises, cleaning the room, walking at the spring for water, but then I found myself repeatedly thinking about the game. I simply wasn’t able to get rid of these damn thoughts, and then they manifested themselves into real playing. Again, it’s not as terrible as it sounds, and this time I even retained my daily routine.
Alright, now I’m not going to write anything about tomorrow. It is to be hoped that at some point, when all of that reaches the greatest absurdity, I’ll just stop instantly.
Yesterday, I noticed that while playing I’m mostly thinking in Russian, but then I tried to think about the games in English and found it quite amusing. I have a sufficient vocabulary to describe all aspects of the game, though the idea of developing my language reflecting upon this matter is absolutely ridiculous.
Games 15 hours.
Сегодня игра затянулась до 4-х ночи, так  что на написание отчета у меня уже нет сил. Завтра заканчиваю пить антибиотики и возможно скоро пойду на подъем.
Games 15 hours.
С утра – до вечера. Эй, ау!

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/09/24/1540